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Common cold

 Arif Dwi A. 110115403

 Chatrine C. Roca 110115

 Dien Rosalina A. 110115492

 Luviana Rahmawati 110115509

By : kelompok B-03
CICADA: Cough in Children and Adults:
Diagnosis and Assessment. Australian Cough
Guidelines summary statement, 2010
Risk Factors

Increased risks of developing cold symptoms occur with:

1. Psychological stress
2. Lack of sleep or sleep disturbances
3. Exposure to children in daycare settings
Increased severity of colds is often seen with:
1. Underlying chronic diseases
2. Immunodeficiency disorders
3. Malnutrition
4. Cigarette smoking Health Guidelines The Common Cold, 2013
– Rhinitis (runny nose, a stuffy nose) and congestion are the most
common symptoms (blocked nose)

– Sore throat, sneezing, cough, watery eyes, headache, malaise

(feeling ill)

– Loss of appetite,

– Fever is uncommon in adults but may be present in children

– Purulent (colored, thick drainage containing pus) drainage may be

seen with the common cold. The presence of purulence does not
distinguish between a cold or sinus infection.
Health Guidelines The Common Cold, 2013
Incubation period / symptom
– From the time of contact until onset of symptoms is generally 24 to
72 hours but can be as early as 10 to 12 hours after exposure.

– Symptoms usually last 3 to 10 days, but can last up to two weeks in

some people.

Health Guidelines The Common Cold, 2013

Health Guidelines The Common Cold, 2013

Conditions that can mimic a cold

– Allergic or seasonal rhinitis – a cough or sore throat are usually not seen with allergies.

– Bacterial throat infection or tonsillitis – nasal congestion and drainage are not generally
seen with a bacterial throat infection or tonsillitis.

– Bacterial sinus infections – usually associated with significant facial pain and purulent
nasal discharge.

– Influenza – usually associated with high fever, headache, and body aches.

– During flu season, obtain nasal swabs for rapid flu testing

– Pertussis – associated with prolonged coughing, sometimes associated with vomiting.

Alarm Symptoms
– Fever higher than 102°F with tiredness and body aches
– Severe vomiting
– Severe sinus pain in your face or forehead
– Double vision or trouble seeing
– Swelling or redness around one or both eyes
– Swollen glands in your neck or jaw
– Trouble breathing or shortness of breath
– Chest pain or pressure, stiff neck
– Fainting or feeling faint
– Feeling foggy or confused

1. Batuk selama 2 minggu atau lebih dan tidak membaik

2. Sputum berwarna (kuning, hijau, karat, berdarah)
3. Nyeri dada
4. Sesak nafas
5. Mengi (whezing)
6. Whooping cough atau croup
7. Batuk pada malam hari yang kambuhan (recurrent)
8. Reaksi efek samping obat
9. Telah diobati selama 2 minggu tidak membaik
Gibson PG and Vertigan AE BMJ 2015

CICADA: Cough in Children and Adults:

Diagnosis and Assessment. Australian Cough
Guidelines summary statement, 2010
Complication of The Common Cold

– Sinus infection

– Meningitis

– Bronchitis

– Pneumonia

– Ear infection

Tipe : Batuk kering/ Batuk produktif

tidak produktif
Keluhan : Kering, terasa gatal Iritasi, berbunyi “grok2”
Penyebab : Biasanya oleh infeksi Infeksi virus, alergi atau silia
virus bekerja tidak sempurna
(pada perokok)
Self –limiting : Self-limiting Self-limiting – tx antibiotik
Sputum : - Terdapat sputum jernih
Jika sputum berwarna :
infeksi bakteri (bronkitis,
pneumonia, dll)  rujuk !
Tidak berwarna = mukoid
(clear or whitish)
Berwarna Indikasi bakteri
(cth: bronkitis, pneumonia)
(Green, yellow
or rust-coloured
thick mucuxs) rujuk ke dokter

• Warna hijau atau kuning :bronkitis kronis (awal putih

secara normal
• Warna karat : pneumonia
• >>>> (pink-merahDapat
Sputum+darahKenapa? gelap)disebabkan iritasi sal.nafas
: (haemoptysis) →kmkn kanker
paru,TB →rujuk ke dokter
Cilia tidak bekerja semestinya
Menyebabkan batuk (cth:perokok)
The Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute Cough in Adults
 Common cold viruses can be spread by three mechanisms:
o Direct contact – colds are primarily spread from person-to-person via hands. The virus can stay alive on the skin
for at least two hours. Thus, if a sick person shakes someone’s hand and that individual then touches his eye,
nose, or mouth, the virus can be transmitted and later infect that person.
o Indirect contact – viruses may survive on surfaces such as countertops for several hours thus can be
transmitted from touching that surface and then touching the mouth, nose, or eyes.
o Inhaling viral particles – droplets containing viral particles can be breathed, coughed, or sneezed into the air
and transmitted to others if another person is standing close (within a few feet) and the droplet touches that
person’s eye, nose, or mouth. Covering the mouth while coughing or sneezing reduces this risk.
 Persons with colds shed viruses the most on the second day of illness, however, low levels of viral shedding
may persist for up to two weeks.
 Saliva generally does not spread the common cold virus as most people with a cold have no detectable virus in
their saliva.
 Studies of using recirculated air in commercial airliners versus fresh air ventilation show no difference in the
number of colds reported by persons after the flight.
Health Guidelines The Common Cold, 2013
Cough: Diagnosis and
Management, AAFP 2007



GUAIFENESIN > 1 year - - OK

> 1 year : 50 mg (5ml) four times a day

6-12 years: 100 mg four times a day


Health Guidelines
The Common Cold

Health Guidelines
The Common Cold
– minum air 1,5 – 2 L/hari untuk hidrasi paru dan
efek mendinginkan (soothing) pd tenggorokan

– Uap dari 1 sendok teh menthol / minyak kayu putih

pd sebaskom air suam2 kuku untuk hidrasi paru
dan menghangatkan

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