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Q1. Bending of light that actually forms the
image in photographing are those that are

A. Deflection
B. Reflection
C. Diffraction
D. Refraction
Q2. In photography, when we say tripod,
how many stands are there?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Q3. In robbery case. Which is the focus of
close up photography?

A. valuable materials
B. forcible entry
C. disarray furniture’s
D. broken glass
Q4. It is an adjustable mechanism that
regulates the amount of light reaching the
film by varying the length of time, and it is
consider as the door of the camera.
A. Lens
B. focusing Ring
C. Shutter
D. Aperture
Q5. Sequence of sensitivity of the Three
(3) emulsion layers of color film.

A. Blue-Green-Red
B. Red- Green-Blue
C. Green-Red-Blue
D. Blue-Red-Green
Q6. It is a sensitized material that has the
primary function of recording the image
that is focused upon it by the lens of the
A. Photographic paper
B. Film
C. Filter
D. Camera
Q7. The most typical camera used for
police photography.

A. Polaroid still camera

B. Single lens reflex camera
C. Digital camera
D. View camera
Q8. The English person who coined the
term “Photography” in English language.

A. William Abney
B. William Talbot
C. Louis Daguerre
D. John F. Herschel
Q9. In taking mug shots of a suspect who
is standing, the camera should be
positioned –
A. At neck level
B. At chest level
C. At hips level
D. Slightly above the head
Q10. The light from the pinhole camera will
form –

A. A halo effect
B. A photographic emulsion
C. An inverted image
D. An emergency ray
Q11. Application of photographic in
jurisprudence or criminal investigation?

A. forensic photography
B. police photography
C. commercial photography
D. legal photography
Q12. What part of the camera that
determine the coverage area and the size of
the object to be taken?

A. focal length
B. depth focus
C. depth of field
D. none of the above
Q13. What ASA is used photographing
fingerprint impression?

A. ASA 100
B. ASA 30
C. ASA 500
D. ASA 600
Q14. LASER referred to as:

A. Coherent
B. Ultra-violet
C. Infrared
D. Black light
Q15. What unit used to measure

A. Inches
B. Millimeter
C. Centimeter
D. micrometer
Q16. Cyan is an secondary color light is a
combination of ________________.

A. red & blue

B. blue & yellow
C. blue & green
D. red & green
Q17. What chemical compound possession to ability to
charged the ability to charged exposed silver halide to
block metallic silver while leaving the unexposed halide

A. Developing agent
B. Developer
C. Chronic fog
D. Direct position
Q18. With the following it serve as an
indicator of an increase of exposure setting
when a photographic film is considered

A. film speed
B. shutter speed
C. focal number
D. guide number
Q19. Ultra violent photography is the best
used in taking photograph, is that film is best
used in ultraviolet photography.

A. Orthochromatic
B. Panchromatic
C. infrared film
D. black & white
Q20. Which of the following lens shaped
is designed to gather light?

A. Convex
B. Coned
C. Cutting
D. Concave
Q21. Which of the following lens has an
angle of 45 degree similar to the angle of the
human eye?

A. wide angle
B. Zoom
C. Telephoto
D. Normal
Q22. In photography 3 F’s film, filter and

A. focal length
B. Fusion
C. f – number
D. Focusing
Q23. What printing paper is used in
under exposed or high contrast?

A. velox no. 0
B. velox no. 1
C. velox no. 2
D. velox no. 3
Q24. What kind of filter that is placed in
between 1st and 2nd layer of emulsion?

A. yellow filter
B. magenta filter
C. green filter
D. red filter
Q25. Which camera type is ideal for use
in police photography because of its
versatility and interchangeability of
A. press type
B. range finder type
C. single lens reflex type
D. box type
Q26. In night surveillance photography
what film rating is recommended?

A. ASA 400
B. ASA 200
C. ASA 1600
D. ASA 100
Q27. Assuming all condition will be the
same, which film gives the finest of

A. ASA 1000
B. ASA 100
C. ASA 200
D. ASA 400
Q28. What is the process of
eliminating unwanted portions of a
negative during the enlarging
A. Turning – in
B. Vignetting
C. Cropping
D. Dodging
Q29. What is the range of distance from
the nearest object to the farthest object
that a sharp when the lens is set or
focused at a particular distance?
A. Depth of field
B. Focal length
C. Focal distance
D. Hyper focal distance
Q30. In stake out surveillance photograph
where the photographer cannot get close
to the subject what kind of lens must be
A. Normal
B. Telephoto
C. Wide – angle
D. Zoom
Q31. What is the function of the boric
and acetic acids in the fixer?

