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The Deep State: U.S.

Under Siege

 Defining the Deep State

 Deep State Bureaucrats
 Deep State Intelligence
 Deep State Money
 Deep State Behind the
Deep State
 Deep State Agenda
 Deep State & Trump
 Defanging the Deep State
 Poll by “ABC News/Washington Post shows nearly
half of Americans believe "deep state" in federal
 Defined as “military, intelligence and government
officials who try to secretly manipulate government
 “Plurality -- 48 percent -- think the deep state exists,
while only a third (35 percent) say it's only a
conspiracy theory. One in six Americans say don't
 45% Dems, 46% Republicans, 51% Independents
 Younger Americans more likely to believe—60% under
30 years.
Deep State is Real

 Edward
Snowden from
NSA: “There’s
definitely a
deep state.
Trust me, I’ve
been there.”
Dems See it too!

 “You have politicization of agencies that is

resulting in leaks from anonymous, unknown
people and the intention is to take down a
president. Now, this is very dangerous to
America. It's a threat to our republic, it
constitutes a clear and present danger to our
way of life.... that same deep state overrode
the decision of President Obama and
Secretary Kerry, to come to an agreement
with Russia to a ceasefire in Syria... our
country itself is under attack from within."
 Former Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-
FBI Report

 “The Bureau has gotten actionable intelligence that there is,

within the federal government, a growing and organized
movement to block or interfere with administration policy
 There have been regular organized meetings of large numbers of
government workers … where plans have been discussed to
actively sabotage government programs they disagree with.”
 “There is evidence that ... there are non-government individuals
associated ... behind these meetings."
Senior Executive Service

 Highest level
government managers
 Buffer between
appointees and
 Almost 8,000 members
 About 70 percent
appointed to SES during
Obama term
Defining Deep State

 “Deep State” became popular term among Trump

supporters to describe the machine trying to stop,
smear, sabotage Trump
 Trump Slams “Criminal Deep State”
 Deep state defined in 2014 by Mike Lofgren,
former U.S. congressional aide: "A hybrid
association of elements of government and parts of
top-level finance and industry that is effectively
able to govern the United States without reference
to the consent of the governed as expressed
through the formal political process."
Deep State Defined
Defining the Deep State

 Higgins Memo: “The Deep State — The successful

outcome of cultural Marxism is a bureaucratic state
beholden to no one, certainly not the American
people. With no rule of law considerations outside
those that further deep state power, the deep state
truly becomes, as Hegel advocated, god bestriding
the earth.”
 “Globalists and Islamists, both recognize that for
their visions to succeed, America must be crushed
as an ideal and as a national/political identity.”
Bureaucratic Deep State
Bureaucratic Deep State

 Includes nearly three million civilian federal

employees, according to Office of Personnel
 That does not include the more than two million in the
Armed Services or the over 20 million government
employees at the state and local level.
Bureaucratic Deep State

 Hundreds of bureaucracies,
agencies, departments,
sub-agencies, and more.
 Official estimates on the
number of agencies range
as high as 430, or even
 Regardless of agency,
almost ALL givers gave to
Hillary Clinton.
Bureaucrats' Spending
Clinton and Biden: Stay Put!

 Joe Biden says they “call me all the

 He responds: “Please stay, please
stay. There has to be some
competence and normalcy.”
 Clinton urged federal employees to
“stick it out, stick it out, because the
tide has to turn.”
 Clinton: “If [Democrats] can take
back one or both houses of
Congress in 2018, you will have
people you can talk to again.”

 At least 78 of Obama's
political appointees even
“burrowed” into top-level civil
service jobs, according to a
report from the Government
Accountability Office.
 Far more than previous
 Essentially, they cannot be
removed under civil service
Deep State Monster

 Close to half million federal

regulations with criminal
 Nobody knows the true
 When lawmakers asked the
Congressional Research
Service to calculate, response
was that it lacked the
“manpower and resources to
accomplish this task.”
Everyone a Criminal

 Virtually every American commits multiple

federal crimes each day without knowing,
according to Three Felonies a Day: How the
Feds Target the Innocent by attorney
Harvey Silverglate.
 Emeritus law professor John Baker: “There
is no one in the United States over the age
of 18 who cannot be indicted for some
federal crime.”
 No requirement for “willful” (Mens Rea)
Deep State Targets

 Consider “fishing
expedition” against Trump
by Special Counsel Robert
Mueller, longtime Deep
State operative
 Vicious take down of
Trump's first national
security advisor Mike Flynn
appears to have been a
clear-cut example of the
“Deep State” taking
Deep State: “Intelligence”
Deep State “Intelligence”

 Trump caused Deep State

to expose self
 Average of one leak per day
 Obama used GCHQ to spy
on Trump people despite
official denials, skirting
records laws
 Unmasking scandal
involved top Obama officials
Everybody Knows!

