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Risa Apriliani 1102013252
Arif Rahman 1102014038
Firdausina Ardian Vega 1102014102
Gadieh Kasih Muharrom Jr 1102014112

Supervised by: dr. Dini Widianti, MKK, DipIDK

Stress is one of the reactions or psychological responses of humans when faced with things
that are considered to have exceeded the limit or are considered difficult to deal with. Every
human being has experience with stress even before humans are born. Work stress can be
caused by several factors such as intrinsic factors, namely the conditions of the work
environment that is not comfortable, work stations that are not ergonomic, shift work, high-risk
work and dangerous overloading, the use of new technology, and so forth. Stunting or short is a
condition of nutritional status based on height index according to age with z-score <-2 standard
deviations compared to standard population. The prevalence of stunting in Indonesia is still
categorized high. National stunting prevalence is 37.2%. The purpose of this study is to
determine whether there is a correlation between the influence on mothers who experience
work stress and the incidence of stunting in Toddlers in Pandeglang Regency. This research
uses a case control research design. The method of sampling in this study used purposive
sampling technique. The sample in this research is all toddlers in the district of Pandeglang
that meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria, namely 11 respondents. Data is processed using
SPSS 23.0 and presented in tabular form.

Work stress can be caused by several factors such as

THE CAUSE OF WORK STRESS intrinsic factors, namely the conditions of the work
environment that is not comfortable, work stations that are
not ergonomic, shift work, high risk work and dangerous
overloading, the use of new technology, and so forth.

Prevalence of Stunting
in Indonesia : still categorized high.
National prevalence of stunting : 37.2%.
This research is purposive sampling with case control
research design.

The number of samples in this study amounted to 11 respondents.

Inclusion criteria :
Stunting toddlers
Non stunting toddlers
Mild work stress mother
Severe work stress mother
Characteristics of Respondents
Frequency Percentage
Characteristics Measuring result

(n) %
male 7 63.6%
female 4 36,4%
Children age children 11 100%
Normal 8 72,7%
Stunting Status
Stunting 3 27,3%
Mild Stress 9 81,8%
Work Stress
Severe Stress 2 18,2%
Total 11 100%
Based on table 1.1, it can be seen that the
respondents in this study were male, as many as 7
people (63.6%), under five years old as many as 11
people (100%), stunting status obtained the most
normal respondents, namely 8 people (27.3 %), and
with stress on mothers get mild stress as many as 9
people (81.8%).
Univariate Analysis
Table 2.1 Stunting Frequency Distribution Table 2.2 Distribution of Work Stress Frequencies

Stunting Frequency Percentage Work Stress Frecuency Percentage

Normal 8 72.7% Mild Stress 9 81,8%

Stunting 3 27,3% Severe Stress 2 18,2%

Total 11 100% Total 11 100%

Bivariate Analysis
Table 3.1 Relationship between Work Stress at Worker's
Mother and Stunting Occurrence in Pandeglang Village

Work Stress on Mother

Variable P value

Mild Stress Severe Stress

Normal 6(75%) 2(25%) In the chi-square test table above it can be

seen that the significance value of p-value is
0,338 0.338 which indicates that p-value> 0.05 is
Stunting 3(100%) 0(0%) 0.338, so it can be concluded that there is no
meaningful relationship between work stress
on mothers with stunting in the district
Total 9 (81,8%) 2(18,2%) Pandeglang.
9 respondents (81.8%) experienced stress and 2
respondents (18.2%) experienced no stress

3 toddlers (27.27%) of mothers who did not

experience stress experienced stunting and 8 baduta
(72 , 73%) did not experience stunting (normal).

The results of the bivariate analysis  showed

that the P value was 0.338, which means P
Value> 0.05
■ This is compatible with research conducted by Anisa (2012) and
Neldawati (2006) that there is no meaningful correlation between
maternal work and the incidence of stunting.

■ But also this result is not compatible with research by nadiyah,dkk

(2014) which discusses the risk factors for stunting and Bayu
Pradana (2013) which correlation work stress in women with
economic uncertainty and workload are have meaningful correlation.

1. For the Community

It is hoped to be able to be additional information about working
mothers stress and its effect on stanting in Pandeglang Regency.

2. For educational institutions

It is expected that educational institutions will further improve the
learning system of students regarding stunting and further enhance
the literature for the sake of perfecting further research.
3. For further researchers
In future studies, it is expected that the authors use better
instruments or questionnaires and more sampling and are carried out
collectively. Looking for correlations between the small amount of
family support for the elderly in Pandeglang District and the economic,
cultural, and family knowledge of the elderly in Pandeglang District
can also be done so that the results obtained will be even better.

In this bivariate researched we conclude there was no correlation

between work stress on mothers and the incidence of stunting in
Pandeglang District.
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