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Unlock the Magic

Rules of the preliminary round
• There are a total of 23 questions. Questions 3,6,9,12,15,18, 21 are starred questions (marked with a ‘*’)
• You get 1 point for every question answered correctly. There is no negative marking.
• In case of a tie between two or more teams, teams who have answered more starred questions will
emerge the winner.
• Answers need to be written precisely. If you write two different answers for the same question, we will take
into account only your first answer.
• Starred questions that have more number of stars are more important. For e.g. Q6** is more important
than Q3*, since Q6 has two stars.
• The original inhabitant of this island was a fifteenth-century wizard, who
went by the name of Ekrizdis. According to folklore, Ekrizdis performed the
worst kinds of dark magic, luring, torturing and killing Muggle sailors who
passed the island. After his death, an investigation was launched into his
lodgings, after which all records were promptly sealed off to the general
public, except for the existence of a certain kind of magical beings, which,
according to lore, were the least horrific things about that place. Name it.


• Situated in the middle of London, this building was constructed in the early
sixteenth century by Daisy Dodderidge, the first landlady. After the
imposition of the Statue of Secrecy in 1692, a kind gesture from the then-
Minister for Magic resulted in it being rescued from demolition. It now
features a dish in the name of the Minister. Give me the name of this place.
• First created and perfected by Mnemone Radford in the sixteenth century,
these are a handy tool for Ministry wizards during difficult times. Ottaline
Gambol, minister for Magic, was involved in a large-scale operation
concerning the Hogwarts school and the casting of the particular spell one
hundred and sixty-seven times, as well as the casting of the largest ever
Concealment charm in England. Name the spell (no bonus point for the
event name though!)
• Established in the eleventh century by Hengist of Woodcroft, it remains a
fascinating destination for wizards all over England. It served as the wizard
headquarters during the 1612 goblin rebellion and the first ever venue, in
1926, for the Magical Waterplants festival. Name this place.
• The name means, “one who carries an olive wand.” Associated with the
ancient society of pureblooded families known as the “sacred twenty-eight”,
they originally emigrated to England from the Mediterranean in the fourth
century B.C. Who is being referred to here?
6. **
• The literal translation of it is “to take a bite out of death.” Known to only a
few practitioners of magic, it was created by one of the greatest wizards of
his time. Give me the name of this incantation.
• Found in the Far east and Asia, it is a magical beast, with choranaptyxic
properties. A rare possible form of a corporeal Patronus, it was once
considered by Gilderoy Lockhart for his own range of haircare products.
Name it.
• This law was put into place by the fifteenth president of the MACUSA,
following one of the most humiliating breaches of the International Statute
of secrecy, by the daughter of the then-Keeper of Treasure and Dragots (the
american magical currency), Aristotle Twelvetrees and his daughter, Dorcas.
What is it’s name?
9. ***
• A species of giant insects, native to the rainforests of Borneo, are a wizard-
bred species, with a taste for human flesh. They were spotted for the first
time in 1794. According to official records, reports of their existence on the
island of the United Kingdom are unverified. What am I referring to here?
• This is the only department that does not answer to the Department of
Magical Law Enforcement. Even the Minister for Magic has very little
control over the department’s workings. The fifteenth Minister for Magic,
Radolphus Lestrange tried unsuccessfully to close down this department. His
decree fell through when the employees ignored him and continued to work.
What are the employees of this department known as?
(Known employees include Broderick Bode, Saul Croaker, Augustus
• X is the victim of a blood-curse, commonly known as a Maledictus, played by
the actress Claudia Kim. Give me X.
12. ****
• The motto of this Pureblood family reads, “Corvus oculum corvi non eruit.”
Bearing the raven on its crest as a mascot, it’s members are traditionally
buried at Cimetière du Père-Lachaise in Paris. Give me the family name.
• Various witches and wizards are exceptional at this branch of old and
obscure magic, from Barty Crouch Jr. to Gellert Grindelwald. The seminal
book on it, and it’s properties, was written by Maxwell Barnett. Name this
branch of magic.
