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Meaning, and

Arina Swandani 2211416029

Triana Marwati 2211416035
Table of Contents

1. Decide the participant, the process,

the circumstance of the sentences in
the text!
2. Decide what kind of text is it!
3. Tell what kind of participant you can
find in the text!
4. Tell what kind of process you can find
in the text!
5. Tell what kind of circumstance you can
find in the text!
6. Tell how the writer started the
Decide the participant, the
process, the circumstance of
the sentences in the text!
Paragraph 1

Someone(human participant)
types(material process) a
command(abstract participant) into a
laptop(manner circumstance), and Actroid-
DER(non-living participant) jerks(material
process) upright(manner circumstance).
She(human participant) raises(material
process) her arms(particular participant)
and the corners of her mouth(concrete
participant) lift to form(behavioural
process) a smile(particular participant).

›Thisis expository text. It is

because the text explains
about the robots with
human ability.
Participants in the Text

› Non-living participant
› Human participant
› Particular participant
› Abstract participant
› Named participant
› General participant
› Concrete participant
› Metaphorical participant
› Un-named participant

Processes in the Text
› Material process
› Behavioural process
› Mental process
› Relational process
› Existential process
› Verbal process

Circumstances in the Text
› Manner circumstance
› Time circumstance
› Cause circumstance
› Place circumstance
› Matter circumstance
› Role circumstance
In this text the writer mostly
starts the text with non-human
participant. It means that the
writer tries to tell the readers
about something. Moreover,
there are many manner
circumstance to give more
information about the

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