 “Let me tell you, you take on

the intelligence community,
they have six ways from
Sunday at getting back at
you. So even for a practical,
supposedly hard-nosed
businessman, he’s being
really dumb to do this.”
-Senator Chuck
Schumer (D-NY)
with Rachel
Maddow of MSNBC
in early January.
“Intelligence Community”

 16 (known) bureaucracies
 Each branch of Armed
 WaPo (CIA): 1,250 +
government organizations,
2,000 companies, 10,000
 Almost 1 million with top-
secret clearances.
Silicon Valley Helps

 US Defense Intelligence Agency Report in 2012 seen by

top Obama officials:
 “The West, Gulf countries, and Turkey support
the Syrian opposition.”
 “The Salafist, the Muslim Brotherhood, and AQI
[Al Qaeda in Iraq] are the major forces driving
the insurgency in Syria.”
 “There is the possibility of establishing a
declared or undeclared Salafist [fundamentalist
Islam] principality in Eastern Syria (Hasaka and
Der Zor), and this is exactly what the supporting
powers to the opposition want, in order to
isolate the Syrian regime.”
“Salafist Principality”
Obama & Hillary: ISIS Co-Founders

 Trump: “In many respects, ISIS

is honoring President Obama.
He's the founder of ISIS. He's
the founder. He founded ISIS.
And I would say the co-founder
would be Crooked Hillary
 “Our government has
unleashed ISIS.”
False Flags: Operation Northwoods

 DOD Operation Northwoods envisioned

terror attacks against US or Cuban civilian or
military targets blamed on the Castro
 One scenario: shooting down airliner.
Another: bombings in Miami. Yet another:
sinking boat with refugees.
 “The desired resultant from the execution of
this plan would be to place the United States
in the apparent position of suffering
defensible grievances from a rash and
irresponsible government of Cuba and to
develop an international image of a Cuban
threat to peace in the Western Hemisphere.”
Speaking of Cuba!

 U.S. Ambassador to
Cuba Earl Smith: “We
[the U.S.] are
responsible for
bringing Castro in
Communists in the Deep State

 Pre-Islamic terror,
Communism was the excuse
 Obama CIA Director John
Brennan: “I voted for the
Communist Party Candidate
[Gus Hall]….”
 Admitted this in 1980 CIA
interview, was cleared
Communists in the Deep State

 Soviet spy and defector Elizabeth Bentley

testified that she collected dues for
CPUSA from high-ranking OSS officials in
 Venona decrypted Soviet intel, outed
about 200 Deep State communists
 Among them: Duncan Lee, “confidential
assistant” to OSS founder/chief William
Donovan, head of the China section at
the OSS' Secret Intelligence Branch.
 Head of Latin American Division Maurice
Halperin was known communist too.
Communists in the Deep State

 At least 20 others identified in

Venona papers, including top
 Charles Pinck, President,
The OSS Society in WAPO,
responding to “infiltration”
charge: “The OSS was not
infiltrated by communists
during the war; it hired them.”
Deep State Intel Crimes

 Torture
 Mass murder
 Gun running
 Drug trafficking
 Illegal spying
 Kidnapping
 Regime change
YOU Are the Terrorist/Extremist

 72 categories of potential terrorists and

domestic extremists identified in Homeland
Security/DOD/DOJ documents include:
people who talk about individual liberties,
believers in states' rights, seeking to make
world better, anti-communists, nationalists,
libertarians, anarchists, Ron Paul
supporters, intolerance of other religions,
opponents of LGBT, opponents of
immigration, patriots, opponents of North
American Union, opponents of New World
Order, conspiracy theorisist, anyone
concerned about gun confiscation, anti-tax,
evangelical Christians, Jews, Catholics,
pro-life activists, returning veterans,
DOD Presentation
Deep State Torture
Deep State Secret Prisons
Deep State Mass Murder Tools
American Victims of Deep State
Bragging about Mass Murder

