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conclusion that our earth is a dynamic body. In its four or five billion years of
history it has undergone much change. Mountains have been built and eroded
away, glaciers have come and gone, and the oceans have transgressed the dry
land. Today the dynamic aspects of the earth are manifest in erupting
volcanoes, retreating glaciers, and violent earthquakes.

What is the cause? Where does all the energy come from?
These questions have been asked by geologists of past generations and
modern geologists are still looking for the answers. This does not mean,
however, that we have not made progress toward a better understanding of
the forces which keep the earth “wound up”

On the contrary, new

facts have come to light on which new theories and new ideas are based. In
this chapter some ideas on the origin of geologic forces will he presented and
some of the older concepts will he reviewed.
What Forces Are Involved?
The earth’s surface is a battlefield between two opposing sets of
forces. One set, which we shall call the internal forces, originates
beneath the surface. Another set originates above the surface, and
these are the external forces.

In a broad sense, the interaction of these two groups of forces

determines what the configuration of the earth’s surface will be at
any one time and at any one place. However, it is well to keep in mind
the fact that the kinds of forces as well as their intensities vary with
space and time.

That is, different parts of the earth are dominated by certain forces
during one segment of geologic time and by other forces at other
times. Hence any intelligent study of the earth as it is today or as it
was in the past must involve some idea of the forces acting both from
within and without. Let us consider the internal forces first.
Internal Forces
The devastating consequences of an earthquake or the explosive
violence of a volcano is convincing evidence that powerful forces are
at work beneath the earth’s surface. But no less spectacular in the
minds of geologists are the lofty mountain ranges that were once
submerged and are now high above sea level. Our problem is to
account for the forces that can uplift ‘a mountain range or cause a
volcano to blow its top.”
Earth Movements.
As we look at the present distribution of sedimentary rocks which
originally were deposited in ancient seas, we find them in various
positions above sea level. Some of these rock layers, such as those
along the Atlantic and gulf coastal plains of the United States, are
only a few tens of feet above sea level.

Others have been Uplifted a mile or more although the individual

rock layers are still in a nearly horizontal position. Vertical
movements of the earth’s surface are called epeirogenic movements.
In great contrast to the vertically uplifted or downwarped crustal segments
are the belts of folded and distorted sedimentary rocks comprising the
magnificant mountain chains of the earth.

Not only have these mountainous areas been elevated high above sea level
but they have been subjected to strong lateral compressive forces acting
more or less parallel to the earth’s surface. Such rock-folding forces produce
orogenic movements.

Both epeirogenic and orogenic movements cause a building—up of parts of

the continents, But there is still another way in which the earth’s surface
may be built up.

As magma rises to the earth’s surface it flows out and accumulates in layer
after layer of lava eventually building a high plateau such as the Columbia
Plateau of the northwestern United States .Also, volcanic peaks such as Mt.
hood, Mt. Shasta, or Mt. Rainier represent built-up parts of the earth’s
Furthermore, even if the rising magma does not reach the surface, it
may force the surface upward when great intrusive masses such as
batholiths are formed. In fact, orogenies are invariably accompanied
by the rise of magma which invades and further distorts or alters the

Orogeny epeirogeny, volcanism, intrusion—all are manifestations of

some force acting beneath the surface. A major consideration is
whether all of these effects are caused by different forces, or
whether they all’ can be explained by a single underlying force. For a
possible answer to this moot question, let us now turn to some
theories on the cause of earth movements.
The idea of a shrinking earth was postulated more than a hundred
years ago. Today the idea is still vigorously supported by many, even
though some serious defects have been pointed out.

The root of the contraction theory is the basic assumption that the
earth was once entirely molten, an assumption accepted by most
geologists, even those who oppose the contraction theory.

After the earth’s crust Solidified because of cooling, heat loss from
the still molten interior caused the globe to contract. Shrinking of the
inner sphere set up compressional stresses in the crust, resulting in
crumpling and folding of some of the crustal segments, much like the
wrinkling of the skin of an apple when its interior shrinks while
But, unlike the skin of the apple
which is uniformly wrinkled, the
earth’s “skin” contains onlv a few
major wrinkles with vast areas of
unwrinkled areas in between(Fig1

This, the contractionists argue is

because the original ‘‘skin” of the
earth possessed certain zones of
weakness marginal to the more
rigid continental blocks.

The weak zones represent the

belts of folded mountains lying
along the margins of the
The theory was later modified to
include periods of no
compressional stress during
which large blocks of crustal
material collapsed or subsided,
thereby explaining vertical
crustal movements as well .

The one major objection to this

scheme is the very real
possibility that the earth’s crust
is being heated by radioactivity
just as fast or faster than it is
losing heat.
If this is true, the whole
contraction theory is untenable,
because the earth would not be
losing any heat and therefore is
not shrinking.
CONTINENTAL DRIFT. In 1929 Wegener, a German, proposed his theory of
drifting continents. The concept originated because the east coast of South
America fits like a jigsaw puzzle into the west coast of Africa.

