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Individual Ideation Methods

In Uruguay, the rate of ex-prisoners
returning to crime has been dropping. 98%
of prisoners who leave Punta de Rieles
Prisoners' Rehabilitation Center stay out of

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How our brains work?


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Smart Helmet

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Introduction to the four
Innovation Styles
• Recognizing the different ways we like to
innovate is a key to working together
successfully – in a team or in an
• Four Innovation Styles: Visioning,
Modifying, Exploring, and

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Idea generation techniques

• Force field
• Attribute listings
• Fishbone

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• 1. Force Field
• Purpose
• To generate ideas that optimize the forces that
can contribute to resolving a situation and ideas
that can minimize the forces that are hindering a
resolution, using the Modifying Innovation Style.
• 1. Strengthen an already present positive force
• 2. Weaken an already present negative force
• 3. Add a new positive force

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• 2. Attribute Listing
• Purpose
• To generate ideas that improve the components
or attributes of a current situation, using the
Modifying Innovation Style.
• Instructions
• 1. Describe the key attributes or components of
a situation you wish to improve or change.
• 2. Brainstorm how you can improve upon any
one or all of the attributes or components.
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Ideation (Idea finding)

Attribute Listing
- Ensure all possible aspects of a problem have been
- Breaking down problems into smaller bit and seeing
what can be discovered as a result.
- E.g. Torch – breaking down into different components:
casing, switch, battery, bulb and then listing their
attributes for each to generate ideas
- Feature Attribute Ideas
- Casing Plastic Metal
- Switch On/Off On/Off/Low Beam/Standby

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• Attribute listing is similar to the force-field analysis. The
force field provides specific negative and positive
aspects of the problem, whereas attribute listing provides
neutral aspects. Both identify categories in which
improvements might be found.

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• Example
• A bicycle has the following attributes: frame, pedals,
drive sprocket, chain, brakes, tires, handlebars...
• Each attribute has seen dramatic improvements and
innovations in the last thirty years, including:
• • Much lighter weight frames based on new materials
• • Pedal grips that strap to secure feet better
• • Stronger chains with special clamps for easier
• • Improved derailleur gears for rear sprocket
• • Racing handlebars for more ergo dynamic racing
• • New rear wheel materials to replace spokes
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Weiner focused on creating a low-
maintenance bike by using
puncture-resistant tires that almost
never go flat and a chainless belt
that doesn't rust. A lightweight
aluminum frame also makes the
bikes easy to carry up stairs.
Assembly takes about five minutes
Solé Bicycles. Founded in 2009
by a group of college students,
Venice, California-based Solé
Bicycles sells fixed-gear and
single-speed bikes for $399.
Annual sales have grown from
$650,000 in 2012 to $2.1 million
in 2014


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• Instructions
• 1. Describe the key attributes or components of a
situation you wish to improve or change.
• 2. Apply the SCAMPER questions to your situation to
generate ideas for achieving your goal:
• • S = Simplify or substitute? (other ingredients,
materials, etc.)
• • C = Combine or condense?
• • A = Adapt or alter (pace, etc.) ?
• • M = Modify, magnify or miniaturize?
• • P = Put to other uses?
• • E = Eliminate or expand?
• • R = Reverse (roles, etc.) or rearrange (patterns,
etc.) ?
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Assignment e.g

SCAMPER is used to generate idea on new farming product.

A list of questions about SCAMPER are asked to obtain new
idea. After identifying possible ideas of crops farming
product, impractical idea or idea that are not suitable or
viable for this situation will be eliminated.

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Selected element New Idea Further ideation

S Replace soil with water Hydroponic system

Hydroponic system
Replace fertilization with
continuous application of nutrients

Replace crops watering with Hydroponic system

continuous water flow

Roller wheels
Replace fixed crops farming land
to movable crops farming area

C Combine crops farming with water Hydroponic system + Water

purifier purifier

Combine crops farming with water Hydroponic system + Water

storing storage

A Reuse water to save water Hydroponic system

Reuse nutrients in fertilizer Hydroponic system

M Give crops farming a shape Place crops farming in a shape

Minimize crops farming area Minimize the area so that it can be


P Recycle water for daily activity Rainwater and mist water

water storage harvesting + water storage

E Eliminate use of pesticide Plant protection

Eliminate use of soil Hydroponic system

Eliminate use of sunlight Grow light

Source: Toh Chee Chuen
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In conclusion, hydroponic system meets most of the requirements
such as replacing soil with water, reuse water and so on is chosen to
be modified in new product with combination of water purifier and
storage. Grow light and plant protection will also be added into new

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• Instructions
4. Fishbone
• 1. Identify a problem statement and write it at the center-
right of a piece of paper.
• 2. Draw a horizontal arrow pointing to it and write on
branches from the main arrow any of the following
categories of causes, as appropriate: environment,
equipment, materials, measurement, methods, people,
policies, procedures, processes, skills, suppliers,
systems, etc.
• 3. For each branch (bone), identify as many possible
causes of a problem or situation as you can.
• Keep asking, “Why is that happening?” to generate more
possible causes.
• 4. Brainstorm how you can solve or rectify any or all of
the causes
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• Fishbone Diagram is also known as the “Cause and
effect” Diagram, or the Ishikawa Diagram (named after
the Japanese person who invented this technique). The
diagram helps a person or group to see the variety of
potential causes and (in some cases) their relationship
with each other.
• Example

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The future inventions


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Catstacam: So Fluffy can post
arty Instagram pics of dead

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Tutorial activity

• Use one of the techniques;

– Force field
– Attribute listing
– Fishbone

– Identify what will be new uses of social media


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Individual Ideation (Idea finding)

• Prepare list of items related to a problem and checking
the items against certain aspects of the problem.
• To define/describe problem or solution.
• For problem, provides direction for idea search, make
sure nothing is overlooked and to evaluate applicability
of ideas borrowed from a previous problem.
• For solutions, developing new ideas by making
alterations to existing products

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Ideation (Idea finding)

Use of questions to spur ideation.
1) Why is it necessary?
2) Where should it be done?
3) When should it be done?
4) Who should do it?
5) What should be done?
6) How should it be done?

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Ideation (Idea finding)

Use of questions to spur ideation.
1) Adapt?
2) Modify?
3) Substitute?
4) Magnify/Maximise?
5) Minimise/eliminate?
6) Rearrange?
7) Reverse?
8) Combine?
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