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Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology,

Faculty of Medicine , Jambi University
 “Trias” main cause of maternal death

 Hasan Sadikin Hospital

20 - 30% of maternal death
30 - 40% of perinatal death
Classification :
I. Pregnancy - Induced Hypertension (PIH)
1. preeclampsia
2. eclampsia
3. hypertension without proteinuria or pathologic
II. Pregnancy - Aggravated Hypertension (PAH)
= Underlying hypertension worsened by pregnancy
1. Superimposed preeclampsia
2. Superimposed eclampsia
III. Transient Hypertension
IV. Coinsidental Hypertension (chronic hypertension)
 Etiology : unknown
 Predisposing factors :
1. Primigravida
2. Hyperplacentosis
 hydatidiform mole
 gemelli
 diabetes mellitus
 hydrops fetalis
 giant baby
3. Age (< 15 years ; > 35 years)
4. Familial & genetic
5. Kidney disease and chronic hypertension
Theories about the cause

 Immunological mechanism

 Genetic predisposition

 Dietary deficiencies

 Vasoactive compounds

 Endothelial dysfunction
 Preeclampsia : trias
 Eclampsia : PE + Seizure
 Chronic hypertension :
 hypertension without edema and proteinuria
 < 20 weeks’ gestation
 persists > 6 weeks after delivery
 Pregnancy agrravated hypertension :
 chronic hypertension superimposed preeclampsia or
 Transient hypertension :
 Develops after 2nd trimester
 Mild elevation
 Without edema an proteinuria
 Regresses within 10 days after delivery
 Hypertension :
 Increase systole > 30 mmHg
 Increase diastole > 15 mmHg
 > 140/90 mmHg

 Edema : pitting edema

 Sudden increase in weight
 > 500 gr/weeks or > 2 pounds/weeks
 > 2 kg/weeks or > 6 pounds/weeks
 > 13 kg/entire pregnancy

 Protein uria
 > 0.3 gr/L/24 hs or
> 1 gr/L/6 hs or
 2 + qualitative test

Inhibition of trophoblast invasion

Immunologic Hypoxia Free radical


Endothelial dysfunction

Vasoconstrictor Vasodilator Permeability

- Thromboxane - No
- Endothelin - Prostacyclin Coagulation
- etc - etc

Hypertension edema proteinuria DIC

Maternal & Fetal Consequences
1. Cardiovascular changes
 Hypertension
 Cardiac out put
 Thrombocytopenia
 Coagulation disorders
 Haemorrhages
 Decrease blood plasm volume
 Increase permeability
 edema
2. Placenta
 Necrosis
 Intrauterine growth restriction
 Fetal distress
 Abruptio placentae

3. Kidney :
 Capillary endotheliosis
 Decrease uric acid clearance
 Decrease glomerular filtration rate
 Oliguria
 Proteinuria
 Kidney / renal failure
4. Brain :
 Edema
 Hypoxia
 Seizure / convulsion
 Cerebrovascular accident / hemorrhage
 coma
5. Liver :
 Liver function test alteration
 Increase levels of liver enzym
 Icterus
 HELLP syndrome
(hemolysis, elevated liver enzym, low
platelet caunt)
 Edema
 Hemorrhage/sub capsular hematoma
 Periportal hemorrhage, necrosis
6. Eye
 Papil edema
 Ischemia
 Amaurosis
 Hemorrhage
 Retinal detachment
 Blindness

7. Lung :
 Edema
 Ischemia
 Necrosis
 Hemorrhage
 Respiratory failure

Preeclampsia :
 Pregnancy of 20 weeks or more
 Hypertension
 Proteinuria
 edema

Eclampsia :
 Preeclampsia with
 Convulsion / Seizure

Maternal death due to PE : + 0,5%

Ecl : + 5%
Perinatal death + 20%

Prevention :
1. Dietary manipulation
 Low caloric diet
 High protein diet
 Low salt diet
 Nutritional supplementation : Ca, Mg,
Zn, Fish oil, evening primrose oil, etc
2. Pharmacologic manipulation :
 Diuretics
 Anti hypertensives
 b-sympathomimetics
 Anti thrombotic agents :
Low dose aspirin
Vitamin E
3. Personal habit changes :

