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 Costiasis, or the disease produced by the
flagellated protozoan ectoparasite
 Costia necatrix, is of considerable
importance in the artificial propagation of
both warm- and cold-water fishes.
 In spite of its importance, costiasis seldom
is accurately diagnosed probably because
of the extremely small size and sedentary
nature of the causative organism.
 Henneguya (1883) considered the novel trout
parasite most similar to members of the genus
Bodo Stein 1878, and named it Bodo necator
(Latin necator; murderer, killer). However, other
members of genus Bodo had been described
with one or two flagella while B. necator showed
three flagella. Therefore, B. necator was
transferred to a novel genus Costia and named
Costia necatrix by Leclerq (1890).
 ‘Costia’ is in widespread use as a common
name for these flagellates.
 Phylum : Protozoa
 Klas : Flagellata / Zoomastigophora
 Ordo : Rhizomastigida
 Familia : Tetramitidae
 Genus : Costia
 Spesies: Costia necatrix
• Costia is patchy, meaning it may be on one spot on
the fish and no where else
• a very fast killer
• hard to see on the microscope
• Picture above : an indication of Costia. Keep in mind
that you will also see these marks on fish that do not
have Costia (ammonia)
Costia necatrix = Ichthyobodo
• Obligat-Ektoparasit , protozoa flagellata
• Dorso-ventrally flattened
• 2 short & 2 long flagella
• Memiliki 2 fase hidup, yaitu
A. Attached-non motile form, pear-shaped,
0.01-0.02 mm, bagian yg paling tebal
merupakan bagian posterior, longitudinal
flagellar dengan satu flagellum panjang
B. Free swimming form
2-3 flagella, satu panjang dan dua lainnya lbh
pendek, lebih bulat dibanding bentuk attached
Ichtyobodo sp. Ichthyobodo necator pada
insang common carp
Nucleus : round to oval
Flagella has a saprophagus stage,
which attaches to and feeds on
detached cells and scales. Also
used for site selection and
-Bagian yang paling tebal
menunjukkan bagian posterior
-Karakter yang paling penting pada
genus Ichthyobodo adalah adanya
kinetoplas pada tahap free
swimming dan tropozhoite (jumlah
dan ukuran untuk membedakan
-Kinetoplast = self-replicating
organelle with mitochondrial

A = I. salmonis, B = I. necator
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) image of Ichthyobodo salmonis
(K. Watanabe)
Four flagella visible in the flagellar pocket (Fp), two flagella in the flagella groove (Fg).
Kinetoplasts (Kp) randomly distributed in cytoplasma. Elongated mitochondrion (M). A
relative large nucleus with nucleolus in center (N). Cross section of the axostyle (Ax)
located close to the flagellar pocket
• Sirip punggung
• Ujung lamella sekunder insang

• Adanya warna keabuan pada sirip dan
• Permukaan tubuh ikan
• Produksi mukus berlebih (injeksi sitostoma pada
sel epitel)
• Insang membengkak
• ikan menggosokkan tubuhnya pada benda/dinding
• Anoreksia, malas
Distribusi geografis dan inang
• Parasit menyebar di seluruh dunia dan tidak memiliki
inang spesifik.
• Memiliki toleransi suhu (2-380C) dan pH (4,5-7,5) yang
• Dapat menginfestasi ikan salmon dan ikan mas (cyprinid)
terutama pada pembenihan dengan kepadatan Tinggi.
(I.necator on eggs of carp, eggs of rainbow trout, yolksac
larva of carp and salmonid, octopus (invertebrate),
monogenean Gyrodactylus salaris)
• Penularan parasit dapat terjadi secara langsung (Direct
transmission) maupun akibat larva yang berenang bebas
Siklus Hidup
• ≠known, direct life cycle
• Obligat parasite, die after 30-60 minutes in the
free swimming form outside a host.
• Multiply by longitudinal binary fission. Asexual
• The free-swimming forms are able to infect new
host by direct transmission
• The transformation from a free to an attached
feeding form (trophozoite) is completed within
few second
Costiosis = Ichthyobodosis
• Erosi sirip, luka pada kulit
• Hyperplasia pada epidermis insang. Pada infestasi
berat, sel goblet sama sekali hilang
• Respiratory problem
• Penetrasi parasit pada sel host melalui cytostome
process dan memakan material pada cytoplasmic.
• Kondisi lingkungan yang buruk mendukung infestasi
yang semakin berat.
• Tropozoit Ichthyobodo menginfestasi ‘single epithelium
cell’ dengan kepadatan 30.000 parasit per mm2 pada
kulit dan sirip juvenil tiger puffer.
K: Kinetosome; Kp: Kinetoplast; Fp: Flagellar pocket;
PFR: Paraflagellar rod; C:Cross section of the
cytostome process; A: Attachment disc. (K.Watanabe)
• Perendaman dengan formalin selama ± 1 jam
• Malachite Green selama 40-60 menit

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