A. as preservative
B. as accelerator
C. as neutralizer
D. as restrainer
Q32. Where should the camera be placed to
reproduced accurate imprints of foot, shoes and
till that are found at the crime scene?
A. on a tripod with the camera vertical to the
B. on a tripod with the camera horizontal to the
C. on a tripod with the camera oblique to the
D. on a tripod with the camera parallel to the
Q33. The combination of blue and green light will
produce what color?

A. Green
B. Magenta
C. Yellow
D. Cyan
Q34. Normally what is the fixing time of a
narrative or a photograph?

A. Ten to twelve minutes

B. Twenty to thirty minutes
C. Two to three minutes
D. Five to seven minutes
Q35. What problem usually encountered
by a photographer when using a flash
A. Synchronization
B. Neutral density
C. Parallax
D. Multiple image
Q36. In photographing a crime scene what
view will best feature the nature of the crime

A. Medium
B. General
C. Close-up
D. Extreme close-up
Q37. What kind of filter should a
photographer use to improve the outer part
of a latent fingerprint impression dusted with
black powder on a green background?
A. Green filter
B. Yellow filter
C. Blue filter
D. Red filter
Q38. What is the normal developing time
for a normally exposed film using a D –
76 developer?
A. Five to six minutes
B. Twelve to fifteen minutes
C. Eight to ten minutes
D. Fifteen to twenty minutes
Q39. What is film with the longest range
of sensitivity in the electromagnetic
spectrum called?
A. Panchromatic film
B. Blue – sensitive film
C. Infra – red film
D. Orthochromatic
Q40. Lens defect that is difficult to
A. special aberration
B. conviction of frilled
C. coma
D. astigmatism
Q41. What is the invisible radiation or
rays that invisible which react on some
substances so that visible light known as
fluorescence is deflected?
A. Infra – red
B. Side light
C. Ultra violet
D. Sun light
Q42. What camera is best and commonly
used in police photograph?

B. Autofocus
C. Box camera
D. Polaroid
Q43. What kind of object when light is

A. Opaque
B. Translucent
C. Transparent
D. Luminous
Q44. Which indicates the speed of the
lens of the amount of light the lens lets
through in proportion to its focal length?
A. Flash meter
B. Exposure
C. F-number
D. Electronic flash
Q45. What is the correct sequence of
sensitivity of the three emulsion layers of
color film?
A. Red-green-blue
B. Green-red-blue
C. Blue-green-red
D. Blue-red-green
Q46. What contraception of device is used to
block the path of light passing through the
lens exposing the sensitized material?

A. Range finder
B. Shutter
C. Exposure
D. View finder
Q47. __________ is the light
sensitive silver nature silver malts in
a gelatin medium coated on all
photographic films and papers.

A. Aniline B. Sympathetic links

C. Emulsion D. Copy pencil
Q48. The f number represent the ratio of
what characteristics of the lens and the
diameters of the lens aperture?

A. Depth focus
B. Focal length
C. Focal distance
D. Depth of field
Q49. What is the better method in
taking photographs of a fire scene?
A. Use polaroid
B. Use instamatic camera
C. Use camera equipped with photo
D. Use digital camera
Q50. What photography makes use of
microscopic and is used to record
minute evidence such as powdered
debris, strains, hairs and fibers?
A. Microphotography
B. Camcorders
C. Ultraviolet
D. Infrared luminous
Q51. Why is the enlarger described as
OPPOSITE the Camera?

A. None of these
B. It can only records events
C. It CANNOT take pictures
D. It serves as a view finder
Q52. Which of the following technical
equipment is used for night
A. Wide-aperture standard lens for
pictures featuring people
B. Use of zoom lens for light-blur effects
C. Cable release
D. All of these
Q53. There are two types of color films, the
negative and the reverse. Which of the
following suffix indicates the negative one?

