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Agriscience 102
Applied Agricultural Science and Technology
TEKS: (c)(4)(C)

Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Approximately 250 breeds of
cattle are recognized throughout
the world and several hundred
more breeds are not currently

Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

More than 80 recognized breeds
of beef cattle are available to
producers in the United States,
but an exact count is difficult to
obtain because other breeds
continue to be imported and
crossing of existing breeds
continuously creates new breeds.

Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

A breed is a group of animals of
common descent and possessing
distinctive characteristics that
distinguish them from other
groups within the same species.

Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

These groups are referred to
as purebreds, which refers to
the purity of ancestry and
implies genetic uniformity of
all characteristics.

Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Breed Characteristics
Knowledge of breed characteristics
is important to beef producers in
both purebred and crossbreeding

Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Crossbreeding is considered to
be the most efficient means of
commercial production, but highly
productive purebreds are the
backbone of successful commercial
crossbreeding programs.

Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Crossbreeding programs use
breeds that possess
complementary characteristics
to produce desirable offspring.

Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Major characteristics important in
beef production include:
• mature body size, • rate and efficiency
• milk production, of gain,

• age at puberty, • muscle expression,

• environmental • cutability, and

adaptability, • marbling.

Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

These characteristics differ in relative
economic importance, especially
when considering different phases of
the production system.
Reproduction traits, such as milk
production and age at puberty, are
the primary concern of a cow-calf

Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Efficiency of gain, rate of gain, and
carcass traits are most important
to stocker and feeder operations.

Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Two characteristics having a
marked effect on most production
traits are mature body size and
milk production.
Other indicators that may be
important are muscle expression
and age at puberty.

Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Mature Body Size
Mature body size varies with breed
and gender. On average, a mature
cow will weigh less than a mature
bull of a given breed.
Mature body size is proportional to
body size at all stages of growth.

Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Larger mature size normally results in:
• heifers being older and/or heavier
at puberty;
• heavier birth weights, which are often
associated with calving difficulty;
• faster rate of gain; and
• heavier weaning weights.

Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Larger size is also associated with
later maturity.
Research indicates that increased
body size results in higher
nutritional requirements to maintain
life and necessary physiological

Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

As body size increases, milking
potential, ease of fleshing,
nutrition, and general
management considerations
become more critical.

Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

If various sizes of cattle are fed
for the same length of time, those
cattle with a larger mature body
size will have faster, more efficient
gains, lower marbling, less fat,
and improved cutability.

Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

However, if various size cattle are
fed to similar carcass grades,
these differences among cattle of
different mature sizes are greatly
reduced or eliminated.

Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Smaller cattle and excessively
large cattle are currently penalized
in commercial markets.
Their slaughter weights at
acceptable levels of fatness are
outside the range desired in the
beef industry.

Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Milking Ability
Milking ability is related to mature
size in that larger animals have the
inherent ability to consume more
feedstuffs that may be used for
milk production.

Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

This does not mean that all large
breeds are heavy milkers or that
all small breeds are light milkers.
Selection for or against milk
production within a certain
mature size is an effective tool.

Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Cattle selected only for increased
milking ability, without
consideration for other factors,
tend to increase in body size with
some reduction in muscle

Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

The main reason for increasing
milk production in a beef cattle
operation is to increase weaning
weights of calves.
However, very high milking ability
could be undesirable.

Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Heavy milking cows often produce
milk at the expense of other body
If nutrition is inadequate, heavy
milkers may become thin.

Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Research has shown that thin
females are less likely to come
into heat and are harder to settle
than those in good flesh.

Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Evidence indicates that heavy
milkers may be slow to cycle
even when heavily fed.
This lengthens the breeding
interval and reduces general
reproductive efficiency.

Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

As the emphasis on the percentage
of lean in slaughter cattle continues
to increase, the importance of a
breed’s muscularity also increases.

Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Most breeds that are ranked above
average in muscle expression are
also above average in size.
This indicates that less difference
exists among breeds on muscle-to-
bone ratio than in body size.

Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Little difference occurs among
types of cattle in the distribution
of muscle (relative percentage of
desirable versus undesirable
carcass parts).
One concern of beef producers is
that muscularity appears to affect
reproductive efficiency.

Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Very heavily muscled cattle are
associated with calving difficulties,
but producers can combat calving
problems through selection at
A bull that is both large and
muscular should be used with
caution as a sire, particularly on
small to medium size cows.

Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Age at Puberty
In cattle, age at puberty is
related to body size, milking
potential, genetic classification,
and environmental factors.
Smaller cattle and cattle with
higher milk yields have been
shown to mature earlier.

Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Cattle exposed to harsh
environmental conditions, whose
nutritional requirements are not
being met, reach puberty later.

Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Age at puberty is important
because cattle that reach
puberty at an earlier age
conceive at an earlier age.
These cattle have the potential
to have a longer productive life,
which is economically important
to cattle producers.

Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Cutability is the percentage of
lean in a slaughter animal and is
directly affected by an animal’s
muscle expression.

Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Cutability is evaluated in slaughter
cattle as a USDA Yield Grade and
is dependent upon the amount of
fat, muscle, and bone.
The relative amount of fat varies
greatly in cattle, while the amount
of bone is least variable.

Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

When comparing slaughter
animals, it is assumed that similar
breeds and genetic types have
similar nutrition levels, but in all
probability, they do not.
A producer can directly affect or
alter cutability through nutrition.

Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Marbling, or intramuscular fat, is
often referred to as “taste fat.”
Marbling is used to determine
USDA Quality Grades, which are
indicators of palatability.

Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Marbling increases with age until
cattle reach physiological
maturity, which normally occurs
prior to 30 months of age.
Cattle that are early maturing and
have high milk yields are usually
high in marbling.

Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Bos indicus and heavily muscled,
low milking types are normally low
in marbling.

Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Biological Species

In beef cattle production, no

single breed can be considered
the best.

Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Because so many variations exist
in climatic conditions, production
conditions, and market
requirements throughout the
United States and world, breeds
have to be chosen to fit the
conditions and requirements for
specific areas.

Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

It is believed that all modern
domestic cattle evolved from a
single ancestor, the Aurochs,
which is now extinct.

Photo courtesy of Wikipedia.

Modern beef cattle can be classified
as one of two biological types, Bos
indicus or Bos taurus.
Each type has characteristics found
in the breeds of cattle that fall
under that classification, but the
breeds are not limited to these

Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Bos indicus
Bos indicus (also referred to as
Zebu-type) are humped cattle
originating from South Central Asia.

Photo by Scott Bauer courtesy of USDA Agricultural Research Service.

Bos indicus are adapted to tropical
and sub-tropical environments,
which include the stresses of heat,
humidity, parasites, and poorly
digestible forages.

Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Kemampuan beradaptasi
lingkungan dan daya hibrida
ternak dengan persentase
pemuliaan jenis Zebu sangat
penting di bagian selatan
Amerika Serikat.

Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Kekuatan umum, terutama di
awal kehidupan, dan efisiensi
reproduksi dari Bos indicus ras
mungkin buruk, tapi ini bisa
diperbaiki melalui persilangan
Hybrid Bos indicus x Bos taurus
ternak pada umumnya gencar
dan subur.
Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.
Pengalaman riset dan komersial
formal mengungkapkan bahwa
aplikasi komersil yang paling
praktis dan produktif ada pada
sapi crossbred yang memiliki
beberapa genetika Bos indicus

Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Bobot kelahiran betina Bos indicus
di pinggiran luar biasa rendah. Hal
ini tampaknya terutama
karakteristik ibu. Ketika Bos
indicus bull digunakan pada jenis
betina lainnya, bobot lahir lebih

Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Ternak Bos indicus kemudian
jatuh tempo daripada Bos taurus,
tapi umur panjang mereka lebih
besar dari Bos taurus.

Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Bos indicus Breeds

Beberapa contoh ternak Bos

indicus adalah ras Nelore, Gyr,
Guzerat, Brahman, Brangus, dan

Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Brahman, Brangus, Beefmaster dan
breed Bos indicus lainnya yang
dikembangkan di Amerika Serikat sering
disebut sebagai keturunan Amerika.
Beberapa breed ini adalah breed
komposit, yang berarti dikembangkan
dengan menyilangkan dua atau lebih
breed, namun breed ini masih tergolong
Bos indicus.

Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Beberapa breed Bos indicus biasa
terjadi di Amerika Serikat,
• Brahman, • Santa Gertrudis, &
• Brangus, • Simbrah
• Beefmaster,

Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Brahman Jenis Brahman berasal dari
Amerika Serikat dari ternak berserat
yang diimpor dari India dan Brasil.

Photo from IMS.

Ternak Brahman adalah jenis
bertanduk yang bervariasi warnanya,
namun sebagian besar berwarna
abu-abu dan merah. Ternak Brahman
terbungkuk, memiliki telinga yang
besar dan terkulai, dan kulitnya Photo from IMS.

longgar di tenggorokan dan embun.

Ternak Brahman memiliki toleransi
yang sangat tinggi terhadap panas
dan memiliki ketahanan alami
terhadap banyak parasit. Mereka
dianggap sebagai keturunan ibu.
Photo by Oniongirl courtesy of Wikipedia.

Jenis Brangus dikembangkan di

Amerika Serikat.
Terdaftar Brangus, jenis komposit, Photo from IMS.

terdiri dari 3/8 Brahman dan 5/8

Ternak Brangus berwarna hitam
dan disurvei.

Photo from IMS.

Jenis Brangus telah
menggabungkan banyak ciri yang
paling diinginkan dari keturunan
Brahman dan Angus. Beberapa
sifat ini meliputi sifat tahan
banting, toleransi panas, otot,
kematangan dini, dan produksi
daging sapi berkualitas.

Beefmaster dikembangkan di
Lasater Ranch di Texas pada tahun
Ternak tidak memiliki standar
warna, meski sebagian besar
berwarna merah atau kuning. Photo from IMS.
Beefmaster adalah jenis komposit
yang terdiri dari ½ Brahman, ¼
Hereford, dan ¼ Shorthorn.

Photo from IMS.

Jenis berkembang biak Beefmaster
tumbuh subur dalam kondisi
kondisi praktis dan parah.
Sapi sapi memiliki banyak ciri
reproduksi yang diinginkan dan
memiliki potensi pemerahan yang
Santa Gertrudis
Perkawinan Santa Gertrudis
dikembangkan di King Ranch di
Kingsville, Texas.
Jenis komposit ini terdiri dari 5/8
Shorthorn dan 3/8 Brahman.

Photo from IMS.

Ternak Santa Gertrudis berwarna
merah gelap dan bisa jadi
tanduknya pun disurvei.

Photo from IMS.

Ternak Santa Gertrudis adalah jenis yang
diinginkan karena sifat tahan banting
mereka secara keseluruhan.
Jenis ini beradaptasi dengan kondisi
buruk dan produktif di daerah beriklim
Ternak Santa Gertrudis juga memiliki
banyak karakteristik ibu yang diinginkan.

Perkembangan Simbrah
dikembangkan di Amerika Serikat
pada akhir 1960an. Photo from IMS.

Jenis ini merupakan jenis

komposit yang terdiri dari 5/8
Simmental dan 3/8 Brahman.
Tidak ada standar warna untuk
ternak Simbrah; mereka mungkin
bertanduk atau disurvei.

Photo from IMS.

Perkembangbiakan Simbrah
memiliki karakteristik baik ibu
maupun kelangsungan hidup di
lingkungan yang panas dan
menghasilkan produk daging
sapi bersoda modern dan
Bos taurus Breeds

Benjolan Bos taurus adalah

keturunan yang berasal dari Celtic
Shorthorn kuno.
Benjolan Bos taurus menunjukkan
kemiripan yang lebih dekat dengan
Aurochs, terutama sapi Scotch
Highland, daripada breed Bos
Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.
Bos taurus dapat dikelompokkan
menjadi dua sub kategori:
• Breed Inggris - juga dikenal
sebagai breed Inggris, dan
• Breed Continental - juga disebut

Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Breed Continental
Breed Continental, atau Exotics, adalah
keturunan yang berasal dari Eropa dan
dikenal karena penambahan berat badan
dan kecacatan.
Breed Continental umumnya berukuran
besar, ramping, berotot, dan bervariasi
dalam beradaptasi dengan iklim panas

Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Beberapa breed Continental umum terjadi
di Amerika Serikat, termasuk:
• Charolais, • Salers,
• Chianina, • Simmental,
• Gelbvieh, • Tarentaise, and
• Limousin, • Texas Longhorn.
• Maine-Anjou,

Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Bangsa Charolais, yang dikembangkan di
Prancis, diperkenalkan ke Amerika Serikat
pada tahun 1936.

