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Private Pilot Ground School

Topics to be Discussed
 Parts of a piston  Induction system
engine  Fuel system
 Cylinder  Cooling system
Arrangements  Oil system
 Four Stroke  Electrical system
Operating Cycle
 propellers
 Ignition system
 Abnormal
What is the POWERPLANT
The powerplant usually includes both
the engine and the propeller.
 What is the purpose of the

1. Create power
2. Turn the propeller
3. Generate electrical energy
4. Creates vacum source for flight instruments
Types of Engines :
1. Reciprocating Engine 2. Gas Turbine
-Most small Aircraft are - Also called a
designed with Combustion Turbine, is a
reciprocating engine, Back rotary engine that extracts
and forth movement of the energy from a flow of
internal parts combustion gas.
- Produces large
output of power
Reciprocating Engine/Piston Gas Turbine
 What is the firewall?
Pada pesawat bermesin tunggal, mesinnya biasanya disambungkan di depan
fuselage Tetapi di lengkapi dengan pembatas tahan-api di antara bagian belakang
mesin dengan kokpit atau kabin yang mana berfungsi untuk melindungi penerbang
dan penumpangnya dari api akibat kecelakaan atau terjadi Engine fire.
Pembatas inilah yang disebut dengan firewall dan biasanya dibuat dari material
tahan panas seperti Baja.

– Separates the
occupants of the aircraft
from the engine
– Protects the occupants
– Serves as a mounting
point for the engine
1. Reciprocating Engine / Piston
Most small airplanes are designed with reciprocating engines. The
name is derived from the back-and-forth, or reciprocating, movement
of the pistons. It is this motion that produces the mechanical energy
needed to accomplish work.
2. Parts of a Reciprocating Engine
The basic parts of a reciprocating engine are:
 The Crankcase
 The Cylinders
 Pistons
 Connecting Rods
 Valves
 Valve operating mechanism
 Crankshaft
Parts of a Reciprocating Engine are :
 The Crankcase : This is main covering in which rotating parts of
the engine such as the crankshaft, camshaft and accessory
gearboxes are encased. The crankcase is also designed to ensure
proper oil circulation and thus lubricate all the moving parts in the

 Cylinders: It is in the cylinder that heat energy is transformed into

work. The cylinder head are finned to dissipate heat.

 Piston : This is a moving part within the cylinder which

compresses the fuel air mixture for burning. It is connected to the
crankshaft by the connecting rod.

 Valves : These control the entry and exit of the fuel air mixture in
the cylinder. There are two valves for every cylinder, one is for
intake and the other is for exhaust. They are operated by valve
operating mechanisms that are connected to the camshaft.
 Spark Plug : Produces the spark to ignite the fuel and
air mixture

 Connecting Rods : Transmits the force to the


 Crankshaft : The crankshaft converts the

reciprocating motion of the piston into rotation and
transmits power from the piston to drive the propeller
and other auxiliary drives.
(3). These two engine designs can
be further classified as :

