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Contextual Factors

Colegio Montaner
Valentina Acuña Zapata
Task 1: School Location: Grecia street 1911, Hualpen, Region del Bio-Bio

Colegio Montaner was founded in October 16th, 1976 (43 years of education).
It is a subsidized school which offers a Scientific-humanist education with grades from pre-
kindergarten to high school. The school presents three floors which contains two teachers’ rooms, a
computer lab, a library, bathrooms, an art room, a chemistry laboratory, a gym, one open backyard
and two closed playgrounds including an special one just for the little ones.
Task 1: School

Infrastructure, learning resources and technology available.

- Data Projectors

- Computer Lab

- Library

- Playground
Task 1: School Classroom organization

- The ring bells at 7.50 am and every teacher has to organize the students in rows in the
cover playground after going to their classrooms.
- Every class finishes 10 minutes before break time. Students can eat their food.
- There is an average in every classroom of around 40 to 45 students. (excluding the
- Every classroom has sitting arrangements which varies according to the behaviour of the
students and month to month.
- Every classroom has a central heat.
Task 1: School
Task 1: School


Luisa Arriagada Durán Daniel Villarroel Montaner Marjorie Fuentealba Pincheira


Profesora de Biología. Profesor de Historia y Geografía. Ingeniero (e) Informatica,

Magister en Educación (UNAB) Doctor en Educación, y Master en Instituto Profesional Diego
Licenciatura en Educacion, Mencion Innovación y Liderazgo (Universidad Portales.
Biologia (UdeC) Autónoma de Barcelona, España)
Postítulo Informática Educativa Postítulo Especialista en Adm. Educacional
(UdeC) (UdeC)
Magister en Adm. Educacional (UdeC)
Task 2: Students

- 42 students - 1 new student
- More girls than boys (60% - 40%)
- Age: between 13 and 14 years old
- Nationality: Chilean
- Religion: Not mentioned.
- NEE: 1 student.
Task 2: Students

- There is a good relation between T - Ss

- According to the performance in English classes,
around the 80% get marks above the 4,0. That is
because the three magic words are always
- Work in class and projects
- Personal reinforce. It is not necessary to make
adaptations to the class but it is necessary to sit
with him and explain the activities again.
Task 2: Students

Carlos Solar Contreras.

English teacher.
Licenciatura en Educación (UdeC)

Task 3: Factors

The use of ICT

Students disposition to resources
work availables in the

The use of the

English language in
the classroom
Task 3: Factors

The challenges:
a. Time and Internet connection.
b. English level of the students
c. Motivational activities.

The possible solutions:

a. Being careful when planning the ICT activities, considering they finished 10
minutes before break time. Use of Plan B, C, D, etc.
b. Making small reviews of the previous content in order to ensure the
acquirement of knowledge to follow with the next contents to improve
c. The use of interesting materials and activities according to their
Task 4: Reflection

1. Features that I know the most:

- Ss Attitudes
- Ss Answers
- Ss Performance
Sources: Personal observation + teachers’ comments

1. Features that I know the least

- Their social environment.
Problem: It could affect the effectiveness of my lesson plans if there
exist any disruptive situation.
How to solve it: Talking to the English teacher and planning activities
that can tell me more about their life out of school.

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