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 Polyhydramnios or
hydramnios is a
medical condition
describing an excess
of amniotic fluid in
the amniotic sac.
 It have more than 2000
cc amniotic fluid.
Weeks Fetus Amniotic Fluid Placenta
Gestation (g) (ml) (g)

16 100 200 100

28 1000 1000 200
36 2500 900 400
40 3300 800 500
 mild polyhydramnios may cause few — if any signs or
symptoms. Severe polyhydramnios may cause:

 Shortness of breath or the inability to breathe

 Swelling in the lower extremities and abdominal wall

 Uterine discomfort or contractions

 Fetal malposition, such as breech presentation

 "fetal malformations and genetic anomalies
 "maternal diabetes mellitus
 "multiple pregnancies
 "fetal anemia
 "other causes, e.g.
 viral infections,
 neuro-muscular disorders,
 maternal hypercalcemia.
 Other infections, e.g. toxoplasmo-sis and syphilis, can also
cause polyhydramnio
 To make a diagnosis, doctor will perform
an ultrasound examination. Using ultrasound waves, they
measure the amount of amniotic fluid in the womb and look
for any fetal abnormalities.

 blood tests to check for maternal diabetes or infection

 A procedure called amniocentesis, in which a doctor collects

a sample of amniotic fluid from the womb and sends it to a
laboratory for genetic analysis
 To treat polyhydramnios, doctors try to reduce the amount of
amniotic fluid in the womb.
 A doctor may use one of the following methods to reduce the
volume of fluid:
 Reduction amniocentesis, also called amnioreduction.
This is a procedure in which doctors draw fluid from the
 Medications. These could include prostaglandin synthetase
inhibitors or sulindac, which is a nonsteroidal anti-
inflammatory drug.

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