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Work is a Method of Transferring

 Is there work done on the ball?
 What can a moving ball do?
 You have done work on the ball. The force you
exerted in pushing the ball is in the same
direction as the motion of the ball. But then you
did not continuously push the ball until it hits the
empty bottle.You just gave it a nudge and then it
rolled The force exerted on the ball changed the
ball’s motion. ‘Something’ was transferred to the
ball causing it to move continuously. That
‘something’ is called energy. The energy became
energy of motion of the ball
 A rolling ball can do work on the plastic
bottle. When the ball hits the plastic bottle,
it can push it through a distance. Thus, a
moving object can do work on anything it
hits because of its motion energy. Hence,
energy is oftentimes defined as the ability or
capacity to do work.
 Since work is done on the ball, it gains
energy while the person that does work on
it loses energy. In the same manner, the
rolling ball that does work on the empty
plastic bottle loses energy while the bottle
gains energy. This shows that when work is
done, energy is transferred
Kinetic Energy
 The energy of a moving object is called energy of motion or
kinetic energy (KE). The word kinetic comes from the Greek
word kinetikos which means moving. Kinetic energy quantifies
the amount of work the object can do because of its motion.
 The plastic or rubber ball you pushed to hit an empty plastic
bottle earlier has kinetic energy.
Equation for Kinetic energy
 KE = ½ mv²
 From the equation, you can see that the
kinetic energy of an object depends on
its mass and velocity
 Unit of KE= Nm or Joule J
Try solving this:
 A 1000 kg car has a velocity of 17 m/s. What is the car’s
kinetic energy?

m: 1000kg
v: 17ms
KE=1/2 mv²
KE = ½ ( 1000kg) (17m/s)²
KE =144500
Potential Energy

 Which/who is doing work in the illustration? Is it the table,

the box, or the man?
 Yes you are correct if you answer “The man is doing work on
the box.” What is the direction of the force exerted by the
man on the box? Yes, it is upward. What is the direction of
the motion of the box? Yes, it is upward. Then we can say,
work is done by the man on the box.
 As discussed previously, work is a way of transferring energy.
Since the work is done by the man, he loses energy. The work
is done on the box, hence the box gains energy.
 In Grade 6, you learned about the force of gravity. It is
the force that the earth exerts on all objects on its
surface. It is always directed downward or towards the
center of the earth. Hence, when an object is lifted from
the ground, the work done is against the force of gravity.
An object gains energy when raised from the ground and
loses energy when made to fall. The energy gained or
lost by the object is called gravitational potential energy or
simply potential energy (PE)
 For example when a 1.0 kg book is lifted 0.5 m from the
table, the force exerted in lifting the book is equal to its
 F= weight =mg
 The acceleration due to gravity, g is equal to 9.8 meters per
second squared.
 The work done in lifting the book is
 W= Fd
 where the displacement (d) is the height (h) to which the
object is lifted.
 W= mgh
 This shows that the work done in lifting an object is equal to
the potential energy gained by the object
 PE =- mgh
 The potential energy of the book lifted at 0.5 m relative to
the table is
 PE= 1 kg x 9.8 m/s² x .5 m
 PE= 4.9 J
 The energy of an object above the ground is
called potential energy because it is a ‘stored’
energy. It has the potential to do work once
released. Think of water held in a dam. It has
potential energy. Once released, the water has
the potential to move objects along its way. The
potential energy of the water is transformed into
kinetic energy

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