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Soil Compaction

 Compaction is the process of artificially increasing
the density of soils by forcing the soil particle close
together, primarily by expelling air from the void
spaces in the soil.
 An increasing in soil density caused by the expulsion
of water from the void spaces is referred to as
consolidation. Consolidation is a long-term process
normally requiring months or years while compaction
takes place in a much shorter time.
 The increased density obtained by soil compaction
improves the construction characteristics of the
soil in several respects. Among the improved
characteristics are the following:
 Increased strength.
 Reduced compressibility.
 Improved volume change characteristics.
 Reduced permeability.
 The amount of compaction that can be
achieved with a given soil depends on the
soil’s initial density, its physical and
chemical characteristics (grain-size
distribution, cohesiveness, etc), and
moisture content, and amount and type of
compactive effort applied.
 There are four principle forces involved in compaction:
static weight, manipulation, impact, and vibration.
1. All compaction equipment utilizes static weight or pressure to
achieve compaction. Most compactors combine static weight with
one or more of the other compaction forces. Static models such as
compaction wheels utilize the weight of the machine and
applied downward force to compact the soil.
2. Manipulation or kneading of soil whiles under pressure assists in
achieving compaction in many soils, particularly, the plastics soils.
3. Impact involves delivering blows at low frequency, usually below 10
cycles per second.
4. Vibration involves higher frequencies which may extend to 80 or
more cycles per second. Vibration is particularly effective in
compacting cohesiveness soils such as sand and gravel.
 Following are the principal types of compaction equipment
used in heavy construction. They are illustrated in Figure
2.28. Some compactors are actually a combination of the
 Tamping foot rollers.
 Grid or mesh rollers.
 Vibratory compactors.
 Smooth steel drum rollers.
 Pneumatic rollers.
 Segmented pad rollers.
 Tamping foot rollers use a drum that is equipped with a
number of protruding feet to achieve compaction.
 These rollers come with a variety of foot shaped and sizes and
include the classics sheepsfoot rollers.
 The sheepsfoot roller
received its named from
the fact that
its tamping action
resembles that of a flock
of sheep.
 It is designed to achieve
compaction through a
combination of static
weight (pressure) and
 Sheepfoot rollers are usually used with multiple drums and
may be towed in tandem.
 The amount of contact pressures varies with the contact area
of the feet and the weight of the roller.
 Such rollers may operate at speeds of 10 mi/h ( 16 km/h) or
 Grid or mesh rollers can also operate at relatively
high speeds, since they do not tend to scatter
 They are well-suited to breaking up lumps of
cohesive material.
 They can also be used to both crush and
compact soft rocks
 Their compactive effort is due to static weight
and impact, with some manipulate.
(Figure 2.29) (Figure 2.30).
(Figure 2.30).

Figure 2.30

 Vibratory compactors are available in a wide range of sizes

and types from small hand-operated, plate-type compactors
(Figure 2.29) to large self-propelled rollers (Figure 2.30).
 Rollers may be equipped with smooth drums or tamping foot
 Many vibratory compactors permit varying the vibration
frequency and amplitude to obtain the most effective
 Vibratory compactors tend to dry out the soil, which is an
asset when working with moist soils.
 Compactive forces are principally vibration and static
 Steel wheel or smooth steel drum rollers are
widely used for compacting granular bases,
asphaltic bases, and bituminuous pavements.
 Static weight is the primary compactive force
 Rubber-tired or pneumatic rollers
are available in several types.
 The principal types are the
multitired and the heavy
pneumatic roller.
 Wobble-wheel rollers are
multitired rollers which use wheels
 Mutitired rollers are used principally
mounted at an angle so that they
for finish work on soil and bituminous
appear to wobble as they travel.
surfaces.  This imparts a kneading action to
 Pneumatic rollers are effective on almost the soil. Heavy pneumatic rollers
all types on soils but are least effective on are used for compacting thick soil
clean sands and gravels. layers to high density.
 The compactive forces present in
pneumatic rollers are primarily static
weight and manipulation.
 Segmented pad rollers are similar to tamping foot
rollers except that segmented pads instead of feet
are mounted on the drums.
 Segmented pad rollers are able to compact soil with
less surface disturbance than tamping foot rollers.
 They use all four of the compactive forces.
 Compactors suitable for compaction in
confined areas such as trenches and around
foundations include small vibratory plate
compactors, tampers or rammers, walk-
behind vibratory or static rollers, and
attachments for hydraulic excavators and
 Compactors which mount on the boom of hydraulic
excavators and backhoes are very versatile and well
suited for working in confined areas.
 Their long reach makes them especially useful for
compacting material in deep excavations such as trenches.
 In such applications, the use of boom-mounted compactors
or remotely controlled self-propelled rolled can eliminate the
safely hazards involved in having a compactor operator
located down in the trench.
Hand held vibratory tampers / rammers

Vibratory boom mounted plate compacters

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