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Assignment 1_ Template

[Original Piece] [Pixelated Piece] [Extracted Color Palettes]

Choose colors and decide
proportions for your piece,
such as main, supplementary,
and accent colors

1. Extracted color palette analysis (You can choose and use more than one color palette!)
1-1. Which of the ten basic color schemes best describes the color choices made in this
work? (achromatic, analogous, clash, complementary, monochromatic, neutral, split complementary,
primary, secondary, and tertiary triad)

Split complementary scheme

• Main color: Green yellow
• Supplementary color: Blue and red
• Accent color: White and Black

1-2. Which of the five hue & tone combination principles best describes the color choices
made in this work? (same hue & Similar tone, same hue & contrast tone, contrast hue & same tone,
contrast hue & similar tone, contrast hue & contrast tone )

Contrast hue & contrast tone

• Hue combination: green, blue, red
• Tone combination: Bright, strong, very pale
Assignment 1-B Template

2. Key words and messages for your own image design

2-1. Describe key words evoked by this color palettes: Use your own words or use key word
image scale words such as dynamic, elegant, romantic, etc. (More than 20)

Joy Vivid Enthusiasm Valley Firmness Freedom

Euphoria Bright Motivation Earth Balance Adventure
Warm Atractive Courage Farm
Fresh Fervor Dawn

2-2. Describe messages evoked by this color palettes and create design concept for your
own image. (message story)
Assignment 1-B Template

3. Key words and messages for your own image design

3-1. Describe key words evoked by the selected artwork: Use your own words or use
key word image scale words such as dynamic, elegant, romantic, etc.
(More than 20)

Freedom Captivatin Safest Summer Waiting Youth

Journey g Strenght Garden Silent Unlimited
Intricate Calm Nature Clear
Defiant Homely Happines
Brave Pleasant s

3-2. Describe messages evoked by the selected artwork and create design concept
for your own image.

It's time for freedom and the

wild horse is waiting for the
magical journey.
Assignment 1-B Template

4. Design your own image using the color palettes in your own style. (20cm X 20cm : 200dpi)
(Your design can include other colors that support, enhance and accent the color palette you selected.)

4-1. Title

4-2. Color Palette

4-3. Explanation of your work

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