These continents plus Australia, Antarctica, and Asia were all part of one
protocontinent called Gondwanaland that existed through most of geologic
time, but for some unknown reason broke into separate blocks and
“drifted” through the plastic subcrustal material to their present positions
(Fig. 2).

One of the reasons why Wegener and his followers considered this
hypothesis was that it explained the mountain belts as a result of crumpling
of the various continental blocks due to friction of the underlying plastic

Hence, the driftists could account for the belts of folded mountains on the
continents even though they could not explain the forces that caused the
initial break-up of the original master continent.
Some geologists of Europe, Africa, and South America still adhere
strongly to the idea of drifting continents because, to them, it is an
attractive way of explaining many’ geological similarities on both
sides of the Atlantic Ocean.

The idea never had many ardent supporters in North America,

however, because it created more problems than it solved. Not the
least of these is that continental drift explains only the origin of the
most recently formed mountain ranges, but leaves out entirely the
older folded mountain systems.

THE convection HYPOTHESIS. An ingenious explanation for all of the

earth’s mountain belts as well as many other seemingly unrelated
features of the globe is the more recent convection hypothesis
championed by a number of American geologists.
Essentially the proponents of this
hypothesis conceive of some source of
great heat in the mantle, such as centers
of intense radioactivity, which generates
movement in the form of giant
convection cells (Fig.3).
The mantle, being at a high
temperature, would react like a very
viscous material, and would exert a
frictional drag on the crust. Velocities of
rock flowage in the mantle would be of
the order of a few inches per year
according to reasonable estimates.
Moreover, if such convection cells were
operating in cyclic fashion over a period
of tens of millions of years. they would
not only provide a plausible explanation
for folded mountains, but would also
suggest that magma is generated during
orogeny when some of the crustal
material is dragged down into zones of
high temperature.
Figure 4 is a diagrammatic sketch
showing various steps in the
development of the convection currents
and their effect on the crust.
This theory is attractive because it ties
together many seemingly unrelated
phenomena associated with mountain
building. Furthermore, it conveniently
provides a force capable of deforming
the earth’s crust without the necessity
of having the force transmitted by the
A serious objection to ideas that require
the crust to transmit its own force of
deformation is the possibility that the
crust is too weak to do so. This is one
reason the convection theory is
preferred to the contraction hypothesis
by many.
THE ROLE OF GRAVITY: The force of One rather comprehensive hypothesis
gravity is considered by many based on some ingenious laboratory
students of geology to be the experiments by Bucher invokes first, the
essential cause of many deformed contraction of the earth to provide
features of the earth’s crust. crustal shortening by compressing
This hypothesis embodies the concept weakened portions of the crust into lofty
of gravitational sliding, a process “welts’’: and second, the flattening of
which first requires large segments of these uplifted welts when they rise to
the earth’s crust to be uplifted by one elevations greater than can be supported
means or another. Then, the by the strength of the rocks which
hypothesis continues, gravity causes comprise them. Gravity is of course, the
the uplifted mass to flow or creep force which produces the flattening and
slowly until gravitational equilibrium sliding movements of the plastic crustal
is restored (Fig5). material.
It is well known, for instance, that
some rocks may be deformed under
their own weight if sufficient time
elapses. Support for this hypothesis
comes essentially from the
complicated folds revealed in the Alps
and Himalayas. The Alps have long
attracted both European and
American geologists because of their
unusual structural features.
This very brief account of some causes of mountain building is
intended to point out the difficulties involved in formulating an all
inclusive hypothesis that will provide the answers to many unsolved
mysteries of the forces originating within the earth’s crust.

The lack of firsthand observation of what goes on far beneath the

surface is obvious, and it is for this reason if for no other, that
knowledge of the cause or causes of mountain building will probably
always be based on indirect evidence, deductive reasoning and
intelligent speculation.
However they were formed, the uplifted segments of the earth’s
crust do not stand forever, nor do volcanic peaks exist for all eternity.
All mountains, no matter how lofty, eventually succumb to the
relentless forces acting on the earth’s surface.
These forces act in opposition to the forces from within, and hence
tend to lower the uplifted parts of the continents to sea level.
What are these forces that can reduce lofty mountain ranges to low
lying hills, or cut deep gashes into high plateaus? We see them in
action every day but they are so commonplace that many people fail
to recognize them for what they are
The Hydrologic Cycle: Water, covering about 70 per cent of the
earth’s surface, fills the oceans brim full. Were it not for the sun’s
rays, the water Would be confined to the ocean basins and would
never fall as rain on the dry land. But because of solar heating, water
from the sea is evaporated and carried inland as clouds of water
vapor. Precipitation in the form of rain or snow releases the water
from the atmosphere and places it on the surface of the ground.
Then a second mighty influence, the earth’s gravitational field, comes
into full play. The water goes back to the sea, sometimes directly,
often indirectly. But whatever path the water takes from mountain
top to ocean basin, it expends energy along the way. And it is this
energy that wears away the land. Throughout the entire history of
the earth, the hydrologic cycle, driven by solar energy and the force
of gravity, has drastically altered the face of the earth.
Elements of the Hydrologic
cycle. The path taken by a water
particle from the time it is
evaporated from the sea until it
is again returned to this great
reservoir may be extremely short
or incredibly long.
Let us examine the many facets
of the hydrologic cycle (Fig. 6) in
some detail, for in them we find
the reasons for many landforms
which occupy the earth’ssurface.