1. By the Cylinder arrangement with respect to the

crankshaft : Radial, In-line, V-type or Opposed

2. Operating cycle : Two or Four

3. By the method of cooling : Liquid or Air

Cylinder Arrangement
In-Line Type V-Type

Opposed Type Radial Type

Engine Classification Cylinder
1. Radial : The cylinders are arranged radially around a
barrel-shaped crank case. This type of engine always
has an odd number of cylinders. The usual limitation is
nine cylinders in a row. Larger airplanes of this type have
two or three rows working on a two or three row
crankshaft. Radial engines have high horsepower to
weight ratio and is easy to maintain. However, because
of its rounded shape and large surface area, it reduces
forward visibility and increases parasite drag. Oil and
fuel also tend to accumulate in the bottom cylinders after
long periods of inactivity making it difficult to turn over
and start. This is why black puffs of smoke can be seen
whenever a radial engine is started.
Radial Type Engine
2. In-Line: The cylinders are arranged side by side in a row
along the crankcase. Each separate piston works on an
individual crank-throw. The practical limit is 6 cylinders in one
row, the reason being that a crankshaft of sufficient length to
accommodate more cylinders would be difficult to make due
to vibration. Hence, multi-bank in-line engines have V-type,
X-type and H-type configurations in
which the banks normally share a common
crankshaft. The advantage of this type of
engine is its smaller surface area reducing
drag, however the length of this engine may
obstruct visibility particularly in tailwheel
aircraft and may require liquid cooling to
effectively cool the entire engine.
In-Line Type Engine
3. Rolls Royce Merlin Engine V-Type Engine
This engine is fitted on famous aircraft such as
the Spitfire, Lancaster Bomber and P-51D Mustang
V Type Engine
4. Horizontally Opposed: This type of
engine, Which remain the most popular reciprocating
engine used on smaller aircraft. These engines
always have an even number of cylinders, since a
cylinder on one side of the crankcase opposes a
cylinder on the other side. Majority of these engines
are air cooled and usually are mounted in a
horizontal Position when installed on fix-wing
airplanes. Opposed – type engines have high power
to weight ratios because they have a comparatively
small. This is the most common type of engine in use
in general aviation. The advantages of this design are
its low frontal area reducing drag, less vibration and
compact design.
Horizontally Opposed type Engine
In-Line Type
Opposed Type

V-Type Radial Type

Cessna Engine

 Horizontally Opposed
 Direct Drive
 Air Cooled
 4 cylinder
In a four - stroke Engine, the conversion of chemical
energy into mechanical energy occurs over a four –
stroke operating cycle. :

The Four Stroke Cycle

Four Stroke Operating
1. The Intake stroke begins as the piston starts it’s downward travel. When this
happens, the intake valve opens and the fuel – air mixture is drawn into the

2. The Compression stroke begins when the intake valve closes, and the
piston starts moving back to the top of the cylinder. This phase of the cycle is
used to obtain a much greater power output from fuel – air mixture once it is

3.The Power stroke begins when the Fuel - air mixture is ignited. This causes a
tremendous pressure increase in the cylinder and forces the piston downward
away from the cylinder heat. Creating the power that turns the crankshaft

4. The Exaust Stroke is used to purge the cylinder of burned gases. It begins
when the exhaust valve open. And the piston starts to move toward the cylinder
heat once again.
Classification of Reciprocating Engines:

By Method of Cooling:
Ignition System
 What does the ignition system do?
– Provides spark that ignites the fuel/air mixture in
the cylinders

 List the parts of the ignition system :

– Magnetos
– Spark Plugs
– Interconnecting wires
– Ignition Switch
Parts of the Ignition System
 Magneto
 Spark Plugs
 Interconnecting wires
 Ignition Switch
Ignition System
Spark Plug

Ignition Switch
Ignition System

The operation of the magneto is controlled by the ignition switch.

The switch has five positions:

1. OFF 2. R (right) 3. L (left) 4. BOTH 5. START


 What is a Magneto?
– Self contained, Engine driven
– Supplies electrical current to the spark plugs
– Uses permanent magnet for electrical current that is
completely separate from the electrical system
– Begins when you engage starter
– Operates whenever the crankshaft turns
– Normally two for redundancy/ improves combustion
Ignition Switch
 Controls the operation of the magneto from the
 Can select left, right or both
 Engine can still fire even with the battery and
master switches off, if the magnetos are left on
and the prop is moved because no outside
electrical power is required
Abnormal Combustion
 Name two types of Abnormal Combustion:

1. Detonation
2. Pre-ignition
1. Detonation
 What is Detonation?

Detonation is an uncontrolled, explosive ignition of the fuel/air

mixture within the cylinder’s combustion chamber

 What is Pre-Ignition?
– Fuel/Air mixture is ignited in advance of the
normal timed ignition

