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Prepared by: Dianne Louise Cuevas

 Work -activity involving mental or physical

effort done in order to achieve a purpose or

 Play – activity engaged in for enjoyment and

recreation, especially by children.
 predisposition to react, positively or
negatively, to a person, place or circumstance

 Positive Attitude – objects or ideas that we

like and have a tendency to acquire, such
as money, diamonds, beauty, honesty, etc.

 Negative Attitude – those we shun or

dislike for they do not give any satisfaction.
Some examples are snakes, diseases, death
or even dislike for work.
 Utilitarian attitudes – adjustive ones that can
be recognized most easily in change of

 Ego-defensive – protect the person from

threats to the ego and the anxiety generated
by them.
 Value-Expressive – those maintaining self-
identity or leading to self-expression and

 Knowledge Function – tend to promote

meaningfulness in all activity.
 Attitudes of individuals
are influenced by the
culture, by the larger
aggregates to which the
individuals belong, and
by primary groups. This
does not mean that any
of these act
independently; all the
groups relate one to the
other. Indeed, the
family, as the most
important primary
group, has been often
referred to as the
mediator of culture.
 The values and norms of the primary group
particularly, the family, plays a very important
role in influencing attitudes, opinions and
beliefs of the members of the group.

 In addition, social class and religious

affiliation, learning and experience, play a
vital role.
 Intellectual attitudes - easier to change than
emotional. Through reasoning and logic, we
can change one’s mind.

 Emotional attitude - much more difficult to

change. We have to look into the person’s
background, the class structure of his country
and his experience.
 PERSON’S BACKGROUND - To understand the
root of his poor attitude towards work, first we
have to consider the family influence which has a
strong impact on such attitude.

 CLASS STRUCTURE- Researchers have shown

that you can forecast with a certain degree of
accuracy the value system of people by knowing
their class status in the community, their
folkways and more.

 EXPERIENCE – An individual may be a male or

female, Chinese or American mestizo, college
graduate or high school graduate, doctor or
businessmen, or whether he grew up in the rural
area or has been raised in the city.
1. Mental and Physical Work

 MENTAL WORK – refers to those types of

activities in which remembering, thinking,
reasoning, judging, etc. are involved.

 PHYSICAL WORK – refers to those activities

where speed, coordination and intensity of
muscular responses are the concern of the
2. Sedentary or Muscular work

 SEDENTARY WORK – involves control,

timing and direction of activity.

 MUSCULAR WORK – the main

consideration is mechanical force.
 These elements are in the word WORK itself:

W –Willpower: desire; motive; urge

O – Objective: aims; targets; goals

R – Responsibility: commitment; leadership;


K – Knowledge: perception; wisdom;

 COMPLIANCE – means action in conforming
with directives that flow down from superiors
to subordinates.

 OBEDIENCE – means submission to the

guidance of an authority.

 DEPENDABILITY – means reliability &

trustworthiness. This is confidence that
develops when tasks are commensurate with
 Objective view - refers to the various ways &
processes of achieving the purpose.

 Subjective view - refers to the processes

whereby man manifests & confirms himself as
one who controls all activities – mental and
 ETHICS – the systematized principles of morally, correct

 Moral Obligation – The absence of a strong moral

obligation within the individual and among our people to
make their best contribution to the cause, may postpone,
if not altogether thwart personal satisfaction & emotional

 Honesty –An individual may have the best blue prints for
development and they may be good to start with, but, if he
lacks the will to pursue them honestly, he may never get
off the ground. One who lacks will, lacks the commitment
of the true behavior in hard & honest labor.
 Self-efficiency – self-awareness & self-
development to realize one’s aspiration.

 Group-efficiency – Human relations,

teamwork & social efficiency.

 Things-efficiency – Work methods that

spend time and effort.
A. Personal Characteristics:
1. Age - Job performance declines with increasing
age. Thus, Social Security Office has limited the
age retirement at 62 years old optional & 65
years old as compulsory retirement.

2. Gender – There are no consistent male-female

differences in problem-solving ability, analytical
skills, competitive drive, motivation, sociability
or learning ability. However, on absence &
turnover rates, females have higher turnover
rates and on absences, women have higher rate
of absenteeism than men do.
3. Marital status – married employees have fewer
absences, undergo fewer turnovers, and are
more satisfied with their job than their
unmarried workers.

4. Number of dependents – the number of

children an employee has is positively
correlated with absence among females.
Similarly, there’s a positive relationship
between number of dependents and job

5. Tenure – there is no reason to believe that

people who have been on a job longer are
more productive than are those with less
B. Ability – refers to an individual’s capacity
to perform the various tasks in a job. An
individual’s overall abilities are made up to
two skills: Intellectual and Physical.

C. Personality – these traits are enduring

characteristics that describe an individual’s

D. Learning – any relatively permanent

change in behavior that occurs as a result of

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