A. Color
B. Chrome
C. Ortho
D. Pan
Q54. Minutes time of washing
photographic paper.

A. 20 minutes
B. 25 minutes
C. 10 minutes
D. 30 minutes
Q55. Which of the following technical
equipment is used for night photography?

A. Wide-aperture standard lens for pictures

featuring people
B. Use of zoom lens for light-blur effects
C. Cable release
D. All of these
Q56. An early type of camera used by
artists in drawing which is literally
translated as “dark chamber” is called
A. Pinhole camera
B. Camera obscura
C. Daguerreotype
D. SLR camera
Q57. The first successful photograph
taken that requires 8 hours exposure?

A. Da vinci style
B. Heiroglyph
C. Heliograph
D. Daguerreotype
Q58. They are considered the
primary colors of photography?
A. Red, yellow, blue
B. Blue, green, red
C. Green, yellow, red
D. Yellow, white, green
Q59. The complementary color
of yellow in the color wheel?
A. Red
B. Blue
C. Green
D. Magenta
Q60. The type of sunlight which casts a
distinct shadow?

A. Bright sunlight
B. Dull sunlight
C. Hazy sunlight
D. Cloudy sunlight
Q61. THE principle which states that as
the distance of the object from light
increases, the intensity of light decreases.

A. Reverse lighting
B. Inverse square law
C. Reciprocal lighting
D. Side lighting
Q62. These should be taken from the
entrance of the crime scene.

A. Close up shot
B. Angle shot
C. Overlapping shots
D. 90 degrees
Q63. In performing Crime scene
photography, it is best to keep
the camera
A. Higher than eye level
B. At about eye level
C. Lower than eye level
D. At about 45 degree level
Q64. The Bible (Genesis 1:3-5) God created
the earth and there should be light and
darkness which is daylight and night. Among
these, what is the basic component of
A. All of these
B. Film
C. Camera
D. Light
Q65. Positive result of photography
is called –
A. Picture
B. Photograph
C. Positive
D. Negative
Q66. In addition to medicine, as prober, how
can you preserve perishable evidence like
injuries, contusions, hematoma and the like?
By -
A. Recording
B. Sketching
C. Photography
D. Note taking
Q67. What is the chemical and
mechanical product of photography?

A. All of these
B. Picture
C. Portrait
D. Photograph
Q68. In stakeout surveillance
photography where the
photographer cannot get nearer to
the subject, what kind of lens must
be used?
A. Long angle B. Long lens
C. Zoom lens D. Telephoto lens
Q69. What is considered as the utmost
used of photography in police work?

A. for identification
B. for record purpose
C. for preservation
D. for court presentation
Q70. It suggests an enclosure or devoid of
light, opens and closes on a predetermined
time during exposure and allows only the
light coming from the lens to reach the film.
A. Lens
B. Shutter
C. Body
D. Lens opening
Q71. Its function is to focus the light
coming from the subject. It is chiefly
responsible for the sharpness of the
image formed through which light
passes during exposure.
A. Lens B. Aperture
C. Shutter D. View finder
Q72. The light gathering power of
the lens is expressed in the f–
number system. In police
photography it is also called as:
A. Relative aperture
B. Normal lens
C. Depth of field
D. Hyper-focal lens
Q73. It is the distance measured from the
optical center of the lens to the film
plane when the lens is focused at infinity
A. Depth of field
B. Focal length
C. Normal lens
D. Hyper-focal distance
Q74. It is the nearest distance at which
lens is focused with a given diaphragm
opening to give the maximum depth of
A. Normal lens
B. Relative aperture
C. Depth of field
D. Telephoto lens
Q75. It is a mechanism that measures
the angle of the convergence of light
coming from a subject as seen from two
A. Range finder
B. View finder
C. Split image
D. Normal view
Q76. It is a homogeneous medium which
absorbs and transmits different light rays
passing through it.
A. Split image
B. Filter
C. Lens
D. Shutter
Q77. It is the process of reduction where
exposed silver halides are reduced to metallic
silver. There is a separate developer for film
(D-76) and another for paper (D-72) Dektol.
A. Fixation
B. Development
C. Stop bath
D. Fixe
Q78. If a basic exposure for a given film
under bright sunlight is 1/125 f16, what
would be the exposure setting at dull
A. 1/125 f 4
B. 1/125 f8
C. 1/125 f 5.6
D. 1/125 f16
Q79. Assuming all conditions will be
the same, which film gives the finest
of grains?
A. ASA 1600
B. ASA 200
C. ASA 100
D. ASA 400
Q80. It holds the negative flat and
leveled, fitted between the light housing
assembly and the lens of the enlarger.
A. Bellows
B. Easel
C. Head assembly
D. Negative carrier
Q81. Ms. Maldita Bitaw Koh is an official
photographer of CSI, when she preserved the
crime scene, she found out that most of pictures
developed was cracked and distorted, what kind
of defect experienced of Ms. Maldita Bitaw Koh?
A. Split Type
B. Coincidence Image
C. Shadowing
D. Out of Focus
Q82. Which camera type is ideal for use in
police photography because of its
versatility and interchangeable ability of
A. Press type
B. Single lens reflex type
C. Rangefinder type
D. Box type
Q83. It is a means of determining the field of
view of the camera or the extent of the
coverage of the lens, and usually this is un-
A. Release Cable
B. Button Flush
C. View Finder
D. Focusing Mechanism
Q84. What is that kind of film with the
longest range of sensitivity in the
electromagnetic spectrum?

