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Can you find the two animals?

Circulatory System's job
is to be the body's
transportation system. It
takes needed substances to
cell and takes waste products
away from cells.
Circulatory System is
made up of three parts:

1. Heart
2. Blood Vessels
3. Blood
1. HEART is a hollow muscular
organ about the size of your fist. It
is located below the sternum and
protected by pericardium.
Humans have 4 chambered heart:

Atria- Upper Chambers

Ventricles- Lower Chambers
The right side of the heart
receives oxygen - poor blood
from all parts of the body.

The left side of the heart

receives oxygen- rich blood from
the lungs
2. BLOOD VESSELS are the tubes through
which blood flows.

3 types of Blood Vessel:

1. Artery- carry blood away from the heart

to all parts of the body. They have thicker
walls than those of veins.

*Aorta- largest artery

* Arterioles- smallest artery
2. Veins- blood vessels which carry
blood toward the heart.

• Vena Cava- largest vein

• Venules- smallest vein
3. Capillaries- tiny blood vessels
which allow materials ( Oxygen,
nutrients, and wastes) to be exchange
between the blood and body cell. *
diffusion of nutrients and gases takes
place in the capillaries.

Vena Cava (Superior or Inferior)- Right

Atrium- Tricuspid Valve- Right
Ventricle- Semilunar Valve- Pulmonary
Artery- Lungs- Pulmonary Vein- Left
Atrium- Bicuspid Valve- Left Ventricle-
Aortic Valve- Aorta- Body
3. BLOOD is a liquid tissues that has these

a. carries nutrients, dissolved gases,

enzymes, and hormones.
b. disposes waste materials and toxins.
c. regulates body temperature, pH, and
d. protects the body from infections that
could cause illness and other bodily
e. starts clotting after an injury
Human body contains only
about five liters of blood.
Blood consists of 45% living
cells and the remaining 55% is
fluid called plasma
BLOOD CELLS The cellular portion of the
blood contains highly specialized called RBC
(erythrocytes), leukocytes (WBC), and
platelets (Thrombocytes).

1. Red Blood Cell- are the most numerous of

the blood cells. They carry oxygen to all cells of
the body and collect Carbon Dioxide for
disposal in the lungs.
2. White Blood Cells are colorless
and do not contain hemoglobin. It's
function is to protect the body
against infection.
3. Platelets are responsible for blood
clotting. They are not cells but parts
of cytoplasm.
Blood platelets are the first responders when you have a cut or
other injury. They gather at the site of the injury, creating a
temporary plug to stop blood loss. If you have a platelet disorder,
your blood has one of three abnormalities:

 Not enough platelets. Having too few platelets is quite

dangerous because even a small injury can cause serious blood

 Too many platelets. If you have too many platelets in your

blood, blood clots can form and block a major artery, causing a
stroke or heart attack.

 Platelets that don’t clot correctly. Sometimes, deformed

platelets can’t stick to other blood cells or the walls of your
blood vessels, and so can’t clot properly. This can also lead to a
dangerous loss of blood.
Heart Rate is the number of times
the heart beats every minute. Each
beat consists of two parts namely:

1. Diastole
2. Systole
Coronary Artery Disease
Heart Arrhythmia
Symptoms of Congenital
Heart Disease

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