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Head and Face

dr. Muh. Iqbal Basri,M.Kes,Sp.S

Department of Anatomy
Hasanuddin University
Region and parts
 Cranium
 Face
 Superciliary
 Supraorbital notch
 Infraorbital foramen
 Mental foramen
 Pterion
 Zygomatic arch
 Mastoid process
 External occipital

Epidural hemorrhage
Muscles of head
Facial muscles
 Epicranius
 Frontal belly
 Occipital belly
 Galea aponeurotica
 Orbicularis oculi
 Buccinator
 Orbicularis oris
 Nasalis
M.Zygomaticus major
M. Depressor anguli oris
M. Procerus
 The skin of face is very
thin and connected to the
facial bones by loose
connective tissue. There
is no deep fascia. The
facial muscles lie in this
connective tissue.
Masticatory muscles
 Masseter
 Origin-inferior border and
medial surface of
zygomatic arch
 Insertion-lateral surface
of ramus of mandible and
angle of mandible
 Action-elevates mandible
 Temporalis
 Origin-temporal fossa
 Insertion-coronoid
process of mandible
 Action-elevates and
retracts mandible
 lateral pterygoid
 Medial pterygoid
Arteries of head
Facial a.
 Branch of external carotid a.
 Runs forward over digastric
and submandibular gland
 Loops around mandible
(where it is palpable), at
anterior border of masseter,
to enter the face
 Follows a tortuous course to
medial angle of eye
 Lies deep to most facial
 Branches
 Inferior labial a.
 Superior labial a.
 Angular a.
Superficial temporal a.

 Terminal branch of
external carotid a.
 Ascends in front of ear
(where it is palpable)
to supply temporal and
anterior portion of
 Transverse facial a.
-runs above parotid
duct to supply the
cheek region
Maxillary artery
 Branch of external
carotid a.
 Entrance to
infratemporal fossa
medial to neck of
 Branches
 Inferior alveolar a.
 Middle meningeal a.
 enters the skull through
foremen spinosum
 Supplies cranium and
dura mater
 Posterior superior
alveolar a.
Veins of head
Facial vein
 Begins at medial angle of
eye (angular vein)
 Runs downward and
backward through the face,
posterior to the facial artery
 Below angle of mandible,
joins anterior branch of
retromandibular vein to form
common facial vein, which
drains into internal jugular
 Connections with
cavernous sinus through
the ophthalmic vein, and
also through pteygoid
plexus via the deep
facial vein
 “Danger area” -lies
between root of nose
and two angles of
mouth; in this area the
facial vein has no
Retromandibular vein

 Formed by union of
superficial temporal and
maxillary veins
 Divides into an anterior
branch that unites with
facial vein and a posterior
branch that joins posterior
auricular vein to become
external jugular vein
Pteygoid plexus

 Located between and

around muscles of
 Receives blood from all
regions supplied by
maxillary a.
 Communicates with
 Face by deep facial veins
 Cavernous sinus by veins
draining base of skull
 Provides possible
pathway for spread of
infection to cranial cavity
The lymphatic drainage of head
Lymph nodes of head
 Located at junction of head
and neck
 Consist of occipital, mastoid,
parotid, submandibular,
submental lymph nodes
 Drain into deep cervical lymph
 Submandibular lymph node
lies near the submandibular
gland, receive lymphatic
vessels from the face, nose
and mouth
Nerves of head
Facial nerve (Ⅶ)

 Leaves skull through

internal acoustic meatus,
facial canal and
stylomastoid foramen
 Divided three parts
 First part-between
stylomastoid foramen and
parotid gland
 Second part-within
parotid gland
 Third part-outside of
parotid gland
 Enters parotid gland
and divides into its five
terminal branches for
muscles of facial
 Temporal
 Zygomatic
 Buccal
 Marginal mandibular
 Cervical
Trigeminal nerve (Ⅴ)

 Ophthalmic nerve (Ⅴ1)

→ supraorbital n.
 Maxillary nerve (Ⅴ2)
→ infraorbital n.
 Mandibular nerve
→mental n.
Parotid gland
 Position: situated below
the external auditory
meatus and lies in a deep
hollow behind the ramus of
mandibular and in front of
the sternocleidomastoid
 Superficial part: triangular
in shape, lies below and in
front of the external
acoustic meatus, and
partially covers the
 Deep part: lies deep to
medial pterygoid .
Parotid duct
 Arises front anterior
border of gland
 Lies 1.5 cm below
and parallel to
zygomatic arch
 Passes forward over
masseter, pierces
the buccinator and
oral mucosa to open
opposite second
upper molar tooth
Capsule of the parotid
 The parotid gland is
enclosed within a well-
defined capsule which
extension of the investing
fascia of the neck.
 The superficial capsule
is thick and unyielding and
tightly affixed to the
underlying glandular
tissue by numerous
fibrous septa.
 The deep capsule is
quite thin and easily
Relationships of parotid gland
 Superior-external acostic
meatus, poterior margin of
temporomandibular joint
 Anteromedialy-masseter,
ramus of mandible,
posterior part of medial
 Posteromedial-mastoid
posterior belly of digastric,
styloid process, internal
carotid a., internal jugular v.,
Ⅸ~Ⅻ cranial nerves
 “Parotid bed”-internal
carotid a., internal jugular v.,
Ⅸ~Ⅻ cranial nerves
Structures passing through the parotid gland
 Vertical
 External carotid a.
 Retromandibular vein
 Superficial temporal a. & v.
 Auriculotemporal n.
 Transversal
 Maxillary a. & v.
 Tranverse facial a. & v.
 Branches of facial n.
Masseter space

 Lies between the

masseter, and ramus of
Pterygomandible space

 Lies between ramus of

mandible and medial
Sublingual space
 Between mucous membrane of floor of mouth and
mylohyoid and hyoglossus

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