– Caused by a residual hot spot in the cylinder

such as a small carbon deposit on a spark plug ,
cracked ceramic spark plug insulator, or any
damage around the combustion chamber
(2). Aircraft Fuel System
Fungsi utama fuel system adalah memberikan bahan bakar
yang bersih pada waktu pembakaran yang tepat (injection
timing) dan mengatur jumlah bahan bakar (fuel delivery) sesui
kebutuhan putaran engine/horsepower yang diperlukan. Jumlah
bahan bakar yang dibakar di dalam engine berhubungan
langsung terhadap jumlah horsepower dan torque yang
diperlukan. Secara umum, bertambah banyak bahan bakar yang
diterima engine, maka bertambah torque yang tersedia pada
Dalam bentuk fisiknya, fuel dapat di klasifikasikan
menjadi 3 :
1.Fuel padat,
2.Gas dan
1. Fuel berjenis padat contohnya kayu dan batu bara, fuel ini tidak cocok
dengan pesawat karena bertipe external combustion engine, dan juga fuel
ini berlaju kecepatan pembakaran yang rendah, dan kalori yang rendah.

2. Fuel berjenis gas contohnya gas alam dan LPG ( Liquid Petroleum Gas
), sebenarnya fuel jenis ini cocok untuk internal combustion engine seperti
yang digunakan di pesawat. Tetapi fuel jenis ini memerlukan ruang
pembakaran yang relatif besar, jadi tidak bisa digunakan di dalam pesawat.

3. Fuel berjenis cair sangat cocok dengan internal combustion engine,

selain berlaju kecepatan pembakaran yang cepat, dan tingkat kalor yang
tinggi, fuel berjenis ini tidak memerlukan ruang pembakaran yang besar
jadi bisa digunakan di pesawat terbang. Contoh fuel ini : gasoline,
Sistem Aliran Bahan Bakar

Sistem aliran bahan bakar di bagi menjadi 2 :

Gravity Feed system.

Menggunakan gaya gravitasi untuk mengalirkan bahan bakar ke
karburator. Karena itu posisi tangki harus lebih tinggi dari posisi karburator.

Fuel Pump System,

Menggunakan pompa untuk menghisap fuel dari tangki ke karburator.
Sistem ini diperlukan jika posisi tangki lebih rendah daripada karburator
atau posisinya terlalu jauh dari engine.
Sistem Aliran Bahan Bakar
Sistem aliran bahan bakar di bagi menjadi 2 :

1. Gravity Feed system.

Menggunakan gaya gravitasi
untuk mengalirkan bahan bakar
ke karburator. Karena itu posisi
tangki harus lebih tinggi dari
posisi karburator
2. Fuel pump system,
Menggunakan pompa untuk
menghisap fuel dari tangki ke
karburator. Sistem ini
diperlukan jika posisi tangki
lebih rendah daripada
karburator atau posisinya
terlalu jauh dari engine.

Video Session ......

 What do we use a primer for?
– Used to pump fuel directly into the intake
system prior to engine start
– Useful in cold weather when fuel in the
carburetor is difficult to vaporize
Fuel Selector

Fuel Quantity
Refueling Procedures :

1. Drum to Ground
2. Ground to Aircraft
3. Drum to aircraft or Nozzle to aircrfat
before removing the fuel cap
Fueling from a tanker.
Figure 6-4. Fuel drains are located at the lowest point of the fuel tanks.
Figure 6-5. Fuel Drain.
Re- Fueling

 Red: 80/87 octane

 Green: 100/130
 Blue: 100LL
 Clear: Jet
Aviation Fuel Color- coading system

Fuel grades.
Fuel Grades.

Kinds of Fuel :
Oil System

 What are some functions of oil in a

reciprocating engine?
– Lubricates
– Cleans
– Cools
– Protects
Dry- Sump System
 Oil is contained in a separate tank
 Circulated through the engine by pumps
Wet Sump System
 Oil is carried in a sump
 Integral part of the engine
 Found on most small general aviation
Wet Sump Oil System
Oil Pressure Gauge

 Provides direct indication of the oil system operation

 Below normal pressure may mean that the oil pump is not
putting out enough pressure to circulate oil throughout the
 Above normal may indicate a clogged oil line
 Shut down engine if oil pressure does not begin to rise within
30 seconds for warm starts/60 seconds cold starts
Oil Temperature Gauge
 Measures temperature of the oil as it enters
the engine
 Slow changes
Always check the engine oil level during the preflight inspection.
Engine Cooling Systems

Cowl flaps

Outside air aids in cooling the engine.

