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Sindrom Zika

Bilangan Hari Dari Permulaan Sindrom Zika

Tidak Past
Individu bersimptom

Sampel bagi Ujian Pengesanan Zika

(Serum atau Air Kencing)

Sampel dihantar ke Lablink Medical Laboratory Network

(Test performed in Molecular Diagnistcs Laboratory, Lablink
IMR – Insttute of Medical Research
CPRC – Crisis Preparedness and
Real Time RT-PCR Response Centre

Specimens and Container

Zika Virus RNA detected Zika Virus Not Detected • Serum (Blood in Plain Tube)
- Adult (2 to 4ml)
Lablink will send sample to
- Paediatric (min 1ml)
IMR for confirmatory
• Urine (In Sterile Container)
- Adult (Min 10ml)
Report Results to CPRC and hospital - Paediatric (5 to 10ml)
Real Time RT-PCR
• Primerdesign Zika Virus Polyprotein Gene genesiq Advanced Kit.
• This kit is designed for in vitro detecton of Zika viral specific RNA genomes
based on real-tme PCR technology and to have the broadest detecton profile
possible whilst remaining specific to the Zika viral genome.
• The primers and probe sequences in this kit have 100% homology with a broad
range of Zika viral sequences based on a comprehensive bioinformatcs analysis.
• Zika virus RNA can be detected in serum typically up to 3-5 days after the
clinical onset; the viral load seems to peak when clinical signs appear (up to 10
• Under optmal PCR conditons, this genesig Zika virus detecton kits have high
priming efficiencies of >95% and can detect less than 100 copies of target
Kit Contents
• ZIKV specific primer/probe mix
• ZIKV positve control template
• Internal extracton control primer/probe mix
• Internal extracton control RNA
• Endogenous control primer/probe mix
• RNase/DNase free water for resuspension of primer/probe mixes
(also for negatve control)
• Template preparaton buffer for resuspension of internal control
template, positve control template and standard curve preparaton
Real-time PCR A ZIKV
• Specific primer and probe mix is provided and this can be
detected through the FAM channel.
• The primer and probe mix provided exploits the so-called
TaqMan® principle.
• During PCR amplificaton, forward and reverse primers hybridize
to the ZIKV cDNA.
• A fluorogenic probe is included in the same reacton mixture
which consists of a DNA probe labeled with a 5`-dye and a 3`-
• During PCR amplificaton, the probe is cleaved and the reporter
dye and quencher are separated. The resultng increase in
fluorescence can be detected on a range of qPCR platforms.
Interpreting Results
Interpreting Results
• A positve PCR result is a definite proof of current infecton and it
usually confirms the infectng pathogen as well.
• Negatve results do not preclude infecton and could potentally occur
when the concentraton of organisms in the specimen is below the
limit of detecton.
• The use of additonal laboratory testng and clinical presentaton must
be taken into consideraton in order to obtain the final diagnosis of
infectous agents.
• If PCR results are negatve, serological testng should be considered,
especially 5 days or more after the onset of symptoms.
Serology Test
• Works by detectng antbodies in body.
• Antbodies in your body are similar to antbodies you develop when
exposed to viruses in same family.
• IgM antbodies typically persist for approximately 2-12 weeks.
• The Zika Virus Antbody (IgM) assay is intended for the qualitatve
detecton of Zika virus IgM antbodies in human sample.
• Plaque-reducton Neutralizaton Tests (PRNT) can be performed to
discriminate between cross-reactng antbodies in primary flavivirus
Igm Antibody Capture Enzyme-
linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)
Ant-IgM (the capture antbody) is coated on 96-well plates.

Patent's serum added

The presence of antgen is detected by using enzyme-conjugated ant-

viral antbody.

A colorimetric result is generated by the interacton of the enzyme and

a chromogenic substrate.

Colorimetric change is detected by a spectrophotometer (ELISA reader).

Plaque-reduction Neutralization
Tests (PRNT)
• A serological test which utlizes the
ability of a specific antbody to
neutralize a virus, in turn,
preventng the virus from causing
the formaton of plaques in a cell

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