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Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Multi-Type Data Processing

Based on Dockers
Seminar By:
Aditya Subraya Hegde (1BY15CS007)

Under the guidance of:

Mr. Muneshwara M.S
Assistant Professor, CSE
 In the current IT field lots of importance is given to how quick
the data can be processed.

 Running all applications directly on host OS will need

individual processors that run the OS and this turns out to be

 Virtualization and Docker containers are 2 techniques that

utilize same hardware and runs applications that need different

 Docker container is one such virtualization technique that does

not need any hypervisor while running on a given hardware
and eases data processing.
 Docker is a container management service.

 Docker aims at facilitating developers to easily develop

applications, ship them into containers which can then be
deployed anywhere.

 Docker has the ability to reduce the size of development by

providing a smaller footprint of the operating system via

 Since Docker containers are pretty lightweight, they are very

easily scalable.
 Dockers are used in various fields to reduce processing time
and overload.

 Used to process different types of data.

 IoT, Big-Data, Fog computing, Edge computing, images and

many other forms of data can be handled by docker containers.

 Instead of these data being processed separately, it will

significantly reduce the working overload if one single docker
application will do all the above i.e. process multi-type data.
Sl. No Author and Year Title Contents Covered Advancement
1. Preeth E N, Fr. Jaison Paul Evaluation of Docker Based on the Evaluating it as a
Mulerickaly, Biju Paulz and Containers Based on performance evaluation virtualized node and
Yedhu Sastriz, 2015 Hardware Utilization its clear that docker can implementing some
be compared to OS on security measures.

2. Wang Kangjin, Yang Yong, FID: A Faster Image Distributing Docker Come up with a P2P
Li Ying, Luo Hanmei, Ma Distribution System images in the P2P way traffic scheduling
Lin, 2017 for Docker Platform will get a significant method between
performance different IDCs and
improvement that FID also the acceleration
can reduce 91.35% of image extracting
distribution time and and importing to
and save 93% network further reduce the
traffic. time of distributing
images in large scale
Sl. No Author and Year Title Contents Covered Advancement
3. Nitin Naik, 2017 Docker container Based Demonstrates the Further testing and
Big Data Processing architectural design and refinement to
System in Multiple simulates development of become a mature
Clouds for Everyone. the proposed Docker technique and wider
container-based big data acceptance in the
processing system in cloud industry.
multiple clouds.
4. Pankaj Mendki,2018 Docker container based This paper highlights Deploying better
analytics at IoT edge using docker container hardware and large
based analytics services at scale deployment of
the edge for data such software that
processing. Feasibility is also responds to the
studied for setting up deep video captured.
learning framework on
Raspberry Pi for real-time
analysis of video feed
from the surveillance
Sl. No Author and Year Title Contents Covered Advancement
5. Minh Thanh Chung, Using Docker in Docker containers have We can explore the
Nguyen Quang-Hung, High Performance numerous benefits in transmission capacity
Manh-Thin Nguyen, Computing reducing overhead in the cluster system,
Nam Thoai, 2016 Applications because the architecture and predict the
allows to share the OS maximum quantity of
kernel. Docker is more VMs and Docker
suitable than virtual containers that the
machine about data given system can
intensive applications. generate. This will
support the resource
scheduler in
allocating VMs and
6. Arif Ahmed, Guillaume Docker Container Fog computing platforms More enhancement
Pierre, 2018 Deployment in Fog are often made of very should be done to the
Computing small computers such as slowest of the three
Infrastructures Raspberry PIs, and main resources:
deploying even a very network bandwidth,
simple Docker container CPU, or disk I/O.
may take multiple This can significantly
minutes. help in fog
 Basic architecture of a docker container is as follows.
 Different forms of data can be gathered and processed as
shown in the below diagram.
 The docker based data processing turns out to reduce the
hardware infrastructure needed to run a specified OS or

 The processing time is less when all components of docker

system is simultaneously used rather than using sequentially.

 This is a lightweight software application and can be scaled


 Since docker can be run on simple hardware the energy

consumption can be reduced.
 Dockers can be replaced instead of using an entire system that
runs only one type of application.

 Since it can process data simultaneously it can be given

multiple inputs at once and obtain required results in less time.

 Dockers are easy to develop and can be deployed anywhere.

 Since virtualizing all the work at once is difficult dockers are
now being implemented by only a few IT enterprises and cloud
providers only for minimum usage.

 This can be later enhanced to all fields and can be deployed in

large scale.

 This is possible by developing algorithms and techniques that

process data at a high speed compared to the present

 Resource utilization can also be increased by developing

docker schedulers that judge which data needs more priority.
[1].Evaluation of Docker Containers Based on Hardware Utilization, Preeth E
N, Fr. Jaison Paul Mulerickaly, Biju Paulz and Yedhu Sastriz, 2015.
[2].Docker container based analytics at IoT edge, Pankaj Mendki,2018.
[3].Docker container Based Big Data Processing System in Multiple Clouds
for Everyone, Nitin Naik, 2017.
[4].FID: A Faster Image Distribution System for Docker Platform, Wang
Kangjin, Yang Yong, Li Ying, Luo Hanmei, Ma Lin, 2017.
[5].Using Docker in High Performance Computing Applications, Minh Thanh
Chung, Nguyen Quang-Hung, Manh-Thin Nguyen, Nam Thoai, 2016.
[6].Docker Container Deployment in Fog Computing Infrastructures, Arif
Ahmed, Guillaume Pierre, 2018.

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