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There are four types of force:

1.Friction force (daya geseran)

2. Gravity Force (daya graviti)

3. Electrostatic force (daya elektrostatic)

4.Magnetic force (daya magnet)

1.Friction force (daya geseran)

A man rolling a tire.

The tire will stop after
a while…..why?

A friction is done when

we are scatting on ice
2. Gravity Force (daya graviti)

A moon will always

attracted to Earth because
of gravity force

When a boy kicking a ball,

the ball will always fall down
1. Electrostatic force (daya elektrostatic)

Plastic ruler When a plastic stick is

rubbed using a towel,
the electrostatic force
will produce

Small piece of paper

1. Electrostatic force (daya elektrostatic)

When a plastic stick is

rubbed using a towel,
the electrostatic force
will produce
1. Electrostatic force (daya elektrostatic)

When a plastic stick is

rubbed using a towel,
the electrostatic force
will produce
1. Electrostatic force (daya elektrostatic)

When a plastic stick is

rubbed using a towel,
the electrostatic force
will produce
1. Electrostatic force (daya elektrostatic)

When a plastic stick is

rubbed using a towel,
the electrostatic force
will produce
1. Electrostatic force (daya elektrostatic)

When a plastic stick is

rubbed using a towel,
the electrostatic force
will produce
1. Electrostatic force (daya elektrostatic)

When a plastic stick is

rubbed using a towel,
the electrostatic force
will produce
1. Electrostatic force (daya elektrostatic)

When a plastic stick is

rubbed using a towel,
the electrostatic force
will produce
1. Electrostatic force (daya elektrostatic)

When a plastic stick is

rubbed using a towel,
the electrostatic force
will produce
1. Electrostatic force (daya elektrostatic)

When a plastic stick is

rubbed using a towel,
the electrostatic force
will produce
1. Electrostatic force (daya elektrostatic)

When a plastic stick is

rubbed using a towel,
the electrostatic force
will produce
1. Electrostatic force (daya elektrostatic)

When a plastic stick is

rubbed using a towel,
the electrostatic force
will produce
1. Electrostatic force (daya elektrostatic)

When a plastic stick is

rubbed using a towel,
the electrostatic force
will produce
1. Electrostatic force (daya elektrostatic)

When a plastic stick is

rubbed using a towel,
the electrostatic force
will produce
1. Electrostatic force (daya elektrostatic)

When a plastic stick is

rubbed using a towel,
the electrostatic force
will produce
1. Electrostatic force (daya elektrostatic)

When a plastic stick is

rubbed using a towel,
the electrostatic force
will produce
1. Electrostatic force (daya elektrostatic)

When a plastic stick is

rubbed using a towel,
the electrostatic force
will produce
1. Electrostatic force (daya elektrostatic)

When a plastic stick is

rubbed using a towel,
the electrostatic force
will produce
1. Electrostatic force (daya elektrostatic)

When a plastic stick is

rubbed using a towel,
the electrostatic force
will produce
1. Electrostatic force (daya elektrostatic)

When a plastic stick is

rubbed using a towel,
the electrostatic force
will produce
1. Electrostatic force (daya elektrostatic)

When a plastic stick is

rubbed using a towel,
the electrostatic force
will produce
4. Magnetic force (daya magnet)

Only metals substances will

Attracted to a magnetic force.
7.2 Different types of forces.

Experiment 7.2 (A)

Aim: to show frictional force
Direction of
push motion

Direction of friction
1.A wooden blocked was placed on the floor
2.The wooden block was pushed and observation
was recorded
The wooden block that was pushed stopped moving
After sometimes.

The frictional force between the wooden block
and the floor stopped the wooden blocked.

Frictional force is produced when two surfaces
rub against each other.
B) Aim: to show the force of gravity

1.A ping pong ball was thrown up into the air
2.Observation were recorded.
The ping pong ball fell back to the ground

Gravitational force pulled the ping pong ball down
to the ground

Gravitational force pulled the ping pong ball down
to the earth
c) Aim: to show electrostatic force
Plastic ruler

Small piece of paper

1.A dry plastic ruler was rubbed with a piece of
wool several times.
2. The ruler was held close above small pieces
of paper
3. The observation was recorded.
The small pieces of paper were attracted to the ruler

The electrostatic charges on the ruler attracted
the small pieces of paper

Electrostatic charges produce electrostatic force.
D) Aim: to show magnetic force

1.A bar magnet was held near the objects
listed above.
2. The observation was recorded.
Thumbtacks, paper clips, and needles were
attracted to the bar magnet. Rubber, plastic
bandages and corks were not attracted to the bar
1.They are made of magnetic substances
2.They are made of non magnetic substances
The magnetic force of a magnet attracts magnetic

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