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06 NTU--136

The process of using a small number of
items or parts of a large population to
make conclusions about the whole

A subset or some part of a large population.
A complete group of entities sharing some
common characteristics.
An individual member of a population is
called element.
i a 
An investigation of all the individual
elements making the population.


i The basic purpose of sampling is;
i To obtain maximum information about the
characteristics of population with in less
time, cost and effort.
i To find the reliability of estimates derived
from sample.
i It is practically impossible to collect data or
examine every element of population.
i —uality of study is often better with
sampling due to better supervision and
better data processing.

if we use sampling technique the range of
biasness will be 10 to 15% while if
research is conducted on population basis
then the biasness level will be 35 to 55%.

i Much quicker results
i Economical
i High accuracy
i Feasibility and reliability
i In case where every unit in population is needed
then sampling become invalid.
E.g. tax collection, elections
i General information
i Sensitive information about the product

Sampling design is a procedure or plan for
obtaining a sample from a given
population before collecting any type of
data and mainly this design depends
i Sampling unit
i Sampling frame
i Parameters of investigation
Are the basic units of the population in terms of
which sample design is planned and includes
people, firms, events, and situations
A complete list of sampling units is called
sampling frame.
i Parameters of investigation
i Requirement of sample size
i Availability of time
i Availability of financial and technical
i Nature of requirement and situation

on the basis of these parameters sampling

design can be categorized as;
i Probability sampling design
i Non probability design
A sampling design which is based upon
the concept of random selection.
A sampling technique where every
member of population have known and
equal chances of selection.

If we toss a coin we definitely know that
there are two known chances;
50% chance is head
50% chance is tail. Its probability is ½


i Simplerandom probability sampling
i Complex random probability sampling


In Such types of situation we will use S.R.S;
‡ It must be based on generalized result.
‡ When our population is homogeneous
‡ We have less time and less resources
‡ Population frame is clear
Complex Random Sampling
CRS is used in the following situations;
i Population is not homogenous (divided into
groups and subgroups).
i We are concerned with real generalization.
i Population frame is limited.
i We have enough time and resources
i In case of exploratory research.
Types of CRS
i Systematic sampling
i Stratified sampling
i Cluster sampling
i Area sampling
i Double sampling
Systematic sampling
³According to this approach we will select the
member of the sample on the basis of a
particular system´
System means selecting every nth element in
the population starting with a randomly chosen
element between 1 to N.
Suppose range is 1----
N is(1
And we make a system as n=3rd
Stratified Sampling
This sampling approach is used when our
population consist upon the groups having
different charactdristics.
Stratified sampling is a probability sampling
design that first divides the population into
subgroups and then subjects are chosen
randomly from each sub group.

In an organization suppose we want to analyze
the role of management normally the
management can be divided into various
Groups in the following way;
Suppose total population of the
organization is 700 and we want to select
a sample of 142;
Group A = top management ------- 10
Group B = middle management-----
management-----30 30
Group C = lower management-----
Group D = clerks -------500
Group E = office assistant ------20
Group F = supervisors ------20
Suppose we select 7 from 1st group
15 from 2nd group
20 from 3rd group
30 from 4th group
60 from 5th group
10 from 6th group
Cluster Sampling
³A probability sampling design in which sample
is chosen on the basis of intra-
intra- group
heterogeneity and inter-
inter-group homogeneity.´
Inter ---- without comparison
Intra ----- with comparison
Suppose there are 2 groups Male----
If we compare male with females it will be intra
comparison and if we will compare females with
females then it will be inter comparison
Area sampling
Sometimes our variable of interest is
concerned with geographical area.
³ area sampling is actually a form of
cluster sampling within an area when the
research is concerned to population within
identified geographical area such as cities,
countries, particular locality the process of
sampling will be called area sampling.
Double Sampling
iA process which includes collecting data
from a sample using previously defined
techniques based on the information from
a sub sample for further analysis.
i This plan is used when further information
is needed from subset of the group from
which same information has already been
collected from the same study.
A report is prepared about the cricket
performance of Pakistanis in 2005. to get
a more precise report another report is
prepared using the information from the
report. This is an example of double

We use non probability sampling techniques
in following situation;
i Îess concern with generalization
i Mostly concern is to feel the situation
i We have limited time and need the quick
i When population frame is not clear.

The procedure which refers to the
collection of information from members of
the population who are conviently
The basic approach for this is;
Choose whoever is available;
Eg Pepsi get information from the sample
that is easily available.


If it is necessary to get or obtain
information from some specific target
group we will use purposive sampling.
Here sampling is confined to specific type
of people who can provide the desired
Here we will use following two techiniques;
i åudgment approach
i —uota sampling
i —UESTIONS ???????????.......

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