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• HTML is a language used to design

web pages with the help of predefined
mark-up codes.
• It is a subset of SGML and developed
in November 1990 by a scientist at
CERN named Tim Berners Lee.
• Later, many versions are released like-
HTML 2.0, HTML 3.0, HTML 4.0 and
the latest is HTML 5.0.
• It is easy to understand and modify as it does not require any
programming knowledge.

• It provides more flexible way to design webpages using text.

• Links can be added to the web pages so as to help the readers to visit
other web pages of their interest.

• Graphic, videos, sounds, etc. can be added to the webpages.

• It is a platform independent language.

• It is case insensitive.
• There are two types of tags :- Container tags and Empty tags
• Container tags are those tags which require both starting and
ending tags to specify their presentation on the webpage
• Example - <HEAD> , <BODY> , <HTML> , <FONT> etc
• Empty tags are those tags which just require starting tag to
specify their presentation on the webpage.
• Example - <BR> , <HR> , <IMG> , <BASEFONT> etc

 Every HTML document starts with this tag.

 It is a container tag and the closing element that is </HTML> appears as the last
statement of the document.
 This tag has no effect on the appearance of the document but it helps the browser to
identify the document.
 It is further divided into head and body section.
 Head section is used to add title whereas body section is used to add content in the

• It is a container tag used to define the header section of the webpage.

• It is used to describe the document like its title, script, style etc.
• It contains <TITLE> tag which is used to set the document title.
• It is a container element nested in between the <HEAD> element.
• The information enclosed by the <TITLE> element appears in the title bar of the browser
• As it helps to recognise the document, it is important to define the title of a webpage
• This container tag encloses the entire page contents along with the associated tags that
is displayed on the web page when it is viewed in the browser window.
• This tag starts after the closing of <HEAD> tag and is closes just before the closing of
<HTML> document.
• This tag has various attributes to control the basic appearance of the web page.
• Example - <B> , <I>, <BGCOLOR> etc

• <HTML>
• <HEAD>
• <TITLE> ………</TITLE>
• </HEAD>
• <BODY>
• ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
• </BODY>
• </HTML>

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