 Senior intelligence official told the Washington Post that

the CIA had been turned into “one hell of a killing
 Former leader of the CIA and NSA Michael Hayden caught
on video in 2014 bragging in public about how the
“intelligence” apparatus murders people based just on their
Deep State Illegal Spying

 William Binney, senior NSA official who spent

30 years at the NSA blew whistle on “Stellar
 NSA has collected and stored most U.S. e-
mails and at least 80 percent of phone calls.
 “I knew I could not stay because it was a
direct violation of the constitutional rights of
everybody in the country”
 “[The NSA] can build up knowledge about
everyone in the country, and having that
knowledge then allows them the ability to
concoct all kinds of charges if they want to
target you.”
Even Congress Not Safe!

 Even CONGRESS not safe

 In 2014, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.)
accused CIA of spying on Senate Select
Intelligence Committee investigating CIA torture
 CIA “deleted files” from Committee's computers
 “It may have undermined the constitutional
framework essential to effective congressional
oversight of intelligence activities or any other
government function.” -Feinstein
 With ability to spy on lawmakers (or Supreme
Court justices) comes ability to blackmail
Deep State Gun Running

 “Operation Fast and Furious,” “Project Gunrunner”

 DOJ, ATF, FBI, CIA, caught transferring American weapons
to brutal Mexican drug cartels
 Violence blamed on the Second Amendment
 Top officials perjured themselves,
 Claimed “investigation,” but supposed “target” was already
on the FBI's payroll.
 Syria/Libya armed terrorists
Deep State Drug Running
 DEA chief Robert Bonner on CBS said they caught CIA and
Venezuelan government unlawfully bringing 1 ton of cocaine into the
US with the Venezuelan government.
 Mexican official accused CIA of “managing” global drug trade.
 “It is impossible to pass tons of drugs or cocaine to U.S. without some
grade of complicity of some American authorities.” - Mexican
President Felipe Calderon in a 2009 interview with the BBC.
 In 2014 investigation by El Universal revealed that for over a decade,
U.S. government had a secret deal with Sinaloa drug cartel that
allowed it to operate with impunity and ship drugs into America at will.
Cocaine for Illegal Intervention

 “Iran-Contra:” CIA and Contras in

Nicaragua accused of trafficking cocaine
into US to help fund civil war
 Reporter Gary Webb in “Dark Alliance”
uncovered vast CIA machine shipping drugs
into US for clandestine ops
 Webb died with two gunshots to head,
officially ruled a “suicide”
 “There is no question in my mind that people
affiliated with, or on the payroll of, the CIA
were involved in drug trafficking." - U.S.
Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.).
Deep State Regime Change

 CIA has overthrown at least 7 governments: Iran,

Guatemala, Congo, Dominican Republic, South
Vietnam, Brazil, Chile
 Does not
CIA and the EU

 1950 declassified memo by OSS boss Donovan outlines

plan to create “European Parliament,” which now exists
 1965 declassified CIA memo calls on vice-president of
“European Community” to pursue single currency on the
nations of the continent, today known as euro.
 U.S. officials warned lackeys in Europe to impose by
stealth, and avoid public debate until the “adoption of such
proposals would become virtually inescapable”
 CIA/OSS front groups American Committee for a United
Europe, European Movement, etc, funded propaganda,
organizing efforts
 Goal: Atlantic Union followed by global government
Intel-backed Unions
MKUtra: Mind Control

 Surviving declassified documents from CIA

Project MKUltra show horrific mind control
 Used LSD and mind-altering chemicals
 Experiments on people in mental
institutions and even children.
 CIA documents, congressional
investigations, and testimony from victims
detail use of hypnosis, sexual abuse and
 Then-CIA boss Richard Helms ordered
MKUltra documents destroyed
Deep State Propaganda
 1950s Operation
Mockingbird exposed in
declassified documents
aimed to hijack media to
promote propaganda
 CIA recruited hundreds of
journalists, media execs.
 Over 400 US “journalists”
carried out assignments for
CIA, according to
documents cited by WAPO
Carl Bernstein
Buckley: Deep State “Conservative”

 William F. Buckley,
founder of neocon
journal National
Review, recruited by
the CIA in 1951
 Also a member of
Council on Foreign
Relations, Skull and
Deep State Money
Deep State Money

