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Power Yoga

 Ashtanga yoga (sometimes alternatively spelled

“Astanga” Yoga) is a precise and systematic approach to
yoga that emphasizes physical strength and endurance
in executing a flowing series of prescribed yoga
 Various bodily locks and seals are applied in
conjunction with a special kind of yogic breathing.
 The combined effect of all these practices results in the
generation of heat and energy in a uniquely
invigorating and flowing approach to yoga.
 Astanga literally means “eight limbs” in Sanskrit. This
style of yoga is named for the eight limbed path of
yoga outlined by Patanjali in his seminal text on yoga,
Yoga Sutras.
 Because this style of yoga is characterized by an
especially vigorous approach to practicing the asanas
of yoga, it is sometimes referred to as “Power Yoga”
(Claire, 2009).
 Power Yoga is a fitness-based vinyasa practice. An
offshoot of Ashtanga Yoga, it has many of the same
qualities and benefits, including building internal
heat, increased stamina, strength, and flexibility, as
well as stress reduction (, 2018).
Selection of subjects
 To achieve the purpose of the study 40 male physically
active subjects were randomly selected from SRMV
Maruthi College of Physical Education, Coimbatore.
 To fulfil the term ‘active’ the selected subjects they were
participated at least one game or sports in the
intercollegiate tournament for their college.
 The age of the subjects were ranged from 20 to 25 years.
 The selected subjects divided into two groups (n=20), one
group underwent eight weeks (two days per week) of power
yoga training (PYG) and another group was control group
Selection of variables

In this present study deals to find the effect of

power training on Muscular strength endurance.

Muscular strength endurance- Modified sit ups

Statistical Procedure

To find the effect of training pre and post tests

were entertained for both groups. The collected data
were analyzed by use of Paired ‘t’ test at 0.05 level of
Training Programme
 1hour/day of 2days/week for  Goddess Squat
the period of 8weeks  Pulse
 Warm up  Adhomukha svanasana
 Suryanamaskar  Ashwasanchalasana
 Warm down  Patchimotanasana
 Savasana
 Cat pose
 Makrasana
 Standing to launge
 Balasana
 Trigonasana
 Marjaryasana-Bitilasana
 Modified Vasisthasana
 Half Pigeon
 Ardha Matsyendrasana
 Viparita Karani
Table-1 Shows that ‘t’ value of Power Yoga Training
group on muscular strength endurance of physically
active population

Test Mean SD SEM Obtained ‘t’

Pretest 43.55 5.15 1.15
Posttest 47.30 5.29 1.18
*Significant at P<0.05 level (P=0.00)
Table-2 Shows that ‘t’ value of control group on
muscular strength endurance of physically active

Test Mean SD Obtained ‘t’

Pretest 43.75 3.19 0.71
Posttest 44.45 3.03 0.67
Insignificant at P>0.05 level (P=0.74)
 Power yoga is fast becoming an increasingly budget-
friendly and viable fitness option. Due to its up tempo
and brisk nature, power yoga is essentially like an
aerobic workout, where yoga poses are done faster and
in continuation. Power yoga when practiced regularly
and under supervision helps to achieve stability,
balance, posture , flexibility, and strength (Yoga
Journal, 2018, Sophia, 2013 and Nair, 2011).
 The above statement closely associate with this present
studies statistical results .
It is concluded that muscular strength endurance of
Physically active population was improved due to the
effects of power yoga training.
 Claire, Thomas. (2009). Yoga for men. New Age Books,
New Delhi.
 Nair, Sumitra. (2011). Power Yoga and Its Benefits. http
 Sophia. (2013).Power Yoga Benefits.
 Yoga Journal (2018). Power Yoga.

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