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Journal – Day 68

z Describe how not studying for your AP Psychology test and

seeing another students answers would be handled through
your Id, Superego, and Ego.

z Homework
y Unit 9 Notecards and Quiz (with Vocab) – Monday – 12/11

Defense Mechanisms
 Defense Mechanisms
 the ego’s protective methods of reducing anxiety by
unconsciously distorting reality

 Rationalization:
 supplying a logical or rational reason as opposed to the
real reason for an unacceptable impulse/thought

Defense Mechanisms
 Repression
 the basic defense mechanism that banishes anxiety-
arousing thoughts, feelings, and memories from

 Denial:
 arguing against anxiety provoking stimuli by stating
it doesn't exist
Defense Mechanisms

 Reaction Formation
 defense mechanism by which the ego
unconsciously switches unacceptable
impulses into their opposites
 people may express feelings that are
the opposite of their anxiety-arousing
unconscious feelings

Defense Mechanisms
 Projection
 defense mechanism by which people
disguise their own threatening impulses
by attributing them to others

 Sublimation:
 acting out unacceptable impulses in a
socially acceptable way
Defense Mechanisms

 Displacement
 defense mechanism that shifts sexual
or aggressive impulses toward a more
acceptable or less threatening object
or person
 as when redirecting anger toward a
safer outlet

Defense Mechanisms
 Suppression:
 pushing info out of conscious awareness, more of a
conscious process

 Regression
 defense mechanism in which an individual faced
with anxiety retreats to a more infantile
psychosexual stage, where some psychic energy
remains fixated 7
Defense Mechanisms
 Intellectualization:
 undertaking academic, unemotional study of a subject

Defense Mechanisms Memes
z With a partner you will create a series of memes that will help
you both explain and apply the defense mechanisms.
z You may not use any meme that already exists. You MUST
create your own you can use
z You can either search for images or use your own images
(school appropriate of course) to create your memes.
z You need to explain how your meme connects to the defense
mechanism you are using.
z You need to cover all 9 of the defense mechanisms.
Personality Mask

y Psychodynamic – comes from your unconscious wants,

desires, unwanted urges, or suppressed memories.
y Trait – Nature, comes from your genetics and does not usually
change over time
y Behaviorism – comes from your environments, can be
different depending on the environment you are in
y Humanism – comes from the difference between your self-
concept and your ideal self


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