 Georgetown University
Professor Carroll Quigley, a
mentor to President Bill
Clinton, close to the core of
the Deep State all of his life
 Disagreed with secrecy, but
agreed with most of aims
 Allowed to examine their
records for years
 Put some of his findings in
massive 1966 book Tragedy
and Hope.
Carroll Quigley

“The powers of financial

capitalism had another far-
reaching aim, nothing less
than to create a world
system of financial
control in private hands
able to dominate the
political system of each
country and the economy
of the world as a whole.”
“This system was to be
controlled in a feudalist fashion
by the central banks of the
world acting in concert by
secret meetings and
conferences. The apex of the
system was to be the Bank for
International Settlements in
Basel, Switzerland, a private
bank owned and controlled by
the world's central banks.”
Deep State Wall Street

 Mike Lofgren: “Washington is the

most important node of the Deep
State that has taken over America,
but it is not the only one. Invisible
threads of money and ambition
connect the town to other nodes.
One is Wall Street, which
supplies the cash that keeps the
political machine quiescent and
operating as a diversionary
marionette theater.”
Mega-banks – Too Big to Jail

 On March 6, 2013, testifying before

Senate, Attorney General Eric
Holder said: “I am concerned that
the size of some of these
institutions becomes so large that it
does become difficult for us to
prosecute them when we are hit
with indications that if you do
prosecute, if you do bring a criminal
charge, it will have a negative
impact on the national economy,
perhaps even the world economy.”
Rothschild Dynasty

 Rothschild banking dynasty brags of being at

center of the global financial system
 “Having been at the centre [sic] of the world's
financial markets for more than 200 years we
can rely on an unrivalled global network...”
 Rothschild & Co “can be closer to current issues
than any other global financial institution in our
core markets.”
The World's Banker

 “The Rothschilds had decided

the outcome of the Napoleonic
Wars by putting their financial
weight behind Britain.”
 globalist historian,
establishment apologist
Niall Ferguson in The
World's Banker: The History
of the House of Rothschild.

 Baron Eric de Rothschild

openly supported Bulgarian
Communist Party operative
as Secretary General of
United Nations
 Rothschild dynasty funded
“god” George Soros
Deep State Business - Interlocking
 2011 Swiss study published in the PLOS ONE on the
“network of global corporate control” shows tiny
group of entities — mostly financial institutions and
especially central banks — control the international
 Transnational corporations form a “giant bow-tie
 Large portion of control “flows to a small tightly-knit
core of financial institutions”
 Describes core as “economic super-entity”
Wall Street & Communism

 Stanford historian Antony

Sutton exposes Wall Street
role in establishing
communist state in Russia,
financing communism,
profiting from communism
 Ensuring that revolutionary
Leon Trostky could be there
 Building up Soviet
economy, military
Central Banks and Federal Reserve

 Federal Reserve = cartel of privately owned

banks, literally
 Decides interest rates and fate of the
 During economic crisis, Fed bailouts
potential cost was $23.7 trillion, or more than
$75,000 per person in the United States
 Bailed out friends, cronies, own banks
 Central banks and govts by 2014 owned $30
trillion of stocks!
 Manipulate prices
Stealing your money
Deep State Foundations

 Deep State allies “earn” money,

put it in “tax-exempt” foundations
to a) avoid tax and b) advance
Deep State agenda
 Eg: In 2014, Senate Environment
Committee exposed network of
foundations known as the
“Billionaires Club” that created
“Green” movement.
Deep State Foundations

 Gates Foundation
funded Common Core
 Soros Foundation
funds Occupy Wall
Street, Black Lives
Matter, Catholics for
Deep State “Merger” With USSR?

