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Big Bang

One Direction (A South Korean pop

(A British pop band)
What are some similarities and differences
between the two groups?
(Purely based on the sources given, not from
your personal background knowledge)
• Both are pop bands
• In both groups, all the members are male
• Both has 5 members in the band
• Caucasian group vs Asian group
• Natural vs dyed hair
• Vibrant colours vs black and white tones of
their clothes
We looked at:
• Nature of the group (pop band)
• Gender
• Number of members
• Nationality
• Hair colour
• Colour scheme of clothes
What is comparison?
• Infer the similarities and differences
between two (or more) sources according to
basis of comparison
• What you use to compare the sources
• Here are some basis of comparison (in order
of level)
o Provenance: Look at the caption of the source. who
are the authors? What is the background of the
o Content: Use information given in the source to
o Tone: Attitude of writer/speaker
o Purpose
1. How do Sources A and B differ? EYA.
2. In what ways are Sources C and D different? EYA.
3. How are Sources C and D similar? EYA.
4. In what ways are Sources E and F similar? EYA.
5. How different are Sources A and B? EYA.
6. How similar are Sources C and D? EYA.
7. To what extent is Source E different from Source F? EYA.
8. To what extent is Source A similar to Source B? EYA.
9. How far are Source C and Source D similar / different? EYA.
• Look out for the keyword "different",
"differ", "similar"
• Q1 and 2 require you to point out only the differences
in the 2 sources and the reasons why they are
• Q3 and 4 require you to point out only the similarities
in the 2 sources & the reasons why they are similar
• Q5 - Q9 require you to point out both the similarities
and differences in the 2 sources & the reasons why
they are similar & different
Question: How are Sources A and B different?
Source B: A history student’s report about the Japanese

There were nice Japanese soldiers around, such as the

ones that Madam Leo and her family had encountered
and made new bonds with- “Fa Wo Siong,” “Guan
Gong” and “Dai Lup Ma”. It was because of them that
Madam Leo’s family’s living conditions improved
during such times of hardship.
Remember BEE!

Basis of comparison
Evidence - "quote phrases from the source"
Explanation - explain how you get the
inference from the evidence
Sources A and B are different in its content.
Source A suggests that life during the
Japanese Occupation was tough, which is
evident in "many people in our village is
starving and under-nutritioned". Life was
tough as people do not have enough to eat.
However, Source B suggests that life during
the Japanese Occupation is not tough, since
it was clearly stated that "family’s living
conditions improved".
Sources A and B are also different in their
Both sources are about the life of the people
living in Syonan-to under the rule of the
Japanese during JO days but were written by
different people. "The Japanese Army took it
all away" from Source A and "there were nice
Japanese soldiers around" implied that Synon-
to was ruled by the Japanese at that time.
• Basis of comparison: Content
• Both sources are different in the content.
• Source A seems to suggest that life during
the Japanese occupation was tough because
"we had nothing for ourselves" to eat while
Source B suggested that life improved
during the war since "family's living
conditions improved".

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