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Once you have completed module 13, you’ll be able


Explain about a medical measurement

1. The physical examination
The physical examination usually requires the
following equiptment
- Thermometer
- Stethoscope
- sphygmomanometer
- Visual acquity chart
- Scale
2.Types of thermometer
to measure the patient body
temperature there are several types
of thermometer: glass mercury,
chemical dot, digital, electronic
digital, and infrared. Each type
provide accurate readings when used
3. Fahrenheit and centigrade
(celcius) temperatures.
In indonesia people are more
familiar with (celcius) thermometer
then fahrenheit. It is necessary for
the nurse to be familiar with both
the centigrade and the fahrenheit
scale. Here are some of the main
points about centigrade and
fahrenheit thermometers.
Task 1
1. A. At what scale, the centigrade thermometer
point at which water freezes?
B. At what scale, the fahrenheit thermometer
point at which water freezes?
2. A. At what scale it the boiling point in centigrade?
B. At what scale it the boiling point in fahrenheit?
3. A. Is the space between the 0 point and the 100
point on the centigrade scale divided into equal
spaces or degrees?
B. what about the fahrenheit thermometer?
4. How many spaces are there between the freezing
and boiling points on the fahrenheit thermometer
Task 2
The formula to convert Fahrenheit temperature
to Centigrade temperature

(Fahrenheit – 32) X 5/9 = centigrade/Celcius

(F-32)x 5/9 = C
Example: change 2120F to C
2120- 32=180
180x5/9 = 900/9 = 1000C
The formula to convert centigrade temperature to
Fahrenheit temperature

(Centigrade X 9/5) + 32 = Fahrenheit

(C x 9/5) + 32 = F

Example: change 1000C to F

100 x 9/5 = 900/5 = 180
180 + 32 = 2120
 Centigrade (Celcius) : (n,adj) satuan ukuran
suhu tubuh 0-1000
 Fahrenheit : (n,adj) satuan ukuran suhu
tubuh 32-2120
 Formula : (n) rumus
 Scale : (n) skala, timbangan
 Freezing point : (n) titik beku
 Boiling point : (n) titik didih
 Weigh : (v) menimbang
Useful Expression
 Starting an intervention
I need : to take your temperature
to weigh you
to count your pulse
to measure your height
Please weigh yourself on that scale
 Asking a measurement
What is my temperature
blood pressure
How much do I weight?
Is it normal
Telling a measurement
 It’s 370 C (thirty seven degree
 You are running a temperature (higher than
 You have a temperature (mean the
temperature is higher than normal because of
an illness).
 You weigh 67 kilo.
 You are 170 cm height.
 It is ….over….(telling blood pressure)
 It is within normal limit.
Task 1
Convert the following temperature and report the result

2120 F = 1000 C two hundred and twelve
degre celcius (or centigrade)
1. 98.60 F = …………….0 C
2. 102.40 F = ……………0 C
3. 95.20 F = ……………..0 C
4. 370 C = ……………….0 F
5. 350 C = ……………….0 F
6. 410 F = ………………..0 F
Task 2.
Try to solve these problem in converting centigrade to fahrenheit
and fahrenheit to centigrade.

1. Take the following temperatures with

Fahrenheit clinical termometer: Mr. A, 1040 F,
Mrs. B 990 F, Miss C 1010 F. The physician asks
what the centigrade temperature is for each
patient. Convert the Fahrenheit temperature
to centigrade.
Physician : What is Mr. A (Mrs B, Miss C)’s
temperature in celcius?
Nurse: Mr. A (Mrs. B, Miss C)’s temperature
is……degrees celcius?
2. Take the following temperatures with
centigrade clinical thermometers: Mr. D 370
C ; Mrs. E 37.80 C; Miss F 380 C. But the
physician asks what the fahrenheit
temperature is for each patient. Convert
the centigrade to fahrenheit.
Physician : what is Mr. D( Mrs. E, Miss F) ‘s
temperature is.…degrees
Nurse : Mr. D(Mrs. E, Miss F)’s
temperatures is…..degress
1. To save time and to avoid possibility of error in
doing problems, many hospital today have
conversion table available on the words. The
nurse simply refers to the particular
temperature on one scale and find the
conversion listed in a column beside it. But if
not, you are able to do the conversions, aren’t
2. Most larger hospitals currently use electronic
thermometers which give centigrade readings
or Fahrenheit readings.
Task 3
Translate this into communicative english.

1. Silahkan berdiri diatas timbangan itu.

2. Saya perlu tahu berapa berat badan anda.
3. Saya sedang menghitung denyut nadi anda.
4. Berapa berat anda?
5. Badan anda panas.
6. Tekanan darah anda110/80.
7.Tekanan darah anda sedikit diatas normal.
8.Temperatur anda di atas normal.
9. Apakah berat badan anda normal?
10. Berat badan anda 75 kilo.
11. Berapa tinggi badan saya?
12. Saya perlu mengukur tinggi badan anda.
Tips How to Read Calculation

 Addition
2 + 2 = 4 ( two and two are four )
+ ( and )
= ( is/are )
Calculation and a big values
+ ( plus )
= ( equals )
Example : 712 + 145 = 857 ( seven hundred and twelve
PLUS a hundred and forty five EQUALS/IS eight
hundred and fifty seven.
 Subtraction / Negation

Exp. 7 – 3 = 4
1. Three from seven leaves/is four
2. Seven take away three leaves/is four
- ( from / take away )
= ( leaves / is )
For big value subtraction
619 – 428 = 191 ( six hundred and nineteen minus four hundred and
twenty eight equals a hundred and ninety one
- ( minus ) = ( equals )

Example :
1. 3 x 4 (Three fours are twelve)
2. 17 x 381 = 6477 ( seventeen TIMES three hundred and
eighty one makes/is six thousands four hundred and
seventy seven)
3. Informal (seventeen multiplied by three hundred and
eighty one equals six thousand four hundred and
seventy seven)
The End

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