 In 1952, Congress created the Select Committee to

Investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations and Comparable
Organizations aka Cox Committee and the Reece
 Among other tasks, it was supposed to look into whether
the foundations were supporting communism.
 It turns out that they were, but the reality was even
Merger with USSR

 Norman Dodd, committee staff director, said

Ford Foundation President Alan Gaither
summoned him to his office
 Gaither said, among other things, that many
involved in policy at foundations were
involved in the intelligence agencies, policy
directives coming out of the White House.
 “Mr. Dodd, we are here to operate in
response to similar directives, the substance
of which is that we shall use our grant-
making power to so alter life in the United
States, that it can be comfortably merged
with the Soviet Union.”
Funding Subversion

 Final report found promotion of

“internationalism and moral
 “Some of the larger foundations
have directly supported subversion
in the true meaning of that term —
namely, the process of
undermining some of our vitally
protective concepts and
Deep State “Education”

 Report: “They have actively supported attacks upon

our social and governmental system and financed the
promotion of socialism and collectivist ideas.”
 Foundations using “education” system to enable
“oligarchical collectivism.”
 “Revolution” had occurred that would never have been
possible “unless education in the United States had
been prepared in advance to endorse it.”
Crimes of the Educators
Deep State Behind The Deep State

 Behind the “Deep State is the real Deep State:

Semi-Secret Orgs, Secret Societies, Mega-
Rich, Mega-Banks, etc
Deep State Behind the Deep State

 HUGE constellation of
organizations make up Deep
State Behind Deep State
 Key ones are Council on Foreign
Relations, Bilderberg, Trilateral
Commission, Skull and Bones,
Bohemian Grove
 Key visible individuals/families
include Rockefeller, Soros,
 Much remains hidden
In their own words
“Some even believe we [Rockefeller family]
are part of a secret cabal working against
the best interests of the United States,
characterizing my family and me as
'internationalists' and of conspiring with
others around the world to build a more
integrated global political and economic
structure - One World, if you will. If that's
the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud
of it.”
David Rockefeller
Memoirs, page 405
Two Wings on Same Beast

 Quigley: “The argument that the two

parties should represent opposed ideals
and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right
and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea
acceptable only to doctrinaire and
academic thinkers. Instead, the two
parties should be almost identical, so
that the American people can ‘throw the
rascals out’ at any election without
leading to any profound or extensive
shifts in policy.”
International Network

 “There does exist, and has

existed for a generation,
an international Anglophile
network which operates,
to some extent, in the way
the radical Right believes
the Communists act. In
fact, this network, which
we may identify as the
Round Table Groups, has
no aversion to cooperating
with the Communists, or
any other groups, and
frequently does so.”
Council on Foreign Relations

 Among the two

groups in the
network: the Council
on Foreign Relations
in the U.S., and its
sister organization,
Royal Institute of
International Affairs
(RIIA aka Chatham
House) in U.K.
Council on Foreign Relations

 Occult logo “everywhere”

 Founded in 1921 by
following U.S. Senate
rejection of membership
in League of Nations
 Mega-bankers and
“Deep State” figures of
its day
 Less than 5,000
members, but dominates
“We get a lot of advice from the Council, so this
will mean I won’t have as far to go to be told
what we should be doing and how we should
think about the future.”
- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
July 2009

Who are “they”?
Richard Nixon John McCain Stanley McChrystal
Gerald Ford Condoleezza Rice George Petraeus
Jimmy Carter Dick Cheney Stephen Breyer
Colin Powell George Soros
Geo. H.W. Bush
Robert Gates Rupert Murdoch
Bill Clinton
Katie Couric Rick Warren
Tim Geithner Diane Sawyer John Kerry
Paul Volcker Theodore HesburghChuck Hagel
Paul Wolfowitz Ruth Ginsburg Jacob Lew
William Kristol H.R. McMaster Neil Gorsuch
Every administration
Carter - 284 CFR Members & Trilateralists
Reagan - 313 CFR Members & Trilateralists
Bush I - 382 CFR Members & Trilateralists
Clinton - 548 CFR Members & Trilateralists
Bush II - 516 CFR Members & Trilateralists
Obama - 379+ CFR Members & Trilateralists
Trump - Remains to be seen, but many!!

CFR Members @
Corporate CFR Members

 Corporate members include the Military-industrial complex:

world's largest bailed-out mega- DynCorp, Booz Allen Hamilton
banks, Big Oil, Big Pharma, crony Inc., Raytheon Company,
capitalists, the military-industrial Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and
complex, publishing houses, along more.
with much of the establishment
Big Oil: ExxonMobil, Shell,
Chevron, BP, Hess, and more.
 Mega-banks: Goldman Sachs, Bank
Big Media: News Corp (Fox News,
of America, JPMorgan Chase,
Wall Street Journal, New York
American Express, Citigroup, Credit
Post, National Geographic, and
Suisse, Deutsche Bank, Soros Fund
more), Time Warner (CNN,
Management, Bank of New York
HBO), The Economist,
Mellon Corporation, Canadian
Bloomberg, etc.
Imperial Bank of Commerce, Crédit
Agricole, Rothschild North America, And countless more
Inc., and more.
Admiral Ward

