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Achieving Efficient and Secure Data Acquisition

for Cloud-supported Internet of Things in Smart

• Cloud Computing

• Simply put, cloud computing provides a variety of computing resources , from servers and storage to enterprise applications such as email,
security, backup/DR, voice, all delivered over the Internet. The Cloud delivers a hosting environment that is immediate, flexible, scalable,
secure, and available – while saving corporations money, time and resources.


Attribute-based encryption algorithms

• Attribute-based encryption is a type of public-key encryption in which the secret key of a user and the ciphertext are dependent upon
attributes (e.g. the country in which he lives, or the kind of subscription he has). In such a system, the decryption of a ciphertext is possible
only if the set of attributes of the user key matches the attributes of the ciphertext.

• Ciphertext-policy ABE (CP-ABE)

• In the CP-ABE, the encrypt or controls access strategy, as the strategy gets more complex, the design of system public key becomes more
complex, and the security of the system is proved to be more difficult. The main research work of CP-ABE is focused on the design of the
access structure.

About Project Centre:
• As a team we have the clear vision and realize it too. As a statistical evaluation, the team
has more than 40,000 hours of expertise in providing real-time solutions in the fields of
Android Mobile Apps Development, Networking, Web Designing, Secure Computing,
Mobile Computing, Cloud Computing, Image Processing And Implementation,
Networking With OMNET++ Simulator, client Server Technologies in
Oracle and operating system concepts with LINUX.




• Achieving data security and system efficiency in the data acquisition and transmission process are of
great significance and challenging, because the power grid-related data is sensitive and in huge amount

• Efficient and secure data acquisition scheme based on CP-ABE (Ciphertext Policy Attribute Based

• Data acquired from the terminals will be partitioned into blocks and encrypted with its corresponding
access sub-tree in sequence, thereby the data encryption and data transmission can be processed in

• we protect the information about the access tree with threshold secret sharing method, which can
preserve the data privacy and integrity from users with the unauthorized sets of attributes.
• Smart grid are used for data acquisition based on requirement of users.

• To make the smart grid more intelligent, a great number of IoT terminals are deployed to gather the status of the power grid
timely for the control center. Some sample applications are such as the power transmission line monitoring, power
generation monitoring, substation state monitoring, smart metering, electric energy data acquisition, smart home.

• For instance, in power transmission line monitoring scenario, using preplaced sensors, the status parameters of the
transmission line and power towers can be gathered in real time, so that any fault can be diagnosed and located in a timely

• In smart grid, the different kinds of applications mentioned above all generate an enormous amount of data, which needs to
be stored and managed efficiently. Cloud-IoT is proposed to address this issue .with the support of cloud computing, mass
data from different IoT terminals can be collected and processed by local frontend servers, then transferred and stored in
the cloud servers. The data in cloud can be accessed by various types of data users. The power grid staff can continually
monitor the status of power grid. Researchers and government agencies can analyze the data for research or policymaking.
Limitation of Existing system:

• The efficiency of data acquisition should be considered due to the

large amount of data to be encrypted/decrypted and transferred. It’s
critical to ensure an acceptable the data acquisition time.

• Data security is less

• Data privacy is minimized.

Ciphertext-policy Attribute based Encryption
• In certain distributed system a user can access data if user have a certain keys.

• If the server storing data is leaked the security of the system is low

• We propose a complex access control on encrypted data that is ciphertext-policy based Encryption.

• Previous method used attributes to describe the encrypted data built policies into users keys

• In our system uses attribute are used to describe user credentials and a party encrypting data
determines a policy for who can encrypt.


• If a server is compromised, data confidentiality is compromised.

VABKS:Verifiable Attribute based keyword
search over outsourced encrypted Data
• In general data owner out sourced their data in our cloud,the cloud service cannot fully trusted so we have to encrypt our
outsourced data.

• In our concept authorized data user search over a data owner outsourced encrypted data using verifiable attribute based keyword

• The solution allows a data user whose credentials satisfy a data owner’s access control policy

• Key word search over Encrypted Data:

• Technique allows user to generate some token that used by a data user over the data owner’s Encrypted data


• only exact keyword search.

• Computation cost
An Effective key management scheme for
heterogeneous sensor networks
• Security is critical for sensor networks used in military and different sectors.

• Research reveal that homogeneous ad-hoc network has poor performance and scalability.

• So sensor networks adopt to heterogenous sensor network design.

• To maintain the stability of system we form clusters in the heterogenous sensor network.

• In the key management scheme a private keys are distributed in the cluster formed sensor networks.


• Low Security

• Computation overheads
Attribute Based Encryption for fine Grained
access control of Encrypted Data
• While sharing a sensitive data in the third party we need to encrypt the data and stored in the internet

• While encrypting data the drawback is selectively shared only at a coarse- grained level(giving another party
private key).