Exhaust System
 Vent burned gases
 Provide heat for cabin
 Directs exhaust out below the engine compartment
through a muffler and tailpipe
 As the hot exhaust gases heat the muffler, metal
shrouds around the muffler capture the heat and
duct it to the cabin.
 The Propeller is rotating airfoil,
subject to induced drag, stall
and the other aerodynamic
principles that apply to any
airfoil, and Create thrust.
1. Fixed pitch
Climb Propeller

Cruise Propeller

The Climb propeller has a lower pitch, therefore less drag

The Cruise propeller has a higher pitch, therefore more drag

2. Adjustable pitch/Constant
speed propeller
1. Manifold absolute pressure:
In constant speed propeller the power is
controlled by the throttle and indicated in manifold
absolute pressure gauge. It shows the pressure of
fuel air mixture going in the cylinder

2. RPM indicator:
In constant speed propeller the RPM is controlled by the propeller
control and indicated
in RPM indicator.
Apa itu Propeler Control System? dan
Apa itu Sudut Feather pada Propeller.?

Sebelum membahas feather,coba jawab pertanyaan ini.?

Kalau mesin pesawat turbojet atau turbofan bisa melakukan thrust reverse
dengan membalikkan arah thrust atau gaya dorong pesawat ke arah berlawanan
sehingga pesawat bisa berhenti saat landing atau mendarat. Pertanyaannya
bagaimana dengan pesawat turboprop yang pakai propeller atau baling -baling?
Apakah baling-balingnya tiba-tiba arahnya diputar?

Saat pesawat bermesin turboprop taxi mau keluar landasan pacu,maka tenaga
mesinnya tidak dibesarkan alias di gas pelan-pelan. Tetapi,bagaimana dengan
RPM konstan atau tenaga mesin konstan tetapi kecepatan pesawat bisa diatur
naik atau turun?
Untuk menjawab pertanyaan di atas tadi yaitu
dengan menggunakan propeller control system atau
sistem kontrol propeler atau baling-baling salah
satunya adalah mengubah sudut propeller tadi
menjadi posisi Feather, Unfeather ,atau posisi
BETA/fine pitch/ground pitch. Feather adalah
posisi dimana trailing edge dan leading edge
propeler diposisikan tegak lurus atau hampir
mendekati 90o dengan sumbu longitudinal
pesawat atau bahasa kerennya baling-balingnya
kalau dilihat dari depan seperti posisi kalau rekan-
rekan mengiris bawang merah. (untuk lebih jelasnya
lihat gambar dibawah ini).
Sedangkan unfeather adalah posisi dimana trailing edge dan leading edge propeler
diposisikan sejajar dengan sumbu lateral pesawat atau sudutnya hampir mendekati 0
o istilahnya kalau dilihat dari depan,posisi propelernya seperti posisi baling-baling
kipas angin. Kalau fine pitch atau Beta atau ada yang menyebutnya ground pitch
adalah dimana posisi sudut propeler diposisikan antara 0o sampai 90 o,bisa 11 o , 15
o ,atau 20 o tergantung merk propelernya karena setiap propeler atau mesin
turboprop yang berbeda merk atau pabrikan,sudut feather,unfeather/,atau fine
pitchnya berbeda-beda. Untuk apa sebenarnya insinyur propulsi membuat propeler
yang bisa diubah-ubah sudutnya? Jawabannya sederhana,karena keperluannya
banyak. Bisa untuk membantu pengereman,bisa membantu pesawat untuk
mengurangi drag atau gaya hambat jika mesin mati ,dan sebagainya.