• A muggle-born son of a milkman, both he and his brother were expelled
from Hogwarts in their sixth and fourth year respectively. Both members of
the DA, he fought in the Battle of Hogwarts, and was described to be “tiny
in death”. Give me their names.
15. *****
• The concept for this mode of transportation was commissioned in 1865, the
main idea being proposed by then-minister Dugald McPhail. One of the
workers of this mode of transportation was forced to join the Death Eaters
under the influence of the Imperius Curse. Give me it’s name (proper noun).
• His son grows up in Wool’s orphanage in London, and murdered him at the
age of sixteen. Who is he?
• The very nature of this ancient form of magic, originated in Ancient Greece
by the wizard Herpo the Foul was what deterred the common people from
practicing it, and till date, very few people actually know of this obscure and
deadly practice. What am I speaking about?
18. ******
• A very close friend of a Hogwarts Headmaster, he had contracted Dragon
Pox before his arrival at Hogwarts, prompting the beginning of a very close
and very influential friendship. Special Advisor to the Wizengamot, he was
also a member of the Advance Guard that came to escort Harry from 4,
Privet Drive on the sixth of August, 1995. Give me his name.
• One of the various owners of the Marauder’s Map, he obtained it sometime
after 1988 by trading it with someone at Hogwarts. Banned from a
Hogsmeade pub in 1975, he, however, still frequents it, under heavy disguise,
often as a witch. Who am I referring to here?
• The subject of one of the portraits at a pub in Hogsmeade, she was killed in
the summer of 1899, a victim of accidental magic. Give me her name.
21. *******
• Discovered in 1845 by Herbologist Beaumont Majoribanks, its magical
properties were unknown till Elladora Ketteridge ingested it and nearly died.
Endemic to the Mediterranean sea, what is this magical plant?
Rumoured to have been created in the 13th century, it was in the possession of
a single family through the bloodline of the eldest child. It can be replicated by
using the hair from a Demiguise. What is being spoken about here?
• Professors of Muggle Studies and Dark Arts at Hogwarts during 1997-1998,
this was their favourite punitive measure. What am I referring to here?
• The original inhabitant of this island was a fifteenth-century wizard, who
went by the name of Ekrizdis. According to folklore, Ekrizdis performed the
worst kinds of dark magic, luring, torturing and killing Muggle sailors who
passed the island. After his death, an investigation was launched into his
lodgings, after which all records were promptly sealed off to the general
public, except for the existence of a certain kind of magical beings, which,
according to lore, were the least horrific things about that place. Name it.


• Azkaban. the island prison’s existence was discovered only after Ekrizdis’
death, and was converted into a prison only in 1718, after Damocles Rowle
was elected to the office of the Minister for magic.
• Situated in the middle of London, this building was constructed in the early
sixteenth century by Daisy Dodderidge, the first landlady. After the
imposition of the Statue of Secrecy in 1692, a kind gesture from the then-
Minister for Magic resulted in it being rescued from demolition. It now
features a dish in the name of the Minister. Give me the name of this place.
• The Leaky Cauldron. Established in the early 1500’s "to serve as a gateway between the non-
wizarding world and Diagon Alley." It had a bar, several private parlour rooms, and a large dining
• To Muggles, the pub appears to be a broken-down old shop front on Charing Cross Road.
In 1692 with the imposition of the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy, Minister Ulick
Gamp permitted the pub to continue its existence as a safe haven and refuge for members of the
magical community. Though insistent on numerous concealment spells and good behaviour from
all who used the pub, Gamp was sympathetic to the need of wizards to let off steam during this
difficult time, and further agreed to give the landlord permission to let people into Diagon Alley
from his backyard, because the shops behind the Leaky Cauldron were now also in need of
protection. Out of gratitude, the landlord created a new brand of beer, Gamp's Old Gregarious,
which tasted so disgusting that even with a one-hundred-Galleon incentive, nobody could finish a
• First created and perfected by Mnemone Radford in the sixteenth century,
these are a handy tool for Ministry wizards during difficult times. Ottaline
Gambol, minister for Magic, was involved in a large-scale operation
concerning the Hogwarts school and the casting of the particular spell one
hundred and sixty-seven times, as well as the casting of the largest ever
Concealment charm in England. Name the spell (no bonus point for the
event name though!)