• We develop a fine grained sharing of encrypted data ie(key policy attribute based encryption.

• Ciphertexts are named with set of attributes and private keys are associated with access structure that controls
which ciphertexts a user is able to decrypt.


• disadvantage of encrypting data is that it severely limits the ability of users to selectively share their
encrypted data at a fine-grained level.
A Secure Cloud Backup System with Assured
Deletion and Version Control
• Cloud storage is an emerging service model that enables individuals
and enterprises to outsource the storage of data backups to remote
cloud providers at a low cost. a secure cloud backup system that serves
as a security layer on top of today’s cloud storage services.


• Low complicity
Attribute-Based Encryption for
Fine-Grained Access Control of Encrypted Data
• A sensitive data is shared and stored by third-party sites on the Internet, there will be a
need to encrypt data stored at these sites. To develop a new cryptosystem for fine-grained
sharing of encrypted data using Key-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption (KP- ABE). In
our cryptosystem, ciphertexts are labeled with sets of attributes and private keys are
associated with access structures that control which ciphertexts a user is able to decrypt.


• selectively encrypted data are shared only at a coarse-grained level (i.e., giving another
party your private key).
Fine-grained user access control in ciphertext-policy
attribute-based encryption
• The proposed fine-grained user revocation scheme without affecting any non-
revoked users who share the same attributes in ciphertext-policy ABE, it does not
require the users to access the key authority and to update keys periodically. The
proposed scheme improves the efficiency compared with previous revocable
schemes and enhances the security in terms of the backward/forward secrecy on
any membership changes in the ciphertext-policy ABE system.
• Low consistency
BL-MLE: Block-Level Message-Locked
Encryption for Secure Large File Deduplication
• Deduplication is a popular technique widely used to save storage spaces in the
cloud. The proposed new approach to achieve more efficient deduplication for
(encrypted) large files. Block-Level Message-Locked Encryption (BL-MLE), can
achieve file-level and block-level deduplication, block key management, and proof
of ownership simultaneously using a small set of metadata.


• Computation overhead.
Adaptable Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Base Encryption

• A new cryptographic primitive, called adaptable ciphertext-policy attribute-

based encryption (CP-ABE). Adaptable CP-ABE extends the traditional CP-
ABE by allowing a semi-trusted proxy to modify a ciphertext under one
access policy into ciphertexts of the same plaintext under any other access
policies; the proxy, however, learns nothing about the underlying plaintext


• false results

• An efficient and secure data acquisition scheme based on CP-ABE

(Ciphertext Policy Attribute Based Encryption).

• Data acquired from the terminals will be partitioned into blocks and
encrypted with its corresponding access sub-tree in sequence, thereby
the data encryption and data transmission can be processed in parallel.
• Furthermore, we protect the information about the access tree with
threshold secret sharing method, which can preserve the data privacy
and integrity from users with the unauthorized sets of attributes.

• The formal analysis demonstrates that the proposed scheme can fulfill
the security requirements of the Cloud-supported IoT in smart grid.
The numerical analysis and experimental results indicate that our
scheme can effectively reduce the time cost compared with other
popular approaches.
• Data security there by privacy of our data is enhanced.
• It reduces response time overhead

• Data Owners (DO)

• Data Requester/Receivers (DR)

• Cloud Servers (CS)

• Attribute Authority (AA)

Data Owners (DO)

• DO decide the access policy and encrypt the data with CP-ABE. The
encrypted data will be uploaded to the Cloud Servers. DO are assumed
to be honest in the system.
Data Requester/Receivers (DR)

• DR send the decryption request to Cloud and obtain the ciphertexts

over the internet. Only when their attributes satisfy the access policies
of the ciphertext, can they get access to the plaintexts. Data
requester/receivers may collude to access the data that is otherwise not
accessible individually.
Cloud Servers (CS)

• CS are responsible for storing a massive volume of data. They cannot

be trusted by DO. Hence, it is necessary for DO to define the access
policy to ensure the data confidentiality. CS are assumed not to collude
with DR.
Attribute Authority (AA)

• AA is responsible for registering users, evaluating their attributes and

generating their secret key SK accordingly. It runs the Setup
algorithm, and issues public key PK and master key MK to each DO.
It is considered as fully trusted.
Data Owner:

Cyber Text

Data Owner

Cloud service provider:
Data owner


User :

upload AA(Attribute
User kkey

Decryption Reject
Data flow:

System : Pentium IV 2.4 GHz.

Hard Disk : 40 GB.

Monitor : 15 VGA Colour.

Mouse : Logitech.

RAM : 512 MB.


Operating system : Windows XP/7.

Application server : Tomcat5.0/6.X

Front end : HTML , Java ,Jsp

Script : Java script

Server side script : Java server pages

Back end : My sql

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