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Symptoms of bipolar II disorder include periods of hypomania followed by depressive episodes.

While it can be normal for people to experience periods of feeling upbeat followed by periods of sadness, in people with bipolar disorder, these swings
are more extreme.

People experiencing hypomania may notice a combination of the following symptoms:

an increase in energy or feeling more agitated

feeling more upbeat or wired
increased self-confidence
decreased need or inability to sleep
racing thoughts
talking too fast or talking much more than normal
a tendency towards reckless behavior, such as spending too much, drinking or using drugs, or risk taking
impaired decision making
For these periods to be classified as true hypomanic episodes, they must last for at least 4 days and have at least three of the above symptoms.

People experiencing hypomania may feel very good during these periods, and may not know anything is wrong. However, loved ones watching a person
with bipolar II disorder will notice abnormal changes in behavior during hypomanic episodes.
Risk factors

There are no known risk factors for bipolar II disorders, although some studies suggest there
may be a genetic component.

Having a first-degree relative with bipolar II disorder may increase a person's chances of being
diagnosed with the same or a similar condition.
Bipolar II disorder can be hard to identify and is often misdiagnosed as major depressive
disorder because symptoms of hypomanic periods are mild and unrecognized by the inidvidual.

When diagnosing bipolar II disorder, a doctor will do a physical exam and may order some blood
tests to rule out physical causes of symptoms.

If a doctor does not find any physical causes for a person's symptoms, such as a hormonal
imbalance, they may do a psychiatric evaluation or refer the person to a psychiatrist for further
A psychiatrist often oversees the treatment of bipolar II disorder. Treating bipolar II disorder is
generally multifaceted, involving a combination of medication and psychotherapy.
Medications to treat bipolar disorder II disorder may include the following:
mood stabilizers
It may take a doctor some time to find the best combination and dosage of medication. It is
important for the person to tell their doctor how the medications affect their mood and if there
are any side effects.

Bipolar II disorder is a lifelong disease that may change over time. In some cases, a person may
experience a reduction in symptoms as they age.

Many people with bipolar II disorder experience other conditions concurrently. These conditions may
complicate or exacerbate bipolar II disorder. Some people with multiple diagnoses may struggle to
maintain relationships and employment.

Finding treatment for bipolar II disorder that works for the individual may be a long process of trial and
error. A person's needs may change and evolve over time. With effective treatment, a person may be able
to minimize their symptoms.

Therapy can help people with bipolar II disorder deal with hypomania and depressive episodes in
constructive ways.

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