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Identifying Transitional

Words to Create
Organization in
Narrative Writing
Grade 5

Copyright © 2014 by Write Score LLC

What are Transitional Words?
o Transitional words (first, next, after that, then,
last, finally) are words that help to organize a
story by sequencing the events.
o Transitional words and phrases help the reader
to notice when the setting (time/place) is
After that

y last
Why do Authors Use Transitional
Words and Phrases?
signal a a
change in signal a sequence
location change in of events
time across
one day

Signal times writing becomes

changes across interesting and
several days, engaging to read
months, seasons,
or years
Todays Task
o Identify transitional words and phrases
within familiar texts
o Identify the purpose of transitional words
and phrases within familiar texts
Graphic Organizer
Transition Words and Phrases
Book Title Words that show step Words that show time Words that show time Words that show
by step within and across days across months and location change

later that out the window

stood in my
in the morning Grandma’s yard
The Raft by
Jim LaMarche for supper pushed aside the
curtain … living
down the dock
Independent Practice
o Partner up
o Write the name of your book on your graphic
o Read your text
o Look for transitional words & phrases within your
o Jot the transitional words &
phrases you find on your
graphic organizer
Independent Practice Share-out
Transition Words and Phrases

Book Title Words that Words that

Words that Words that
show step by show time show time show location
within and across months &
step change
across days seasons

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