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What are the parts

of the cell?
What would happen if you
haven’t eaten for a week?
Where do we get the
How does the plant
store the energy?
1. What process is done by plants to produce glucose.

2. What is photon?

3. Why is it that most of the plants appear to be green?

4. What wavelengths are absorbed by plants?

5. Where does photosynthesis take place?

6. What are the 2 sets of reactions of photosynthesis?

7. What are the parts of a chloroplast?

8. Light dependent reactions take place in the _____.

9. What molecule absorbs the photon of light?

10. How does the chlorophyll molecules being replaced
with its lost electrons?

11. Where does the energy take to pump hydrogen

ions from the stroma to the thylakoid space?

12. How does the ATP form?

13. How does the NADPH form?

14. What fuels the Calvin cycle?

15. What are the 3 steps of the Calvin cycle?

16. What molecule combines w/ carbon dioxide to form

2 molecules of 3-phosphoglycerate (PGA)?

17. What molecule is used to make glucose?

18. What is the role of water in photosynthesis?
• Process by which light energy is converted into the
chemical energy of organic compounds (glucose).
• Occurs in the chloroplasts of plant cells
(as wells as some single celled organisms,
that can carry out photosynthesis.)
Chloroplast Structure
• Stroma: protein containing fluid

• Grana: stacked membranes containing

enzymes and chlorophyll.
– green pigment
necessary for

– Absorbs red and

blue wavelengths of
light and reflects
green light. (that’s
why most plants look
• Note:
– Other photosynthetic pigments exist besides
chlorophyll, but it is the main one used by
• Ex: Carotenoids (orange/red colored pigment)
Equation for Photosynthesis
Photosynthesis Overview
• Plants Take In:
– Carbon Dioxide Gas
– Water
– Sunlight (energy)

• Plants Produce:
– Glucose (form of stored energy)
– Oxygen Gas
The Process of Photosynthesis
• How Does the Chloroplast Work?
– Light Dependant Reactions (Photochemical)
– Light Independent Reactions (Carbon Fixation)
Light Reactions
Light Dependent Reactions (Photochemical)
– Happen in the thylakoid membranes of grana
– Directly involve chlorophyll and sunlight

– Produces oxygen
– Converts ADP to ATP
– Converts NADP+ to NADPH
• Chlorophyll absorbs sunlight
– Creates high energy electrons
– Electrons enter the electron transport chain
– Eventually produce some ATP
• Photolysis
– Water gets split inside grana

• Breaks into:
– One oxygen atom
– Two H+ ions
– 2 electrons
• The Oxygen produced by splitting water
gets released into the air

– Source of nearly all the oxygen in Earth’s


Thank you plants!!!

You make our lives possible.
• The H+ ions and electrons

– Join up with NADP+ an

“electron carrier”

– It becomes NADPH
Making ATP

• H+ ions build up and cross the thylakoid

membrane causing ATP to form as ATP
synthase (an enzyme) turns ADP into ATP
Dark Reactions
Light Independent Reactions (Calvin Cycle)
– Does not require light
– Happens in stroma

– Carbon Fixation:
• Carbon gets “Fixed” from a simple 1 carbon molecule
(CO2) to a complex 6 carbon one that holds stored
energy (glucose/C6H12O6)
• Carbon Dioxide Molecules: (CO2)
– enters from atmosphere (through stomata)

– Combine to make PGAL/G3P a 3-carbon

– 2 PGAL/G3P combine to produce a 6-carbon

– Energy for these reactions to take place is

provided by ATP and NADPH (from light
Photosynthesis Summary
Light vs. Dark Reactions

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