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Group 6:
Michael Sison Jasmin Garcia
Romel Latorre Sharmaine Sevilla
Beverlyn Alipio
Krebs Cycle
• It was named after Hans Adolf
Krebs who discovered it in 1937.
• Its is also known by several other

Jens Martensson
Citric Acid Cycle
Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle (TCA)

Krebs Cycle
• It is the “hub” of the
metabolic system. It
accounts for the majority
of carbohydrate, fatty

Jens Martensson
acid and amino acid
• It also accounts for a
majority of the generation
of these compounds and
others as well. 2
An Overview of the Citric Acid Cycle
• A four-carbon oxaloacetate
condenses with a two-carbon
acetyl unit to yield a six-
carbon citrate.
• An isomer of citrate is

Jens Martensson
oxidatively decarboxylated
and five-carbon alpha-
ketoglutarate is formed.
• -ketoglutarate is
oxidatively decarboxylated to
yield a four-carbon The function of the citric acid
cycle is the harvesting of high-
succinate. energy electrons from acetyl CoA.
An Overview of the Citric Acid Cycle
• Oxaloacetate is then
regenerated from succinate.
• Two carbon atoms (acetyl CoA)
enter the cycle and two carbon
atoms leave the cycle in the

Jens Martensson
form of two molecules of carbon
• Three hydride ions (six
electrons) are transferred to
three molecules of NAD+, one
pair of hydrogen atoms (two
The function of the citric acid
electrons) is transferred to one cycle is the harvesting of high-
molecule of FAD. energy electrons from acetyl CoA.
About Krebs Cycle
•This cycle occurs in the mitochondrial
matrix in eukaryotic cells

Jens Martensson
About Krebs Cycle
•And this occur in the cytoplasm for
Prokaryotic Cell.

Jens Martensson
About Krebs Cycle
•It is the series of biochemical
reactions in which the acetyl

Jens Martensson
portion of acetyl CoA is oxidized
to carbon dioxide and the
reduced coenzymes FADH2 and
NADH are produced. 8
About Krebs Cycle
• The Krebs cycle is what is known as
Amphibolic, in that it is both catabolic (breaks
down molecules) and anabolic (builds

Jens Martensson
• It is a series of chemical reactions used by all
aerobic organisms to generate energy through
the oxidization of acetate derived from
carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into carbon 9

About Krebs Cycle
•Each stage in the cycle (and in the
link reaction—pyruvate conversion

Jens Martensson
into acetyl CoA) occurs twice for
every glucose molecule that enters
glycolysis, because 2 pyruvate
molecules are produced for each
glucose. 10
About Krebs Cycle
• The eight steps of the citric acid cycle are a
series of redox, dehydration, hydration, and
decarboxylation reactions.

Jens Martensson
• Each turn of the cycle forms one GTP or ATP
as well as three NADH molecules and one
FADH2 molecule, which will be used in
further steps of cellular respiration to
produce ATP for the cell. 11
Link Reaction between Glycolysis and Krebs Cycle-
Pyruvate conversion to Acetyl CoA
• Pyruvate is transported
across the mitochondrion’s
inner membrane and into the

Jens Martensson
inner compartment, called the
• An enzyme pyruvate
dehydrogenase complex splits
each molecule of pyruvate into
a molecule of CO2 and a two-
carbon acetyl group. 12
Link Reaction between Glycolysis and Krebs Cycle-
Pyruvate conversion to Acetyl CoA
• The CO2 diffuses out of the
cell, and the acetyl group
combines with a molecule

Jens Martensson
called coenzyme A (abbreviated
as CoA). The product of this
reaction is acetyl-CoA.
• NAD+ is changed to its
reduced form, NADH that will
enter the Electron Transport
Chain. 13
Jens Martensson
Krebs Cycle
(8 steps)
1. Citrate Synthase
• Citrate formed from acetyl CoA and oxaloacetate
• Only cycle reaction with C-C bond formation
• Addition of C2 unit (acetyl) to the keto double bond
of C4 acid, oxaloacetate, to produce C6 compound,

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citrate synthase
2. Aconitase
• Elimination of H2O from citrate to form C=C bond of
• Stereospecific addition of H2O to cis-aconitate to
form isocitrate

Jens Martensson
aconitase aconitase
3. Isocitrate Dehydrogenase
• Oxidative decarboxylation of isocitrate to
a-ketoglutarate (a metabolically irreversible reaction)
• One of four oxidation-reduction reactions of the cycle
• Hydride ion from the C-2 of isocitrate is transferred to
NAD+ to form NADH

Jens Martensson
• Oxalosuccinate is decarboxylated to a-ketoglutarate

isocitrate dehydrogenase isocitrate dehydrogenase

4. The -Ketoglutarate Dehydrogenase Complex
• Similar to pyruvate dehydrogenase complex
• Same coenzymes, identical mechanisms
E1 - a-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase (with TPP)
E2 – dihydrolipoyl succinyltransferase (with
flexible lipoamide prosthetic group)

Jens Martensson
E3 - dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase (with FAD)

5. Succinyl-CoA Synthetase
• Free energy in thioester bond of succinyl
CoA is conserved as GTP or ATP in higher
animals (or ATP in plants, some bacteria)
• Substrate level phosphorylation reaction

Jens Martensson
+ HS-


6. The Succinate Dehydrogenase Complex
• Complex of several polypeptides, an FAD prosthetic
group and iron-sulfur clusters
• Embedded in the inner mitochondrial membrane
• Electrons are transferred from succinate to FAD and
then to ubiquinone (Q) in electron transport chain

Jens Martensson
• Dehydrogenation is stereospecific; only the trans isomer
is formed

7. Fumarase
• Stereospecific trans addition of water to the
double bond of fumarate to form L-malate
• Only the L isomer of malate is formed

Jens Martensson
8. Malate Dehydrogenase
Malate is oxidized to form oxaloacetate.

Jens Martensson
Charts and Graphs


Jens Martensson
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