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English (Form 1)

Name: .......................................................... Class: ...................... Date: ......................

UNIT 7: Proud to Be Malaysian
Ref: B4 DL1 E1

Learning Outcomes: 1.2 Level 2 (x) Discussing plans with others to go somewhere and to do something

Band Descriptor Evidence

B4 DL1 E1 Able to listen to and make plans (a) to go somewhere, (b) to do

4 B4 B4 DL1

Work in pairs. Listen to your teacher's description of these two places. Choose one of the
destinations for your upcoming school holidays. Jot down the details of the two places in
the table below. Then, discuss to choose your choice of activity to be done on the
last day of your stay at your chosen destination.You may use the sample discussion as
a guide.

Details Package A Package B

How many people
Holiday duration
List of activities

Your choice of activity

on the last night of
your stay

Teacher's Remarks: ................................................................................................................ Achievement: Achieved

........................................................................................................ Date: .............................
Teacher's Name and Signature: .............................................................................................. Need
More Practice
Instrument ID: 1301-00006177

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