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Presented By:

Sonya, Trixie, Jessica

A new way of living and thinking in
 Rebirth or Revival that is used to
describe a renewed attention to ideas
from classical Greek and Roman Culture
 Cities in Italy that were ruled by States
and were called City-States
 Characteristics:
-Formed when townspeople began to
free themselves from the control of feudal
landlords in the 1100s
 Made up of approximately 800 of the city’s wealthy
Ex. Aristocrafts / Merchants and Bankers
 They used their wealthiness to hire architects to build
In 1430s
The Medici family dominated the ruling class of
 Talented and Ambitious family who controlled
international networks of bank in Europe.

City states competed for land and power.

 To defend city states, They gathered large troops of
mercenaries (Paid Soldiers)
 They didn’t see humans as sinful
 Religion was important to humanists, but
they stressed that life on Earth was also
 They focused on 3 ideas of Greeks and
 -Individual Worth
-Strong commitment to public services
-Development of a variety of skills and
 Renaissance Literature
Francesco Petrarch & Giovanni Boccaccio
 Two of the first Renaissance humanists.
 They examined ancient Greek and Roman manuscripts
 They adapted the clear and graceful style of Roman
and greek writers.
 Literature
 Was one area Renaissance thinkers were excelled in.
 New ideas, New technology for making books and a
growing readership inspired new literature.
 Miguel de Cervantes
 A Spanish poet, playwright and novelist.
 Greatest work= The story of Dan Quixote
 Filippo Brunelleschi
 Built a Roman-Styled dome on top of the
Florence Cathedral.
 Had a good grasp of Math.
 was the first artist known to use the
linear perspective.
 Realism= Evident in sculptures
 Renaissance artists depicted subjects
rather than religious ones.
 They created realistic portraits, Battle
scenes, Country.
 Upper class Italians used their leisure
time to study the ideas of the ancient
Greeks and Romans.
 They were also literate so they can learn
Renaissance easily.
 Increased trade had brought wealthy
Italians into contact with other people
and ideas also money to spend on art.
 Normal workers were more concerned
with making a living than with learning
about Renaissance ideas.

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