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Gender &

-one of the universal dimensions on which
status differences are based.

-is a social construct specifying the socially

and culturally prescribed roles that men and
women are to follow.
-is a biological concept.
Theories of Gender Development
• Social Learning Theory
• Cognitive-Developmental Theory
• Gender Schema Theory
Social Learning Theory
• Proponents of this theory
believe that parents, as
distributors of reinforcement,
reinforce appropriate gender role
Cognitive-Developmental Theory
• This is derived from Kohlberg's
speculations about gender

• Children begin the process of

acquiring gender-appropriate behavior.
Differentiates self from objects
(Birth-2 yrs) Recognizes self as agent of action and
begins to act intentionally.

Learns to use language and to represent

Pre-operational objects by images and words.
(2-7 years)
Can think logically about objects and events
operational Classifies objects according to several
features and can order them in series along
(7-11 years) a single dimension such as size.

Becomes concerned with the hypothetical,

Formal operational the future, and ideological problems
(11 years and up)
Gender Schema Theory
-helps a child to develop gender identity
& formulate an appropriate gender role.
- is a mental blueprint for organizing
information, and children develop and
formulate an appropriate gender.
What is Gender Stereotyping?
•Gender Stereotyping
-is defined as the beliefs humans hold
about the characteristics associated with
males and females.
Problems in Gender Stereotyping
• When characteristics associated with a
particular gender have a negative image.

• When a unique individual is assumed to

have all the characteristics associated
with his/her gender.
Gender and Equality
Gender Equality
-between women and men is a
worthy goal that is central to
progress in human development.
•“The Creation of Patriarchy” by Gerda
-gender is the “costume, a mask, a
straitjacket in which men & women dance
their unequal dance.”
•“The Gender Question” by Alan Wolfe
-”of all the ways that one rooted than the
way men have subordinated women.”
Gender Inequality
4 themes characterize feminist theorizing of
gender inequality:
• Men & Women are situated in society unequally.
• Organization of society.
• No significant pattern of natural variation
distinguishes the sexes.
• All inequality theories assume fairly easily &
naturally to more egalitarian social structures.
Gender and Power
•Gender -refers to the different ways men &
women play in society, & to the relative
power they wield.
•Power -is a basic fabric of society & is
possessed in varying degrees by social
actors in diverse social categories.
•“Essays in Sociology” by Max
-he defined power as the likelihood a
person may achieve personal ends
despite possible resistance from
Determinants of power
•Status resources
Gender and Education
•Investing in Education is seen as one of
the fundamental ways in which nation
states and their citizens can move
toward long-term development goals
and improve both social and economic
standards of living.

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