• Obliviate. Mnemone Radford was the witch who first developed Memory
Modifying Charms. She became the first Ministry of Magic Obliviator..
• Minister for Magic Ottaline Gambol was responsible for the creation of
the Hogwarts Express to transport young witches and wizards to Hogwarts.
However, the secrecy surrounding the project entailed a mass operation
involving one hundred and sixty-seven Memory Charms and the largest ever
mass Concealment Charm performed in Britain.
• Established in the eleventh century by Hengist of Woodcroft, it remains a
fascinating destination for wizards all over England. It served as the wizard
headquarters during the 1612 goblin rebellion and the first ever venue, in
1926, for the Magical Waterplants festival. Name this place.
• Hogsmeade. According to tradition, it was founded over a thousand years
ago, during the same time as the formation of the Hogwarts School of
Witchcraft and Wizardry, by a medieval wizard, Hengist of Woodcroft, as he
was fleeing persecution. Since before 1714, Hogwarts third-year students and
above have been permitted to go into the village for weekend trips.
• The name means, “one who carries an olive wand.” Associated with the
ancient society of pureblooded families known as the “sacred twenty-eight”,
they originally emigrated to England from the Mediterranean in the fourth
century B.C. Who is being referred to here?
• Ollivander’s. According to the Ollivander’s family tradition, it is believed that their
ancestors in England arrived with the Romans, and set up stall (subsequently shop)
to sell to ancient British wizards whose wands were crude of construction and
unreliable in performance.
• The earliest known member of the family, apart from the the original Ollivander
who established the wand-making business, is Geraint Ollivander, active in the
Middle Ages. The current owner of the famous wand shop is Garrick Ollivander.
He is an established wandmaker in the British wizarding community and many
wizarding families preferred buying Ollivander's wands over other makers, often
remarking that his were the best.
6. **
• The literal translation of it is “to take a bite out of death.” Known to only a
few practitioners of magic, it was created by one of the greatest wizards of
his time. Give me the name of this incantation.
• Morsmordre
• Found in the Far east and Asia, it is a magical beast, with choranaptyxic
properties. A rare possible form of a corporeal Patronus, it was once
considered by Gilderoy Lockhart for his own range of haircare products.
Name it.
• The Occamy. It is a plumed, two-legged serpentine-bodied creature with
wings that reached up to fifteen feet in height. The Occamy is extremely
aggressive to anyone who approached it, and lives off of insects, rats, birds,
and occasionally monkeys. It was extremely protective of its eggs, which
were made of the most pure and soft silver. It is found in the Far East and
Asia. A known rare possible corporeal form of the Patronus Charm.
Gilderoy Lockhart once proposed the use of it’s eggs in his own range of
haircare products, termed Occamy egg-yolk shampoo.
• This law was put into place by the fifteenth president of the MACUSA,
following one of the most humiliating breaches of the International Statute
of secrecy, by the daughter of the then-Keeper of Treasure and Dragots (the
american magical currency), Aristotle Twelvetrees and his daughter, Dorcas.
What is it’s name?
• Rappaport’s Law. It was an American wizarding law enacted by President
Emily Rappaport in 1790 in response to the fallout of Dorcus Twelvetrees's
breach of the International Statute of Secrecy. It was eventually repealed
in 1965.
• The law was intended to create absolute segregation between the No-
Maj and wizarding communities. It banned witches and wizards from
marrying or befriending No-Majs, allowing only interactions "necessary to
perform daily activities," and meted out "harsh" penalties for fraternisation
with No-Majs.
9. ***
• A species of giant insects, native to the rainforests of Borneo, are a wizard-
bred species, with a taste for human flesh. They were spotted for the first
time in 1794. According to official records, reports of their existence on the
island of the United Kingdom are unverified. What am I referring to here?
• Acromantula. They are a wizard-bred species, designed to guard dwellings or
treasure hoards, and were first created before the Ban on Experimental
Breeding in 1965.
