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Mixed-Use Development Factors And How They
Influence Decisions To Purchase Residential Properties
in Christchurch, New Zealand, Australasian Transport
Research Forum 2017
“Mixed-use development seems to suggest a development
type that mixes several land uses and therefore, it is often
equated with multiple-use (Herndon, 2011). However,
review of current literature reveals that mixed-use extends
multiple-use (also called diversity of land-use) by
considering integration, density and compatibility of land
uses to create pedestrian-friendly environments (Levitt
and Schwanke, 2003). Furthermore, a balanced mixture of
activities is required to achieve vibrant urban environments
(Levitt and Schwanke, 2003; Van den Hoek, 2008)”.
An Empirical Study of the Efficacy of Mixed-Use
Development: The Seattle Experience, James R.
DeLisle dan Terry V. Grissom

“A mixed-use development is a real estate

project with planned integration of some
combination of retail, office, residential, hotel,
recreation or other functions. It is pedestrian-
oriented and contains elements of a live-work-
play environment. It maximizes space usage,
has amenities and architectural expression and
tends to mitigate traffic and sprawl”
Bab 9, Mixed Use-Neighborhood
(MU-N) District
“Development with residential uses integrated
with compatible commercial uses, vertically or
horizontally, within the same building or
structure. A mixed-use project may also
constitute separate buildings or structures on
the same parcel of land and/or in a
development project, so long as there are visual
and pedestrian connections among buildings
that integrates and unifies the development”.
Undertaking Mixed Use Development
In Adelaide
“Development which comprises a mixture of
two or more land uses, either comprised within
a single building (horizontally or vertically) or
multiple buildings of different uses within a
distinct development”
Mixed Use Zoning (Paul Beyer, Director of
Smart Growth, Governor's Smart Growth
Cabinet, Albany, NY)

“Mixed-use zoning blends a variety of land uses

together in one area. Single-family detached
homes of various sizes, townhouses,
apartments, and condos; retail stores,
restaurants, and services; and civic and cultural
amenities might all be located within walking
distance of each other”
Mixed-Use, York County-South
Carolina (2009)
“Mixed-use as difined in zoning terms is a zoning
district that allows for a variety of uses to share
the same building, lot or site development
under specified conditions. Depending on a
community’s mixed-use goals, district can be
further definied to provide for housing and non-
residential uses within the same district, or may
limited to non-residential uses”
 keanekaragaman guna lahan
 bangunan, tapak, zona
 vertikal, horisontal
 penggunaan hunian
 penggunaan non-hunian (komersial : perdagangan dan jasa, sosial budaya)
 direncanakan (tujuan, pembatasan)
 kesesuaian, kompatible
 integrasi berbagai fungsi
 satu kesatuan
 terhubung
 live-work-play environment
 maksimalisasi penggunaan ruang
 kepadatan (ukuran, intensitas)
 orientasi pejalan kaki (walkable, jarak berjalan kaki)
 prasarana dan sarana pendukung (fasilitas publik, utilitas, pedestrian)
berdasarkan hasil kajian literatur di atas,
kawasan multifungsi dapat didefinisikan sebagai:
“kawasan yang direncanakan sebagai kawasan
dengan penggunaan lahan hunian dan non-hunian,
yang terintegrasi, saling berkesesuaian, melengkapi,
dan terhubung antara satu dengan lainnya sebagai
satu kesatuan, merupakan kawasan pejalan kaki
atau kawasan dengan penggunaan kendaraan
bermotor terbatas, yang dilengkapi oleh prasarana
dan sarana pendukung”
1. Direncanakan sebagai kawasan multifungsi (memiliki tujuan dan
batasan-batasan tertentu, sesuai dengan rencana tata ruang di
2. Penggunaan lahan yang beraneka ragam dalam satu tapak
(horisontal), atau pemanfaatan ruang yang beraneka ragam dalam
satu bangunan (vertikal)
3. live-work-play environment
4. Hunian merupakan salah satu penggunaan lahan/pemanfaatan
ruang, disamping penggunaan non-hunian (komersial :
perdagangan dan jasa, sosial budaya)
5. Penggunaan lahan/pemanfaatan ruang sinergis, terintegrasi,
saling terhubung, dan merupakan satu kesatuan
6. Pengembangan kompak (memaksimalkan penggunaan ruang)
7. Berorientasi pada pejalan kali dan lingkungan
8. Sesuai dengan preferensi dan dinamika pasar

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