A. Panchromatic
B. Blue–sensitive
C. Infra–red film
D. Orthochromatic
Q85. In Photographing the scene of the
crime, what view should be used in order
to show the best feature of the nature of
the crime scene?
A. Medium
B. Close-up
C. General
D. Extreme close- up
Q86. Is an electromagnetic energy which
travels with the speed of 186, 000 miles
per second.
A. Light
B. Energy
C. Rays
D. Radiation
Q87. Is the action of light when passing a
transparent object.

A. Absorbed
B. Transmitted
C. Reflected
D. Refracted
Q88. Is the condition of the
sunlight where object in an open
space cast a transparent or bluish
A. Bright light
B. Hazy sunlight
C. Dull sunlight
D. None of these
Q89. An artificial light source which contains in its
tube certain powders capable of illuminating with
some support from small amount of electricity. It
is commonly used in the house or commercial
A. Incandescent lamp
B. Photo flood lamp
C. Fluorescence lamp
D. Flash bulb
Q90. What color will be produced by the
combination of a red and blue color?

A. Magenta
B. Cyan
C. Yellow
D. Green
Q91. Sidelight photography is usually
done to show ________in a questioned

A. Stamped out writing

B. Faded writing
C. Watermarks
D. Erasures
Q92. Is that part of the camera which
controls the passage of light reaching the
sensitized material? It compared to the
eyelid of the human eye.
A. Lens
B. Lens opening
C. Shutter
D. Film plane
Q93. Is a camera accessory designed to
fix the camera focus and avoid its unusual
movement during the process of
A. Cable release
B. Tripod
C. Stand
D. Camera strap
Q94. Why must the taking of photographs
from an unusual camera position in crime
photography be avoided?

A. it distorts the focus

B. it distorts the perspective
C. it distorts the magnification
D. it distorts the texture
Q95. What type of a camera is ideal to
police photography?

A. view finder type

B. twin lens reflex (TLR)
C. single lens reflex (SLR)
D. press/view camera
Q96. A convex lens is capable of?

A. reducing the object

B. making the object appear hairy
C. enlarging the object
D. reducing the size of the picture
Q97. Is a lens defect which enable the
lens to focus both horizontal and vertical
lines in a plane at the same time.

A. Coma
B. Astigmatism
C. Distortion
D. Chromatic aberration
Q98. What type of a lens is used in a simplest and
cheapest type of a camera?

A. Rapid rectilinear lens

B. Anastigmatic lens
C. Meniscus lens
D. Achromatic lens
Q99. A type of a lens that would make an
object to be exaggeratedly closes to the
photographer and is ideal in stake out
surveillance photography.
A. short focus lens
B. normal focus lens
C. telephoto lens
D. wide angle lens
Q100. What is that process of eliminating
unwanted portions of a negative during
enlarging process?

A. Dodging
B. Vignetting
C. Burning-in
D. Cropping

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