 “The main purpose of the Council on

Foreign Relations is promoting the
disarmament of U.S. sovereignty and
national independence, and
submergence into an all-powerful one-
world government. This lust to
surrender the sovereignty and
independence of the United States is
pervasive throughout most of the
 “In the entire CFR lexicon, there is no
term of revulsion carrying a meaning so
deep as ‘America First'.”
Global Government

 “In short, the ‘house of world order’ will have to

be built from the bottom up rather than from the
top down. An end run around national
sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will
accomplish much more than the old fashioned
 Richard Gardner, former deputy
assistant Secretary of State, in Foreign
Affairs, April 1974.
Highly Recommended
Trilateral Commission
Trilateral Commission

 Trilateral Commission like the CFR, only more

“elite,” smaller membership, more international
 Founded 1973 by Rockefeller and Zbigniew
Brzezinski (advisor to Rockefeller and the
National Security Advisor to President Jimmy

 Brzezinski's writings greatly

impressed Rockefeller.
 Among other bizarre ideas, the
late globalist, in his 1970 book
Between Two Ages, argued that
America was “obsolete.”
 Praised Marxism
Brzezinski on Marxism
 “Marxism represents a further vital and
creative stage in the maturing of man's
universal vision. Marxism is simultaneously a
victory of the external, active man over the
inner, passive man and a victory of reason
over belief: it stresses man's capacity to shape
his material destiny — finite and defined as
man's only reality — and it postulates the
absolute capacity of man to truly understand
his reality as a point of departure for his active
endeavors to shape it. To a greater extent
than any previous mode of political thinking,
Marxism puts a premium on the systematic
and rigorous examination of material reality
and on guides to action derived from that
New International Economic Order

 Key goal of TC was “New

International Economic Order”
 Patrick Wood later recognized
as “Technocracy”
 Total reshaping of economy,
centralized control
 Many NIEO Goals incorporated
into UN Agenda 21, Agenda
2030, etc.
Brzezinski on World Government

 “To sum up: Though the objective of shaping a community of

the developed nations is less ambitious than the goal of world
government, it is more attainable. It is more ambitious than
the concept of an Atlantic community but historically more
relevant to the new spatial revolution. Though cognizant of
present divisions between communist and non-communist
nations, it attempts to create a new framework for
international affairs not by exploiting these divisions but rather
by striving to preserve and create openings for eventual
Repeating Calls for NWO

 In 1995 at the “State of the World Forum,” convened by

former Soviet dictator Mikhail Gorbachev and backed by the
Rockefellers and other establishment forces in the West.
 “We do not have a New World Order.... We cannot leap into
world government in one quick step,” “In brief, the
precondition for eventual globalization — genuine
globalization — is progressive regionalization, because
thereby we move toward larger, more stable, more
cooperative units.”
Trilateral Commission

 Brzezinski noted in his

memoirs that “all the
key foreign policy
decision makers of the
Carter Administration
had previously served in
the Trilateral
 Obama called him “one
of our most outstanding
Barry Goldwater on TC

 “In my view the Trilateral

Commission represents a skillful,
coordinated effort to seize control
and consolidate the four centers of
power — political, monetary,
intellectual, and ecclesiastical. What
the Trilaterals truly intend is the
creation of a worldwide economic
power superior to the political
governments of the nation-states
involved.... As managers and
creators of the system they will rule
the future.” – Barry Goldwater
Other Non-Secret Groups

 World Affairs Council

 Aspen Institute
 Le Cercle
 Brookings Institution
 Club of Rome
 Atlantic Council
 World Economic Forum
 World Government Summit

 Until recently, virtually unknown, world's

most influential + useful idiots.
 Attendees: Big Government, Big Green,
Big Media, Big Oil, Big Espionage, Big
Banks, Big War, Big Internet, Big
Foundations, Big Communism, Big Data,
 Presidents, kings, prime ministers,
foreign ministers, CEOs, generals, spy
 Virtually all share at least one common
element though: a devotion to globalism
and secrecy.
Job Interviews?