Consider first the precipitation

which falls on the continents as
rain. Some of it collects in
natural surface water courses
and flows directly back to the
sea; this fraction is called runoff
The geologic work done by
running water accounts for most
of the erosive features on the
earth’s surface.
Some of the rain collects in lakes where it is temporarily stored before being re-
evaporated into the atmosphere or discharged into a surface water course via
the lake’s outlet.

Another portion of the rainfall soaks into the ground and infiltrates the pores of
soil and rock where it remains temporarily stored as ground water. This
underground water dissolves some rock material and eventually returns to the
sea carrying a huge load of dissolved mineral material with it.

Plants, which use soil moisture in their life processes, return water to the
atmosphere through the process of transpiration. Precipitation falling as snow
may accumulate during the winter but will be set free during the spring break-
up. But in the polar regions and in high mountainous areas the snow builds up
year after year to form glaciers.

Some glaciers move as rivers of ice and carve deep valleys. Others, in the form of
great ice sheets thousands of feet thick, slowly creep over areas of continental
proportions, scraping, grinding, and wearing away the land surface in general.
The hydrologic cycle, then, is the unifying thread that binds the
geologic agents together. The geologic work accomplished by each
agent will be considered in more detail. But for the moment, keep in
mind that the geologic agents of running water, moving glaciers,
ground water, and others, operating over fantastically long periods
of time, can reduce mountains to hills, and hills to plains. The work
accomplished by all of these agents is called erosion.

Unlike the forces from within, the external forces lend themselves to
direct observational study. Yet, even with this advantage, we still
have much to learn about these geologic agents and the way they
operate. But we know enough about the workings of each to permit
us to interpret past geologic events in the light of the hydrologic
cycle, because it is through the study and understanding of the
hydrologic cycle of today that we provide ourselves with the
necessary information for the understanding and interpretation of
the geologic’ past.
Interaction of Uplift and Erosion
Throughout past geologic time various
parts of the earth have been subjected
to spasms of uplift, whatever the
cause, and each time the upraised
portions have been worn down by
agents of erosion operating through
the hydrologic cycle.
A significant feature of this uplift
followed by erosion is the
redistribution of materials on the
earth’s surface. Shifting the load on top
of the crust upsets the gravitational
To correct this imbalance certain
adjustments take place within the crust
and in the upper part of the mantle.
For example, suppose that a mountain
range is eroded and the sediments
derived from it are transported to an
adjacent basin of deposition (Fig. 7).
Evidence from earthquake waves
indicates that the light crustal material
beneath the mountains extends deeper
into the mantle than does the crustal
material beneath lower-lying continental
segments, just as icebergs standing 50
feet above sea level must extend to a
greater depth below sea level than
icebergs rising only 2.5 feet.
When material is removed from the top
of the mountain range by erosion, the
crust below rises for exactly the
reason that the base of an iceberg will
rise if its top is melted away.conversely,
as the sediments derived from the
mountain accumulate in a depositional
basin, the basin is depressed baecause of
the additional weight imposed on it.This
tendency for various blocks of the earth’s
crust to be restored to gravitational
equilibrium is known as isostasy.
Isostasy is neither a force nor a process, but is simply either a condition of
balance between crustal segments of different thickness, or a tendency
toward restoration of balance once it has been disturbed by some other

For example, Greenland is now in isostatic balance, but should the thick
ice cap melt, the result would be a gradual rise of the land mass (Fig. 8). If
one segment of the crust is rising and another is sinking, a logical
conclusion is that a very slow subcrustal transfer of material from the
sinking area to the rising area must take place, as shown diagrammatically
in Fig.7.

The main thing to keep in mind about isostatic adjustment is that it

essentially involves vertical movements of the crust. lsostasv, therefore,
cannot be invoked to explain horizontal compression in the crust. In other
words, isostasy does not account for the folded rock layers in mountain
ranges, nor can isostasy explain crustal thickening in the mountainous
regions. The origin of the forces causing those phenomena must lie

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