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Divide into three groups
There are 3 categories:
Easy (Multiple Choice)
Average (Enumeration)
Difficult (Identification)

Highest pointer is the winner

Easy round (2 pts)
What is the memorial of

A. The tree of Life

B. The Sabbath
C. Adam and Eve
D. The serpent
What is the memorial of

A. The tree of Life

B. The Sabbath
C. Adam and Eve
D. The serpent
What is the name of the tree or
plant whose leaf the dove
brought to Noah after the
A. Fig
B. Acacia
C. Mustard
D. Olive
What is the name of the tree or
plant whose leaf the dove
brought to Noah after the
A. Fig
B. Acacia
C. Mustard
D. Olive (Gen 8:11)
What animals did Pharah tell
Joseph he had dreamed
A. Camels
B. Donkeys
C.Birds of the air
D. Cows
What animals did Pharah tell
Joseph he had dreamed
A. Camels
B. Donkeys
C.Birds of the air
D. Cows
What bird did Jesus say could
not fall to the ground without
God’s knowledge?
A. Dove
B. Sparrows
D. Big Bird
What bird did Jesus say could
not fall to the ground without
God’s knowedge?
A. Dove
B. Sparrows
D. Big Bird
What animal killed Elisha’s
A. Lion
B. Wolf
D. Tiger
What animal killed Elisha’s
A. Lion
B. Wolf
D. Tiger
Teach the children to see Christ in nature. Take
them into the open air, under the noble trees,
into the garden; and in all the wonderful woods
of creation teach them to see an expression of
His love. Teach them that He made the laws
which govern all living things . . . through
nature’s object lessons teach them _________.”
E G White; Desire of Ages p 516.
A. Obedience to the law of God
B. Hardwork and perseverance
C. Patience and understanding
D. God’s grace and love.
Teach the children to see Christ in nature. Take
them into the open air, under the noble trees,
into the garden; and in all the wonderful woods
of creation teach them to see an expression of
His love. Teach them that He made the laws
which govern all living things . . . through
nature’s object lessons teach them _________.”
E G White; Desire of Ages p 516.
A. Obedience to the law of God
B. Hardwork and perseverance
C. Patience and understanding
D. God’s grace and love.
Average round (5 pts)
Mentioned places of
nature in Psalms 23.
- green pastures
- quiet waters
- valley
What was created
on the fourth day
of creation?
Sun, moon and
Give the
fruits of the
Holy Spirit
(KJV version only)
Enumerate the
plagues in Egypt
that is related with
(Exclude those directly
related to humans)
Rod turned to snake
River turned to blood
Plague of frogs
Plague of Lice
Plague of Swarms of Flies
Death of the beasts
Plague of Locusts
Difficult round (10 pts)
Isaiah 55:12 (KJV)
For ye shall go out with joy,
and be led forth with
peace: _________________
shall break forth before you
into singing, and all the
trees of the field shall clap
their hands.
Isaiah 55:12 (KJV)
For ye shall go out with joy,
and be led forth with
peace: the mountains and
the hills shall break forth
before you into singing, and
all the trees of the field shall
clap their hands.
Matthew 6:28 (KJV)
And why take eye
thought for raiment?
Consider the ________,
how they grow, they
toil not, neither do they
Matthew 6:28 (KJV)
And why take eye
thought for raiment?
Consider the lilies of
the field, how they
grow, they toil not,
neither do they spin
Psalms119:103 (KJV)
How sweet are thy
words unto my taste!
Yea, sweeter than
_______ to my mouth
Psalms119:103 (KJV)
How sweet are thy
words unto my taste!
Yea, sweeter than
honey to my mouth
Isaiah 40:31 (KJV)
But they that wait upon the
Lord shall renew their
strength; they shall mount
up their _______________;
they shall run, and not be
weary, and they shall walk,
and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31 (KJV)
But they that wait upon the
Lord shall renew their
strength; they shall mount
up their wings as eagles;
they shall run, and not be
weary, and they shall walk,
and not faint.
p. 1, Steps to Christ:
“God is love” is written upon every
opening of the ___, upon every spire
of springing ______. The lovely
____making air vocal with their
happy songs, the delicately tinted
_____in their perfection perfuming
the air, the lofty _____of the forest
with their rich foliage of living green
– all testify to the tender, fatherly
care of our God and to His desire to
make His children happy.
p. 1, Steps to Christ:
“God is love” is written upon every
opening of the bud, upon every
spire of springing grass. The lovely
birds making air vocal with their
happy songs, the delicately tinted
flowers in their perfection perfuming
the air, the lofty trees of the forest
with their rich foliage of living green
– all testify to the tender, fatherly
care of our God and to His desire to
make His children happy
Reflect and discuss with a partner
about this passage. Then pray by twos,
and include thanking God for His love
revealed in nature.
Nature and revelation alike testify of
God’s love. Our Father in heaven is the
source of life, wisdom, and of joy. Look
at the wonderful and beautiful things
of nature. Think of their marvelous
adaptation to the needs and
happiness, not only of man, but of all
living creatures. The sunshine and the
rain, that gladden and refresh the
earth, the hills and seas and plains, all
speaks to us of the Creator’s love. It is
God who supplies the daily needs of
all His creatures…(p. 1, Steps to Christ)

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