 Obama, Bill Clinton, Tony

Blair, Mario Monti, etc all
attended before power
 BBC: “All the recent
presidents of the
European Commission
attended Bilderberg
meetings before they
were appointed.”

 Bill Clinton Chuck Hagel

 David Cameron Prince Charles of Wales
 Michael Hayden Gerald Ford
 Keith Alexander Jeff Bezos
 John McCain Margaret Thatcher
 Lindsey Graham Condoleezza Rice
 Bill Gates John Edwards
 Colin Powell Prince Philip
 Henry Kissinger David Petraeus
Bilderberg Policy

 Press release from

Bilderberg claims purpose
is “to foster dialogue
between Europe and
North America.”
 “There is no desired
outcome, no resolutions
are proposed, no votes
are taken, and no policy
statements are issued.”
NATO's Willy Claes

 Former NATO boss and

Bilderberg attendee Willy
Claes said in radio interview
that reports of speeches are
 “The participants are then
obviously considered to use
this report in setting their
policies in the environments
in which they affect.”
Official Capacity

 Bilderberg attendee, leader The Bilderberg website

of Socialist International- says: “Participants
aligned Dutch Labor Party, take part in the
admitted he was at the conference as
summit in official capacity individuals in their
as parliamentary leader. own right.”
 “Well, I’m formal, because
being a politician, you’re
24/7, so there’s no way of
exiting my role.”
Global Government is Goal!

 Former British chancellor of the

exchequer Denis Healey told U.K.
Guardian a little “exaggerated, but
not wholly unfair” to say Bilderberg
goal is global government.
 “Those of us in Bilderberg felt we
couldn't go on forever fighting one
another for nothing and killing people
and rendering millions homeless. So
we felt that a single community
throughout the world would be a
good thing.”
Bilderberg Boss Etienne Davignon

 Then-Bilderberg chairman
Etienne Davignon (former VP
of European Union, banker,
Belgian minister of state said
“helped create” the euro
 Played key role in creating EU
 Told BBC in 2005, Davignon
also admitted that at the
summit, “automatically around
the table you have
Skull and Bones
 Proverbs 8:36 "... all they that hate me love death."
Bush and Kerry
Skull and Bones

 Skull and Bones society at Yale,

known as “Brotherhood of Death”
 Founded in 1832 by William
Russell, family in the drug
business, after trip to Germany
 Some speculate it may be US
branch of international movement
— potentially even “Illuminati”
 Deeply occult rituals, including
bizarre, death-obsessed
ceremonies (eg coffin)
Skull and Bones Members

 “Bonesmen” at highest levels, from cabinet secretaries to CIA bosses to

Supreme Court justices to presidents.
 Among members: George H.W. Bush; James Jesus Angleton “mother” of
CIA); National Review founder Buckley; Secretary of War Henry Stimson;
Austan Goolsbee, chairman of Obama’s Council of Economic Advisors; WaPo
columnist Dana Milbank; H.W. Bush father, Senator Prescott Bush, financier of
Nazi war machine; CFR founders and leaders; FedEx founder Frederick
Smith; Morgan Stanley founder Harold Stanley; international banker Averill
Harriman; Secretary of Defense Robert Lovett; and President Taft and son,
Senator Taft. Multiple Rockefellers have also been involved.
The Secret Establishment?

 Antony Sutton wrote “America's Secret

Establishment: An Introduction to the
Order of Skull and Bones”
 Got names of members from Charlotte
 Book suggests recruiting ground for
global conspiracy for world government.”
 Sutton: “In this [dialectical] process
change requires conflict, and conflict
requires the clash of opposites. You can’t
just have a ‘right,’ you must have a ‘right’
and a ‘left.’”
Bohemian Grove
Bohemian Grove Club

 Founded after Civil War by Henry Harry Edwards for

artists, writers, journalists
 Membership now includes 2,500+ of most powerful
men on Earth
 Total secrecy demanded
 Membership list has included every Republican
President since 1923 and many Dems
 Cabinet officials, CEOs, Big Oil, Intel, Banking,
Media, etc
 Amid UN Founding Conference, delegates attended
Cremation of Care
Long history
“Weaving Spiders Come Not Here”

