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Prepared by:
Lorraine Joy C. Calisang
Hearing vs. Listening

 Hearing is an accidental and automatic brain response

to sound that requires no effort.
 It is simply the act of perceiving sound by the ear.
Hearing vs. Listening

 Listening is active, focused, concentrated attention for

the purpose of understanding the meanings expressed by
a speaker.
 It is something we consciously choose to do.
Types of Listening
Wolvin and Coakley (1992)
1. Informative Listening
2. Relationship Listening
3. Appreciative Listening
4. Critical Listening
5. Discriminative Listening
Informative Listening

 Informative listening happens when your aims is to

concentrate and understand the message given.
Informative Listening
 Three key variables:
1. Vocabulary
Increasing your vocabulary will increase
your potential for better understanding.
Informative Listening
 Three key variables:
2. Concentration
This requires discipline, motivation
and acceptance of responsibility.
Informative Listening
 Three key variables:
3. Memory
a. It allows you to recall experiences and information necessary
to function in the world around you.
b. It establishes expectations concerning what you will
Informative Listening
 Three key variables:
c. It allows you to understand what others say.
Relationship Listening

 The purpose of relationship listening is either to help

an individual or to improve the relationship between
Relationship Listening

 Therapeutic Listening brings to mind situations where

counselors, medical personnel or other professionals
allows a troubled person to talk through a problem.
Relationship Listening

 Key to effective relationship listening:

1. Attending
 In relationship listening, attending behaviors indicate that the
listener is focusing on the speaker.
 Nonverbal cues are crucial in relationship listening.
Relationship Listening

 Key to effective relationship listening:

2. Supporting
 The best response is silence.
 Three characteristics describe supportive listeners: discretion,
belief and patience
Relationship Listening

 Key to effective relationship listening:

3. Empathizing
 Empathy is feeling and thinking with another person.
 The caring, empathic listener is able to go into the world of
Appreciative Listening

 Appreciative listening includes listening to music for

enjoyment, to speakers because you like their style, to
your choices in theater, television, radio or film.
 It is the response of the listener, not the source of the
Appreciative Listening

 The quality of appreciative listening depends in large part on

three factors:
1. Presentation
2. Perception
3. Previous Experience
Critical Listening

 Critical listening is a type of listening that involves

analysis, critical thinking and judgment.
Critical Listening

 Three things to keep in mind: (Aristotle)

1. ethos – speaker’s credibility
2. logos – logical arguments
3. pathos – psychological appeal
Discriminative Listening

 It may be the most important type, for it is the basic to

the other four.
The listener is able to identify and distinguish inferences
or emotions.
Discriminative Listening

 Three things to consider:

1. Hearing ability
2. Awareness of sound structure
3. Integration of nonverbal cues
Levels of Listening

Level 1: Ignoring
 If you have ever been ignored there is no doubt about it. You
are talking but the other person is not giving any attention to
what you are saying.
Levels of Listening

Level 2: Pretend Listening

 Pretend listeners give you the impression they hear what you
say, and they may hear some of your words, but they are not
Levels of Listening

Level 3: Selective Listening

 The person who listens selectively only wants part of the
message, but not all. They are probably the person who says,
“So, what’s your point?”
Levels of Listening

Level 4: Attentive Listening

 Attentive listeners offer their time and attention. But they are
one step short of being empathic listeners hear from their
frame of reference.
Levels of Listening

Level 5: Empathic Listening

 Empathic listening is intentional. The person who develop
this skill listens not only to the other person’s words, they
listen for what the other person means.
Walk and Stop!
Thank you!

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