Ketika posisi unfeather, maka drag atau gaya hambatnya terbesar,tetapi thrust
atau gaya dorong pesawat jadi tinggi. Posisi ini dipakai saat pesawat sedang
terbang dalam kecepatan tinggi,tetapi resikonya itu tadi,gaya hambatnya besar
sehingga boros bahan bakar.

Ketika posisi feather,maka drag atau gaya hambatnya paling kecil,tetapi thrust
atau gaya dorongnya tidak ada alias pesawat tidak bisa berjalan. Posisi ini
dipakai ketika pesawat di darat sedang parkir atau ketika di atas udara dan
mesin pesawat mati,maka pilot harus melakukan prosedur gliding atau
melayang-layang sampai mendarat di landasan terdekat. Untuk membantu pilot
dalam mengurangi gaya hambat atau drag saat gliding,maka ketika mesin
mati,pilot akan memposisikan propelernya dalam posisi feather. (ingat kejadian
jatuhnya pesawat Hercules di medan kemarin, ketika diperiksa,ternyata propeler
mesinnya berada dalam propeler kondisi feather).

Ketika posisi fine pitch,posisi inilah yang paling banyak dioperasikan selama
pesawat sedang terbang. Posisi fine pitch berarti posisi ini adalah posisi tengah-
tengah atau aman untuk propeler. Gaya hambatnya tidak besar-besar amat dan
gaya dorongnya tidak kecil-kecil amat. Setiap merk mesin turboprop berbeda
sudut fine pitchnya. Masing-masing punya posisi sendiri-sendiri.
Pertanyaannya, bagaimana cara mengganti sudut propeler padahal mesin
pesawat sedang berputar ?.

Bayangkan saja kipas angin yang sedang berputar,tiba-tiba kalian ganti sudut
baling-balingnya pakai tangan. Sudah pasti kalian butuh betadine untuk
mengobati tangan. Lalu bagaimana propeler atau baling-baling pesawat
sekencang itu dapat diubah sudutnya? Jawabannya adalah dengan tekanan oli
atau fluida. Untuk mengubah sudut propeler tidak dilakukan secara langsung
dengan cara menyentuhkan alat dengan alat,tetapi melalui perantara fluida yang
bisa ditekan.
Alat untuk mengubah sudut propeler disebut governor. Governor pada mesin
turboprop ada dua yaitu governor propeler dan overspeed governor inilah
yang ditekan oleh oli bertekanan dan governor akan bergerak maju mundur.
Jadi,walaupun baling-baling sedang berputar tetap tidak masalah diubah sudutnya
karena perantaranya menggunakan fluida atau oli tadi,bukan alat dengan alat.

Types of induction systems :

1.The carburetor system

2.The fuel injection system

1. Carburetor
1. The carburetor system
Carburetor Icing

Carburetor ice is most likely to occur when temperatures are below

70 degrees Fahrenheit (°F) or 21 degrees Celsius (°C) and the
relative humidity is above 80 percent.
Carburetor Heat
Mixture Control
Mixture Control
End Session

Oscar Kilo

Reference From Pilot Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge FAA-H-8083-25B

(Chapter 7) , ASA & Jeppesen - Private Pilot - Chapter 2A and B– Airframe and
1. Apa itu powerplant dan apa tujuannya.?
2. Sebutkan Type2 engine.?
dan bagian2 atau part dari Reciprocating engine.?
3. Sebutkan Clasifikasih dan pemasangan Engine.?
4. Apa type engine dari Cessna 172.?
5. Bagimana cara kerja Piston Engine 4 tak sebutkan dan
6. Apa yang disebut dengan Detonation dan pre ignation.?
7. Sistem aliran bahan bakar ada berapa macam sebutkan dan
jelaskan cara kerjanya.?
8. Apa Fungsi dari Primer.?
9. Sebutkan fungsi dari oil system.?
10. Apa fungsi dari propeller dan sebutkan Type nya.?

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