• This is the only department that does not answer to the Department of
Magical Law Enforcement. Even the Minister for Magic has very little
control over the department’s workings. The fifteenth Minister for Magic,
Radolphus Lestrange tried unsuccessfully to close down this department. His
decree fell through when the employees ignored him and continued to work.
What are the employees of this department known as?
(Known employees include Broderick Bode, Saul Croaker, Augustus
• Unspeakables. They work in the Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of
Magic, and are nicknamed “unspeakables” due to the level of secrecy
surrounding their job.
• X is the victim of a blood-curse, commonly known as a Maledictus, played by
the actress Claudia Kim. Give me X.
• Nagini.
12. ****
• The motto of this Pureblood family reads, “Corvus oculum corvi non eruit.”
Bearing the raven on its crest as a mascot, it’s members are traditionally
buried at Cimetière du Père-Lachaise in Paris. Give me the family name.
• The Lestrange Family. They are an ancient pure-blood wizarding family, originally
from France but also with branches in Great Britain, and one of the Sacred Twenty-
Eight. They are related to the Black, Malfoy, Tonks, Lupin,
and Rosier families. Bellatrix Black married into the family only because it was
expected of her to make a respectable pure-blood marriage.
• The Lestranges are a very old and wealthy family with a vault at Gringotts
Wizarding Bank full of treasure. Like the House of Black many Lestranges practise
the Dark Arts and believe in the notion of pure-blood supremacy, they
disdain Muggles, Muggle-borns, blood traitors, and in some cases half-bloods.
Similar to the Gaunts, they are willing to intermarry with cousins to maintain their
• Various witches and wizards are exceptional at this branch of old and
obscure magic, from Barty Crouch Jr. to Gellert Grindelwald. The seminal
book on it, and it’s properties, was written by Maxwell Barnett. Name this
branch of magic.
• Occlumency. It is the art of closing off one’s mind against any form of
external manipulation by a Legilimens, and protects one’s thoughts,
memories and feelings.
• Maxwell Barnett wrote the book A Guide to Advanced Occlumency.
• A muggle-born son of a milkman, both he and his brother were expelled
from Hogwarts in their sixth and fourth year respectively. Both members of
the DA, he fought in the Battle of Hogwarts, and was described to be “tiny
in death”. Give me their names.
• Colin Creevey. He and his brother Dennis were both expelled in the
Hogwarts year of 1997-98, owing to Voldemort’s new anti-muggle plans.
15. *****
• The concept for this mode of transportation was commissioned in 1865, the
main idea being proposed by then-minister Dugald McPhail. One of the
workers of this mode of transportation was forced to join the Death Eaters
under the influence of the Imperius Curse. Give me it’s name (proper noun).
• The Knight Bus. It is a triple-decker, purple AEC Regent III RT that assists
stranded individuals of the wizarding community through public
transportation. It operates at a very fast speed and obstacles will jump out of
its way. To hail the bus, a witch or wizard must stick their wand hand in the
air in the same manner that a Muggle might do while hailing a Muggle Bus in
the UK, though it is possible to book tickets for travel on the bus in advance.
• His son grows up in Wool’s orphanage in London, and murdered him at the
age of sixteen. Who is he?
• Tom Riddle Sr. raised in the village of Little Hangleton, Yorkshire, he was coerced
into marrying Merope Gaunt by means of a love potion. He left her once she
stopped giving him the potion, sometime before the birth of their son, Tom
Marvolo Riddle, who would grow to become Lord Voldemort.
• His son, Lord Voldemort, later murdered him and his grandparents. This was in
retaliation for what he saw as his father's abandonment of his family. While neither
his death nor that of his parents was notable among Muggles, as few Little
Hangleton residents grieved, it would be pivotal in Wizarding history. His murder
was used to make his Gaunt's ring into a Horcrux. In 1995 his bones helped his son
return to full power.
• The very nature of this ancient form of magic, originated in Ancient Greece
by the wizard Herpo the Foul was what deterred the common people from
practicing it, and till date, very few people actually know of this obscure and
deadly practice. What am I speaking about?