Photo from IMS.

Jenis bangsa ini berkisar
dari warna putih hingga
ringan dan warnanya
bisa bertanduk atau
disurvei. Photo from IMS.

Karakter beraneka
ragam besar berotot ini
termasuk tingkat
pertumbuhan yang
cepat dan efisiensi

Jenis Chianina berasal dari Italia

Photo from IMS.

Genetika Chianina pertama kali

diperkenalkan di Amerika Serikat
pada tahun 1971, namun Chianina
Italia pertama tidak diimpor ke
negara ini sampai tahun 1975.
Fullblood Chianinas berkisar dari
warna putih sampai abu-abu baja
dan memiliki kulit berpigmen hitam.
Chianina telah diakui sebagai jenis
terbesar, dengan beberapa ekor sapi
dengan berat lebih dari tiga ribu
This breed is characterized by good
feed efficiency, increased rate of
gain, and calving ease, which is
uncommon in larger breeds.
This large, well-muscled breed is
most often identified as a terminal
The Gelbvieh breed originated in
Germany and was introduced in the
United States in 1971.
This breed has no
color restrictions
and can be either
horned or polled.
Photo from IMS.
Jenis berkembang biak ini menekankan
sifat maternal dan karkas, termasuk
peningkatan kesuburan, kemampuan
susu tinggi, tingkat pertumbuhan yang
baik, dan perenungan yang baik.

Photo from IMS.

Jenis Limousin, yang berasal dari
Prancis, diperkenalkan di Amerika
Serikat pada tahun 1969.
Ternak Limousin dapat disurvei
atau bertanduk dan warnanya mulai
dari merah keemasan sampai
Photo by Markus Braun courtesy of Wikipedia.
Ternak berotot besar ini dikenal
dengan tingkat kenaikan keuntungan
dan efisiensi pakan.
Ternak Limousin memiliki
kemampuan genetik alami untuk
Photo from IMS.

menghasilkan daging sapi kurus dan

beraroma dalam berbagai setting.
Jenis Maine-Anjou adalah salah satu
jenis ternak yang dikembangkan di
Ternak ini diperkenalkan di U. S.
pada tahun 1969.

Photo from IMS.

Peranakan Maine-Anjou berwarna merah
sangat gelap dengan tanda putih di kepala,
perut, kaki belakang, dan ekor.
Warna putih pada bagian tubuh lainnya juga
biasa terjadi.
Maine-Anjou bisa bertanduk atau disurvei.
Ternak Maine-Anjou menghasilkan bangkai
yang sangat ramping dan berotot.
Salers berasal dari Perancis dan
banteng Salers pertama diimpor ke
U. S. pada tahun 1972.
Jenis ini biasanya bertanduk dan
warna mahoni gelap berwarna Photo from IMS.

merah, namun semakin banyak

Salter yang disurvei dan hitam ada.
Atribut Salers mencakup
kemudahan melahirkan, efisiensi
ibu, dan manfaat karkas.
Peramal mampu beradaptasi
dengan medan kasar dan iklim
yang keras.

Photo from IMS.


Jenis keturunan Simmental berasal

dari Simme Valley of Switzerland.
Berkembang biak menjadi didirikan
sebagai daging sapi Amerika Utara
berkembang biak pada tahun 1967.

Photo from IMS.

Pola warna simmental bervariasi dari
merah dan putih terlihat, sampai
berwarna coklat atau rusa, hingga merah
tua, atau hitam.

Photo from IMS.

Ternak Simmental diakui baik untuk
sifat pertumbuhan dan sifat ibu.
Jenis keturunan Simmental telah
dikenal sebagai pemerahan breed
breed Continental.
Tarentaise berkembang biak di
Prancis dan diimpor ke Amerika
Serikat pada tahun 1973.
Tarentaise sapi berwarna merah
dengan pigmentasi gelap di sekitar
mata dan lubang.

Photo courtesy of Wikipedia.

