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• The angle of repose is the steepest
angle that a stable slope can attain.

• The force that pulls the particles down

the slope (shear stress) is equal to
and balanced by another force that
resists the down-slope movement
(shear strength)
Shear Stress on the Slope
• Shear stress is the component of gravitational
force that is parallel to the slope and causes
particles to move down-slope.
• The component that is perpendicular to the
slope surface is called the normal stress. It
contributes to the friction between the
particles and the surface.
• Shear stress increases with the angle of the
slope, and when the surface is level there is no
shear stress.
Shear Strength on the Slope
• Shear strength is the resistance of
particles to move down-slope.
• It acts against the shear stress and is
determined by the inter-particle friction,
and cohesion, which could be affected by
the water content.
• If the particles on the slope have larger
shear strength, then it could resist more
shear stress on a steeper slope, resulting
in a greater angle of repose.
• By inclining an object greater than the angle
of repose, it will result for the object to
accelerate down the plane.
• To keep the object moving down at constant
velocity, the inclination of the plane must be
lowered to less than 𝜃𝑟
• We call this angle as the angle of uniform slip.
Friction and Banking of
Open your books on page 108.

Motion in a Viscous Fluid
Drag Force
• Force experienced by objects as it
fall through air containers where
it collide with fluid molecules.
• The larger the object’s speed, size
and shape the greater the drag
Stoke’s Lae of Resistance
• An object moving through air at
speed less than or equal to 25
m/s experiences an approximate
drag force 𝐹𝐷 which varies
linearly with its speed.
𝑭𝑫 = 𝑩𝒗
𝐵 is Stoke’s drag coefficient.
Newton’s Law of Resistance
• For speeds within the range of 25
m/s to 325 m/s, the drag force is
proportional to the square of the
𝑭𝑫 = 𝑪𝒗
C is Newton’s drag coefficient
Terminal Velocity
• Falling object accelerate under the
influence of gravity until drag force
equals the weight of the object.
• The object stops accelerating and falls
with a constant velocity called terminal
𝑚𝑔 − 𝐹𝐷 = 0
𝐹𝐷 = 𝑚𝑔
Work as Dot Product
• Work is an application of the dot
product to physic.
• The work done in moving an object
through a distance d by a force F is W
= Fd. However, this formula only
works if the force is applied in the
same direction as the motion.
• Suppose a force F moves an object
from a point P to a point Q.
• The displacement vector is D = P Q
W = F · D = |F||D| cos θ

• A force F = −4i + 2j moves an

object from the point P(3, 6) to
the point Q(2, 9). How much
work is done if force is measured
in lbs and distance is measured
in ft?
Work Done by a Variable Force
• A force is said to do work when it acts on a
body so that there is a displacement of the
point of application in the direction of the
• Thus, a force does work when it results in
• Mechanical energy is the energy that is
possessed by an object due to its motion or
due to its position. Mechanical energy can be
either kinetic energy (energy of motion) or
potential energy (stored energy of position).
• The total amount of mechanical energy is merely
the sum of the potential energy and the kinetic
energy. This sum is simply referred to as the total
mechanical energy (abbreviated TME).
There are two forms of potential energy discussed
in our course - gravitational potential energy and
elastic potential energy. Given this fact, the above
equation can be rewritten:
TME = PEgrav + PEspring + KE
• The diagram below depicts the a ski jumper as
he glides down the hill and makes one of his
record-setting jumps.
Work Energy Theorem

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