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Force Theory

• It provides the historical interpretation of the

rise of the state
• They believed that the state is the outcome of
naked force applied by the strong over the
weak in order to subjugate them.
• They validated their stand through providing
the examples in primitive societies – wars
between tribes and classes resulted the
emergence of stronger as their chief.
• This theory was expounded by Oppenheimer,
Gumplowicz, Edward Jenks etc..
Features or tenets
• State came into being through physical
coercion or compulsion ( wars begot the state)
• Rulers or government is the outcome of
human aggression or domination.
• Superior physical force played important role
• This aspect reflects among the traditional
tribes, kingdoms or empires
Oppenheim provides six stages of the
emergence of state
1. Continuous fights and endless combat, killing and plundering – the
winners took away the properties of the defeated one
2. Peasants make unsuccessful attempts to get away from the yoke
of alien hunters and herdsmen- result was enslavement
3. In a third stage the tribes or the opposite parties realized the
benefits of cooperation and the result was integration and
4. This stage the people learn to get along together and to fight
against common enemy or external foes- the result was the
feeling of oneness
5. In the fifth stage they realize or felt the necessity of some
mechanism to settle internal disputes and quarrel by arbitration –
it paved the way to government
6. Those who have the force became kings, deputies or counselors-
law and order established in society- state has come into being.
There are many examples like Alexander the great . Even after the
creation of state the force plays important role in internal and
external maintenance(order and security)
Varied interpretations
• Middle ages – church
• Industrial society – colonialism
• Exploitation – class struggle
• Akbar, Napoleon or Hitler – force
• The present day military leaders
• One cannot deny the importance of force because now
also it is essential both internally and externally
• But the theory is mistake in regarding force to be the
sole factor which helped the emergence of state- there
are other factors too play important role
• Force cannot be permanent basis of the state, because
with mere brute force no one can control the state for
a long period – might without right be temporary
• It may also lead to the glorification of war
Conclusion: the realism or power approach emphasis the
use and need of force.

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