Ternak ini berukuran sedang dan sebagian
besar dikenal karena sifat ibu mereka,
termasuk kesuburan dan kemampuan
memerah susu tinggi.
Jenis ini dianggap sebagai jenis susu di
daerah asalnya.
Tarentaise kurang dikenal karena
kemampuannya menghasilkan karkas
Texas Longhorn

Texas Longhorn adalah keturunan

ternak Spanyol yang dibawa ke
Amerika oleh penjelajah Christopher
Ternak ini hidup sebagai ternak liar
selama lebih dari 300 tahun.
Photo from IMS.
Texas Longhorns dikenal dengan
tanduk panjang mereka yang khas
dan memiliki berbagai warna dan
pola warna, termasuk pola warna
yang terlihat.

Photo from IMS.

Sifat Longhorn meliputi umur
panjang, tahan banting, dan
kemampuan beradaptasi.
Ternak Longhorn berotot ringan
dan menghasilkan betis dengan
bobot lahir rendah.
Photo by US Fish and Wildlife Service courtesy of Wikipedia.
Macan Inggris, juga dikenal
sebagai keturunan Inggris,
berasal dari Kepulauan Inggris.
Breed Inggris lebih kecil dalam
ukuran daripada breed
Continental, tapi mereka
meningkatkan kemampuan
fleshing dan marbling.
Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.
Breed Inggris, yang merupakan
fondasi dari kawanan sapi
Amerika Serikat, termasuk breed
• Angus, • Red Poll, and
• Hereford, • Shorthorn.
• Red Angus,

Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Jenis Angus berasal dari dataran
tinggi Skotlandia utara, di bawah
naungan Aberdeen dan Angus.
Ternak Angus pertama kali diimpor
ke Amerika Serikat pada tahun

Photo from IMS.

Angus adalah sapi yang disurvei
secara alami dengan rambut
hitam dan kulit.
Angus berukuran sedang dan
dianggap sebagai keturunan ibu.

Photo from IMS.

Ternak angus ditandai dengan
kematangan seksual dan
komposisi awal, kemudahan
fleshing, kemampuan memerah
susu yang baik, dan marmer yang
sangat baik.

Photo by Dukemeiser courtesy of Wikipedia.

Hereford terdiri dari
kedua hewan
bertanduk dan
pollen, yang
terdaftar di
American Hereford
Photo courtesy of USDA Photography Center.
Hereford berasal dari Inggris dan
diimpor ke Amerika Serikat pada
tahun 1817.

Photo from IMS.

Hereford berwarna merah
kecoklatan dengan wajah putih,
dada, garis bawah, dan saklar.

Photo from IMS.

Jenis Hereford adalah jenis jinak
yang dikenal dengan umur
panjang, kematangan dini, dan
kemampuan memerah susu.

Photo from IMS.

Red Angus
bangsa Red Angus berasal dari
Kepulauan Inggris dan
diperkenalkan di Amerika Serikat
pada tahun 1870-an.

Photo from IMS.

Jenis Angus Merah memiliki
banyak ciri Angus tradisional,
termasuk kualitas karkas,
karakteristik ibu, kemudahan
melahirkan, dan ukuran sedang.
Red Poll
Jenis bangsa Red Poll, yang berasal
dari Inggris, diimpor ke Amerika
Serikat pada tahun 1873. Juru
bicara Red Poll menemukan warna
dari terang ke merah tua.

Photo from IMS.

Red Poll adalah jenis kecil yang dikenal
dengan ciri-ciri maternal, sifat karkas,
dan konsistensi genetik.
Anak sapi Red Poll telah dikenali untuk
mendapatkan keuntungan yang cepa

Photo courtesy of Wikipedia.


Jenis Shorthorn berasal dari Inggris

dan diimpor ke Amerika Serikat
pada tahun 1783.
Shorthorn bisa bertanduk atau

Photo from IMS.

The Polled Shorthorn
dikembangkan di U. S. pada tahun
Ternak shorthorn bisa berwarna
merah, putih, atau berwarna roan.
Ternak ini lebih awal matang, Photo from IMS.

sangat baik milkers, dan dikenal

untuk disposisi mereka baik.
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dari presentasi ini tanpa izin tertulis dilarang. Jasa
Bahan Ajar Universitas Texas A & M 2588 TAMUS
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Photo by Tim McCabe courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

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