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Computer Report by JC
• One of the most helpful features of the
Excel program is the Excel Formula.
• Formulas can be as simple as adding two
numbers or can be as complex as
calculating millions of numbers.
• Excel makes use of formulas and
functions to calculate results om data in
your worksheets.
Creating Formula
1. Start entering a formula in a cell, click in
the cell and then type the formula.
2. Press Enter or Tab key to move to the
next cell when you are done entering the
3. All formulas begin with
• All formulas use the following
mathematical operators:
 Asterisk (*) as Multiplication
 Slash (/) as Division
 Plus (+) as Addition
 Hyphen (-) as Subtraction
4. Formulas containing numbers will produce
a result that will not ever change.
5. However, a formula containing cell
references produces a result that may
change if the data in those cells changes.
6. All formulas use the standard mathematical
order of operations when calculating results. If
a part of a formula is in parenthesis, that part
will always be calculated before the rest of the
7. After expressions in parenthesis, Excel will
calculate your formula using the math operators
in the flowing order: Multiplication, Division,
Addition, and Subtraction.
8. Therefore, Excel will begin to analyze your
formula starting with multiplication and division.
Once these are completed, excel will perform
addition and subtraction.
Inserting a Function
– Each of Excel’s function is a predefined formula, and
most act on a range of cells that you select. Excel
refers to each range of cells in the function as an
1. Select the cell into which you want to insert a
2. From the Insert menu, choose Function.
3. Click on the Function category containing the
function you want. Next, click on the name of the
function you wish to insert, and then click OK.
4. Excel will display a syntax window to help you
construct the function. From this window, first click
on the collapse button (labeled with a red arrow) to
the right of the labeled box. Number1 orValue1
(depending on the function you choose to insert).
5. Drag to select the range of cells to be included as
the function’s first argument. Press Enter.
6. To insert additional arguments into the function
repeat the process using the other Number boxes in
the syntax window. Once you have finished, click OK
in the syntax window to insert the function into your
Commonly Used Excel Functions
Function Description
SUM Calculates the sum of a group of values.
AVERAGE Calculates the mean of a group of values.
COUNT Counts the number of cells in a range that contains numbers.
INT Removes the decimal portion of a number, leaving just the
integer portion.
ROUND Rounds a number to a specified number of decimal places or
digit positions.
IF Tests for a true or false condition and then returns one value
or another.
NOW Returns the system date and time.
TODAY Returns the system date, without the time.
SUMIF Calculates a sum from a group of values, but just of values that
are included because a condition is met.
COUNTIF Counts the number of calls In a range that match a criteria
• Excel lets you know if you have created a formula incorrectly. An
error message can appear in a cell when a formula or function in
Excel cannot be resolved. Familiarize yourselves with their
meaning to help you correct the problem.

Error Meaning
#DIV/0! Trying to divide by 0.
#N/A! A formula or a function inside a formula cannot find the
reference data.
#NAME? Text in the formula is not accepted.
#NULL! A space was used in formulas that reference multiple ranges; a
comma separates range references.
#NUM! A formula has illegal numeric data for the type of operation.
#REF! A reference is not valid.
#VALUE! The wrong type of operand or function argument is used.
End of Report

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