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Biological Science:

Growth and survival

of Plants

Lesson 1 - 24/07/17

Some things I already know about plants…

Lesson 1 - 24/07/17

My drawing and annotations of a plant:

Inquiry Question:

What conditions do plants need to

grow and survive?
My experimental condition:
My partner’s name:

Our control and experimental groups:

Our hypothesis:
Photograph/ drawing of our experiment
Lesson 2 - 07/08/17 The progress of our plant experiments!

Suggestions to comment on: How often did the plants get watered?, Any signs of
growth?, Any changes in shape or colour?, Is your hypothesis looking accurate at
this stage?

My observations:
Lesson 2 - 07/08/17 Mini experiment on seed germination!

Inquiry Question:

Variables to test:

Lesson 2 - 07/08/17 Mini experiment on seed germination!

Observations and findings:

Lesson 3 - 21/08/17 - Progress of plant experiments!

My observations/ findings:
Lesson 3 - 21/08/17 Mini Lesson 1 - Leaf colour experiment

Inquiry Question:

Variables to test:

Lesson 3 - 21/08/17 Mini Lesson 1 - Leaf colour experiment

Observations and findings:

Lesson 3 - 21/08/17 Mini Lesson 2 - Stomata experiment

Inquiry Question:

Variables to test:

Lesson 3 - 21/08/17 Mini Lesson 2 - Stomata experiment

Observations and findings:

Lesson 4 - 28/08/17 Progress of plant experiments!
Suggestions for comments: What has happened to the plants so far? What has
changed since last lesson? Do you think the plants are healthy and thriving?

My observations:
Lesson 4 - 28/08/17 Measurements of the plants

What measurements did you conduct?

Display your results in a chart, graph or alternative representation.

Lesson 4 - 28/08/17 Mini Research Project - Photosynthesis

Investigate how photosynthesis works and create a model to explain the process.

Attach a photo of your completed model.

Lesson 4 - 28/08/17 Mini experiment on photosynthesis

In your own words explain the process of photosynthesis.

Lesson 5 - 04/09/17 Progress of plant experiments!
Suggestions for comments: What do you notice about the plants in terms of colour
and size? Do you think the plants are healthy and thriving? Do you predict any
changes between now and next lesson?

My observations:
Lesson 5 - 04/09/17 Progress of plant experiments!
What measurements did you conduct?

Display your results in a chart, graph or alternative representation.

Lesson 5 - 04/09/17 Progress of plant experiments!
How can you use your predictions, observations and growth data to suggest
improvements to the experiments? Explain your answer.
Lesson 5 - 04/09/17 Mini experiment on transpiration
Inquiry Question:

Variables to test:

Lesson 5 - 04/09/17 Mini experiment on transpiration
Observations and findings:

Lesson 6 - 11/09/17 Concluding the plant experiment
Final observations from experiment:
Lesson 6 - 11/09/17 Concluding the plant experiment
Growth and survival findings from measurements:
Lesson 6 - 11/09/17 Concluding the plant experiment
Suggestions to include: causes and effects of variables on the experiment, if your
hypothesis was supported, how do plants grow and survive?

Conclusion from the experiment:

Suggestions: what did you enjoy about these lessons?, what did you learn? What
surprised you the most? What would you change for next time?

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