 Richard Nixon memoirs: “If I were to choose

the speech that gave me the most pleasure
and satisfaction in my political career, it would
be my Lakeside Speech at the Bohemian
Grove in July, 1967. Because this speech
traditionally was off the record, it received no
publicity at the time. But in many important
ways it marked the first milestone on my road
to the presidency. It was an emotional
assignment for me and also an unparalleled
opportunity to reach some of the most
important and influential men.”
Ford, Kissinger, Schultz

 CIA chief McCone, Owner of Bechtel Corp., Secretaries of State,

Secretary of Treasury, Secretary of Labor, US President, etc.
David Gergen
Bohemians Hate Trump

 Former Secretary of State Colin Powell

in hacked e-mail to Peter Gordon
MacKay (Canada minister of justice,
attorney general, minister of national
defense, and minister of foreign affairs):
 “I am back from the Bohemian Grove.
Surprise, surprise, I sat next to Stephen
Harper a couple of times and had a nice
discussion. Grove attendees know that
Trump is a disaster. Most will vote
Order of the Illuminati

 Founded in Bavaria in 1776 by Adam

Weishaupt, professor of law
 Became incredibly influential,
infiltrated Masonic lodges of Europe
 Goal: destroy all religions and
governments of Europe, undermine
family and property
 Historical organization said to have
been disbanded disbanded, but at
least subversive ideas survived

 Widely exposed via 1797 book

Proofs of a Conspiracy by John
Robison, first chief of Royal Society
of Edinburgh.
 Illuminati in French Revolution
 Same evil principles in The
Communist Manifesto
Washington Knew
Washington's Warnings

 “It is not my intention to doubt

that the doctrine of the
Illuminati and the principles of
Jacobinism had not spread in
the United States. On the
contrary, no one is more
satisfied of this fact than I am.”
- George Washington
 Warned of Illuminati's
“diabolical tenets”
Agenda of the Deep State

 New World Order: Global Government

Trump Deep State Swamp Creatures
 Justice Gorsuch: CFR Term Member
 H.R. McMaster (NS Advisor): CFR,
 Robert Lighthizer (US Trade Rep): CFR
 Elaine Chao (Transportation Sec.): CFR
 Dina Habib Powell (Deputy NS Advisor,
Asst to Pres): CFR, Trilateral, Bilderberg
 Rick Perry (Energy Sec.): Bilderberg
 Steven Mnuchin (Treasury Sec.): Skull
and Bones
 James Mattis (Defense Sec.): Bilderberg
 Wilbur Ross (Commerce Sec.):
Rothschild, Inc., Bilderberg
Deep State “Plan C”? Roger Stone

 Trump's father big

supporter of JBS
 Trump truly intends to
drain swamp
 Plan A (Mueller), Plan
B (25th Amendment),
and/or Plan C
What to do?
Solutions: Education
-Educate Self and READ! Bible. Constitution.
Declaration. Economics. Theology. Philosophy.
History. Science. News. Classics.
-Educate children: Protect them from dumbing down
-Educate others: Neighbors, friends, opinion molders.
-Don't be misled by haters, politicians, easy solutions.
-Subscribe to The New American magazine
-Constitution is Solution!
-State and local
nullification; refuse
federal money
-Defund programs,
agencies, abuses
-Dangers of a Con-Con
-Get U.S. Out of UN!
Taking Back Congress
 It’s all about Congress!!
 218 good in House to turn
 Education without action is
 HR 193 American
Sovereignty Restoration Act
 Call Congress: (202) 224-
 Use Freedom Index
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Flesh and Blood: Spiritual Battle

 Ephesians 6:12: “For we wrestle not against

flesh and blood, but against principalities,
against powers, against the rulers of the
darkness of this world, against spiritual
wickedness in high places.”
Solutions: God
-First of all, pray, and then
pray some more
“If my people, which are called by my
name, shall humble themselves, and
pray, and seek my face, and turn from
their wicked ways; then will I hear
from heaven, and will forgive their sin,
and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles

-Share the Good News of

Christ with others!
-Get active in your church!
-Make sure God is not driven
out of public square
Kings Conspiring

 “The kings of the earth take their

stand, and the rulers conspire
together against the LORD and His
Anointed One.”
 Psalm 2:2
God Laughs!

 “The One enthroned in heaven

laughs; the Lord ridicules
 Psalm 2:4
 Gideon's 300!

 With God's Help

Visit Evidence Table!
The end

God Bless America!

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