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 Initially influenced by the Egyptians as important Greek

mathematician visited Egypt and bringing knowledge and skill.

 Mathematics as an organized, independent and reasoned discipline
did not exist before the classical Greeks entered upon the scene
(Morris Kline, 1990).
 The word mathematics comes from the Greek word μάθημα
(mathema), meaning “subject of instruction”
Classical period Hellenistic Period
o The Classical Greek mathematics mostly based on geometry, theory of
numbers and formal proof.
axioms and
Plato postulate and
identified 5 prove
Democritus regular mathematical
found that the symmetrical reasoning.
Pythagoras volume of cone 3D shapes
giving or pyramid is
Thales of Miletus Pythagoras 1/3 of cylinder
was credited for Theorem and or prism
giving some irrational respectively
logical reasoning number with same base
involving circles and height
and angles of
Proving six propositions of elementary geometry.
- Construction of regular (n) polygons.
- Pythagoras Theorem - a2 + b2 = c2
- Pythagorean Triple - (3, 4, 5) , (5, 12, 13) , (6, 8, 10), …

- Volume of Cone and Pyramid.

- Platonic Shapes.
 Square of integer - 1, 4, 9, 16, …
 Perfect number - If the sum of its proper divisors is equal to the number itself
 Deficient number- If sum of its proper divisors is less than the number itself.
 Abundant number- If sum of its proper divisors is greater than the number itself.
 Rational number- Number that can be written as a ratios of two integers.
 Proving 𝟐 is a irrational number.

 Infinite Number
• The first to use the word “theorem” in the context of mathematics.

• The first to analyzed formal logic.

• Insisted that ‘definition’ must describe the concept being defined in terms
of other concepts already known.
• Introduced the 3 step argument-Mathematical reasoning.
• Distinguished Axioms and Postulates.
Alexander entered Egypt In 306 BC Ptolemy
and established the city (Alexander general’s),
Alexander’s empire fell
of Alexandria at the declared himself King
apart after his death
mouth of the Nile in 332 Ptolemy I built Museum
B.C. and Library of Alexandria

Alexandria remained the

intellectual metropolis
Many scholar attracted The Library had over
until its destruction in
to visit Alexandria 600,000 papyrus rolls
641 AD at the hands of
the Arabs.
Method of Exhaustion.
 formula to calculate area of regular shapes using known shapes he already
 Volume and Surface area of Sphere
 A sphere has 2/3 the volume and surface area of its circumscribing cylinder.
Volumes of the parabolic ellipsoid and hyperbola.
Area of segment of Parabola.

 A formula for calculating the area of a triangle given the lengths of

the 3 sides
• Introduced Axiomatic Method - Axioms, theorem and proof.
• Systematically organize- Definitions, axioms and theorems in order.

• gave accurate approximation of (pi)

• prime numbers- 2,3,5,7,9,11,13,17,19

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