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ICT on Interpersonal

Skills and Mental


1 What is the level of interpersonal skills of the grade 11

STEM students?

2 What is the level of their mental health?

What is their level of frequency of using of information

and communication technology (ICT)?

Does the level of frequency on the use of information and co

4 mmunication technology (ICT) have a significant effect on
student’s interpersonal skills and mental health?
Theoretical Framework

Media Dependency Theory by

Melvin Defleur (1976).
Conceptual Framework

Use of Skills
Information and
Mental Health
Hypothesis of the Study
Ho: Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
has no significant effect on Interpersonal Skills and Mental
Health of the grade 11 STEM students of Cor Jesu College.

Scopes and Limitations

This study covered two-hundred twenty (220) grade 11
STEM students who are studying in Cor Jesu
College, Inc. in Digos City, Davao del Sur.
Research Design
Respondents and Setting
A total of two-hundred twenty (220) grade 11
students from the STEM Strand of Cor Jesu
Sampling Procedure
Stratified random sampling

Student Questionnaire on the use of Information
and Communication Technology (ICT) by Waxman,
Data Analysis Connell, and Gray (2002)
For sub-problem numbers one (1), Interpersonal Skills Inventory by Learning Dynamics
two (2) and three (3), mean scores (2002)
were used. The Student Health Survey by Kunttu and Pesonen,
For sub-problem number four (4), (2013).
multiple regression analysis was

Interpersonal Skills Mental Health Use of Information and

A mean score of 3.33 A mean score of 3.25 which
which shows that the implies that these Technology
students have An average of 3.33 which
students have neither
neither high nor low denotes the STEM
high nor low
level of mental health. students of Cor Jesu
interpersonal skills.
College use ICT normally.
Use of Information and Use of Information and
Communication Communication
Technology on Technology on
Interpersonal Skills Mental Health
Results revealed an F-value of 91.063 Results revealed an F-value of 28.322
and p-value of .000 which means that and p-value of .000 which means that t
the data fit the model. Model summary he data fit the model. Model summary
data showed an Adjusted R-square of data showed an Adjusted R-square of
0.291 which suggests that 29.1% is 0.111 which suggests that 11.1% is exp
explained by the model. lained by the model

1 2 3 4

Students should Students are Have additional Conduct similar

continue to not encouraged to their studies to determine studies with different
excessively use limit their use of ICT if using ICT really respondents
technology has an influence to
mental health and
interpersonal skills
of the students.
Thank you
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