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The meaning is not about a physical birth, but about receiving

a spiritual renewal. Since the original sin in the garden by Adam (Genesis
3), all mankind is born in a corrupted state by inheritance. It is by that our
soul needs to be reborn—made pure and righteous again—the way God
created us to be. He provided the way for this to happen, but because God
gave us free will, we have a choice to accept it or not.
• The term in the original Greek text is gennaṓ (born) meaning “to
regenerate” and ańōthen (again) meaning “from above, anew.”
• Both meanings are consistent with the redeeming purpose.
The label of Christian (Christianos) means “follower of Christ.”
The born again Christian has accepted this supernatural transformation
from sin to righteousness, evil to good.
• Our first given example of becoming a born again Christian.
• It was a radical declaration when “born again” was first spoken by Jesus
to this man. His story is in John 3:1-23 where Jesus told Nicodemus,
“…no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.” In
verse 6 Jesus explains “Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth
to the spirit.
• Baptism: The ritual of baptism is used to symbolically identify with
being buried with Christ and being reborn into a transformed
existence. However, Born Again Christian Info explained that a
physical baptism must be preceded by a spiritual one, where the
person is
• "taken out of the devil's realm and baptized into Christ by the Holy
Spirit himself."
• LENT- This also includes Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and Palm Sunday
• SAINTS- To a born again, bible believing Christian, anyone who is in
Christ is a saint. Numerous bible passages attest to this. Just like with
your salvation, nothing can make you somehow ‘more holy’ than others;
only by the blood of Christ are we made holy. Also, praying to the so
called ‘Saints’ does nothing according to the Bible; God is the one who
hears our prayers.
• We do communion as a “special occasion”.
• We don’t follow the concept of nuns, priests, and eternal celibacy.
• We do not follow the concept that women cannot be church leaders
• We don’t follow the concept of confession.

• We don’t follow the same idea of praise and worship-

some christians praises God through speak in tounges.

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