• Horcruxes. The only known book that provided specific instruction on the
creation and nature of a Horcrux was Secrets of the Darkest Art, which was
once held in Hogwarts' library. Due to the book's extremely dark and
dangerous nature, Albus Dumbledore hid it away in his office when he
became the Headmaster of Hogwarts. It was believed that Tom Riddle had
found the information necessary to make a Horcrux in this book before
Dumbledore managed to get hold of it. While a Horcrux could be anything
at all, including a living being, it was most advisable to create a Horcrux out
of an inanimate object to decrease the chances of it being destroyed.
18. ******
• A very close friend of a Hogwarts Headmaster, he had contracted Dragon
Pox before his arrival at Hogwarts, prompting the beginning of a very close
and very influential friendship. Special Advisor to the Wizengamot, he was
also a member of the Advance Guard that came to escort Harry from 4,
Privet Drive on the sixth of August, 1995. Give me his name.
• Elphias Doge.
• One of the various owners of the Marauder’s Map, he obtained it sometime
after 1988 by trading it with someone at Hogwarts. Banned from a
Hogsmeade pub in 1975, he, however, still frequents it, under heavy disguise,
often as a witch. Who am I referring to here?
• Mundungus Fletcher. He was a British half-blood wizard who was involved
in many illegal activities, having a notoriously disreputable reputation as a
petty criminal. Despite his illicit dealings, he was one of the original
members of the Order of the Phoenix. Many members of the Order had
mixed feelings about him; however, he was very loyal to the Order's
head, Albus Dumbledore, who once got Fletcher out of serious trouble.
• The subject of one of the portraits at a pub in Hogsmeade, she was killed in
the summer of 1899, a victim of accidental magic. Give me her name.
• Ariana Dumbledore was the youngest child and only daughter of Percival and Kendra
Dumbledore. At the age of six, Ariana was attacked by Muggle boys who saw her
practising magic, which left her traumatised to the point of rendering her magical abilities
uncontrollable. This prompted her father to attack the boys and be imprisoned in Azkaban,
while her mother moved the family from Mould-On-The-Wold to Godric's Hollow and kept
Ariana hidden away from the general population. Because of this, the few people who saw
Ariana got the impression that she was being imprisoned.
• During a fit when she was fourteen years old, Ariana caused a magical explosion that killed
her mother. Her older brother Albus then became her guardian, a role that he
resented. Ariana died when she was accidentally struck by a curse in a three-
way duel between her older brothers and Gellert Grindelwald. This event would have a
profound impact on both her brothers' lives.
21. *******
• Discovered in 1845 by Herbologist Beaumont Majoribanks, its magical
properties were unknown till Elladora Ketteridge ingested it and nearly died.
Endemic to the Mediterranean sea, what is this magical plant?
• Gillyweed.
Rumoured to have been created in the 13th century, it was in the possession of
a single family through the bloodline of the eldest child. It can be replicated by
using the hair from a Demiguise. What is being spoken about here?
• The Invisibility Cloak. Ignotus Peverell was given the cloak by Death in the 13th
century as a reward for having beaten him. The cloak became a family heirloom and
was inherited by Ignotus' descendents, including James Potter and eventually his
son, Harry Potter who given it as a gift on Christmas day 1991.
• Ron Weasley was the first to speculate that Harry's cloak was one of the Deathly
Hallows, since it was at least two generations old. The other invisibility cloaks wear
out after that time, or at least lose some effectiveness and yet Harry's remained as
good as new, which raised suspicion. The other invisibility cloaks should have
become opaque with age, rip, have the charms placed upon them wear off, or have
them countered with charms of revealment.
• Professors of Muggle Studies and Dark Arts at Hogwarts during 1997-1998,
this was their favourite punitive measure. What am I referring to here?
• The Cruciatus curse. It is a tool of the Dark Arts and one of the
three Unforgivable Curses. It is one of the most powerful and sinister spells
known to wizardkind. When cast successfully the curse inflicts intense,
excruciating pain on the victim. The penalty for use of this curse on another
human being is a life sentence in Azkaban.
• During the1997-98 school year, the professors for Muggle Studies and dark
Arts, Alecto and Amycus Carrow, used it upon the students as a punitive
The End

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