 Frequent prenatal care

 Daily rest in lateral position

 Keep same partner

 Avoid or reduce smoking

 Avoid or reduce coffee

 Mild preeclampsia
 Severe preeclampsia
1. Blood pressure : > 160/110 mmHg
2. Proteinuria > 5 gr/24 hs (> 4 +)
3. Oliguria < 500 cc/24 hs or creatinine plasma
4. Visual and cerebral disturbances
5. Epigastric or right upper quadrant pain
6. Lung edema and cyanosis
8. HELLP syndrome
1. Mild preeclampsia
a. Out patient care
 Bed rest / lateral position
 Diet (high protein, low fat, carbohydrate and
 Mild sedatives : phenobarbital
(3 x 30 mg/day) or
Diazepam (3 x 2 mg/day) during 7 days
 Vitamins
 Antenatal visit every week
b. Inpatient care/Hospitalization :

 No response in 2 weeks out patient

 Body weight increase > 2 kg/weeks
 Symptoms of severe preeclampsia
2.Severe preeclampsia
 conservative : < 37 weeks, no fetal
distress and signs of impending
 Severe headache
 Severe visual disturbance
 Vomiting
 Epigastric pain
 Progressive increase of Blood pressure

 Active : pregnancy termination

I. Drug therapy :
 Anti convulsive MgSO4 8gr 40%;
4 gr every 4-6 hours
 Anti hypertensive :
 Hydralazine 2 mg i.v 100 mg in 500 cc
NaCl drips
 Clonidine
 Nifedipine
 Methyldopa
 Labetalol
 Etenolol
 Dielthiazem
 etc
 Others :
 Diuretic
 Cardiotonic
 Antipyretic
 Antibiotic
 Pain killer

II. Obstetrical management :

 Mature induction
 Parturient augmentation
 Delivery :
 pervaginam : forcipal extraction
 caesarean section
Eclampsia :
Classification :
 - Antepartum
- Intrapartum
- Post partum :
 early : 24 hours - 7 days
 late : > 7 days

 Eclampsia sine eclampsia

 Eclampsia intercurrent
 Placed in I.C.U
 Cooperation with : Internal depart., Neurologic depart,
 Drug therapy :
 MGSO4 : 4 gr 20% i.v
8 gr 40% i.m
maintenance : 4gr 40% i.m / 4 - 6 hs
 Supportive : same with PE
 Management of coma :
In cooperation with Neurologic dept.
 Obstetrical management
Termination of pregnancy
 Eden criteria (1922)
 Prolonged coma
 Pulse rate > 120 x/m
 Temperature > 1030 F
 Systolic pressure > 200 mmHg
 Seizure > 10 x
 Proteinuria > 10 gr/ltr
 No edema
(Coincidental hypertension)

 Definition :
 Hypertension (> 140/90 mmHg)
 < 20 weeks gestation
 Persists long after delivery
 Underlying disorders :
 Essential familial hypertension
(Hypertensive vascular disease)
 Arterial abnormalities
 Renovascular hypertension
 Coartation of the aorta
 Endocrine disorders
 diabetes
 cushing syndrome
 primary aldosteronism
 pheochromocytoma
 thyrotoxicosis
 Glomerulonephritis (acute & chronis)
 Renoprival hypertension
 chronic gromerulo nephritis
 chronic renal insufficiency
 diabetic nephropathy
 Connective tissue diseases
 lupus erythematosus
 scleroderma
 periartenitis nodosa
 Poly cystic kidney disease
 Acute renal failure
 Obesity
 Essential hypertension :
Chronic hypertension due to
arterio sclerosis
complications :
 heart ischemia
 renal failure
 retinal bleeding
 Prognosis, Worsen if :
 heart enlargement
 Decrease renal function
 Retinal complication
 Blood pressure > 200/120 mmHg
 Preeclampsia
Treatment :
 Hospitalization

 Incooperation with related

Thank you

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