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Teaching Tools for Parents

By: Savannah Johnson

Process of Sex determination of Embryo

 The determination of the sex fetus is by weather the sperm has a X chromosome or a Y
 The ovum always carries the X chromosome the sperm either carries a X or a Y
chromosome which will determine the gender of the baby.
 The combination of XX is for a female and the combination of XY is for a male.
 The ovum does determine which sperm will fertilize the egg by the different PH levels and
the estrogen levels because that will affect the survival rate of either X or Y chromosomes,
it also can affect the rate of speed that the sperm will travel in the fallopian tube.
Trimesters of Pregnancy

 There are 3 different trimesters to a pregnancy.

 Each trimester is 3 months long.
 During the 1st trimester the basic structures of the fetus is developing.
 During the 1st trimester of pregnancy nutrition is very important for proper growth and
development of the Embryo.
 All of the trimesters are very important with the development of the fetus.
 There are many different parts of the fetus developing during different parts of the
pregnancy. Many things start developing within the first trimester.
Physical Stages of Fetal Development

 Weeks 1-2 is the period of the Ovum

 Period of early embryo development
 Weeks 3-8 is the period of the Embryo (where most of the developing happens)
 Weeks 3-4 the central nervous system, and the heart begin to develop
 Weeks 4-5 the arms, legs, ears, and eyes begin to form
 Toward the end of week 6 the teeth and palate start developing
 Week 7 external genitals start to form
 At the end of week 8 the heart, arms, legs have finished developing
 Weeks 12-38/42 is the period of the fetus
 At the end of week 12 the palate has finished developing
 The Central nervous system, teeth, external genitals, and the ears are still developing
 By the end of week 16 the fetus has fully developed ears
 The central nervous system, eyes, teeth, and external genitals are still developing and will be until after
Critical Periods during Fetal Development

 Many critical periods in the developing process happens in the first trimester. A major part
of development for the fetus is nutrition, if there is not enough nutrition given to the fetus
during the first trimester it can cause lack of cell growth which can result in health
problems after the baby is born, such as coronary artery disease, and stroke in his/ her
adult life. Being born with a low birth weight can also be very critical and can cause
different problems as an adult.
Health Promotion

 During pregnancy it is important to always maintain levels of health and fitness. Exercise
can increase energy levels, help with sleep, help be in a better mood, exercise can also
reduce the risk of getting gestational diabetes. It is also important to not over push yourself
when exercising, you have to be careful of overheating because that would require for
oxygen for the baby. It is also very important to have good nutrition because it will
decrease many health risks that may happen to a fetus.
Maternal Adaptations

 Maternal Adaptations are the different things to prepare you for the baby’s arrival. The
mother is more motivated and preparing herself psychologically for the arrival of her new
Labor and delivery

 The four stages of birth

 The dilation and effacement of the cervix
 The descent birth of the baby
 The birth of the placenta
 Recovery phase
 Each stage of the delivery is very important. The cervix must be 10cm to be able to start
pushing. The birth of the baby may take a short or a long period of time when depending
on the person. The recovery phase can last up to 6 weeks and is similar to a menstrual
Infant Bonding and Attachment

 It is very Important for the parents to bond with the baby.

 Bonding allows the baby to start trusting the parents.
 It is also important for the baby to bond to the siblings and other family members.
 Building trust with the baby is important as it is part of grow and development.
Baby Adjusting to External Environment
After Birth

 Having skin to skin contact to build the trust and comfort of the mother.
 The baby should be able to detect to smell of breast milk by 6 days.
 Rooting reflex enables position for feeding.
 Encouraging parents to learn infant cues to promote self comfort.
 Having eye contact
 Talking, singing, music, and seeing objects promotes development of the brain.
Apgar Score

 An apgar score a based on a 1- 10 scale that determines the condition of the infant at
 It is based off of muscle tone, color, and reflexes

 Engrossment is very important to have. It is the bonding between the father or the
significant other. This is the bonding process that builds the baby’s trust.
 Having the baby build relationships with more than just the mother and father is important
to build the baby’s trust.
Motor development

 4 to 6 weeks- stops crying when held

 2 months- lifts, turns head, and smiles
 4 months- sits with support
 5 months- recognizes people, hold own bottle, splashes water
 6 months- rolls over, sits alone
 9 months- crawls, knows name, pincher grasp
 10 months- walks with help
 12 months- may walk alone
Infant stages of life

 Trust vs. mistrust- trust is very important for a baby the build of trust is important for there ability to trust other
people. If a baby doesn’t trust their parents as a nurse you would want to look for signs of that.
 Intelligence- babies are always growing and learning new things. They learn things through cause and
effect, and object permanence.
 Emotional development- happens when they are learning and figuring out how to do things.
 Attachment- Babies tend to get more attached to there parents around 9 months old. They will get
separation anxiety when they don’t see there parent. This is why bonding is so important.
 Language Development- expressing and repeating things, and also non verbal communication.
 Autonomy- The gaining of there independence.
 Sleep patterns- putting the child into a routine can promote a sleeping pattern.
 Nutrition- its important to develop a healthy lifestyle and to give them the proper nutrition they need for their
body to grow.
 Teeth- tend to grow in between 5-7 months
 Immunizations- they start to get vaccines at birth and continue on for a lifetime.
 Safety and accident prevention- always use proper car seats, always put baby to sleep on back to prevent

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