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Background of the Study

There are different types of students in a campus. There are guys from
the basketball team, girls joining the cheerleading squad, others being
in a chess club or theatre club. Different people join these groups
because of similarities they found with each other. Some students hang
out with people with the same talents they have or they have the same
hobbies and interests like playing basketball, writing songs, acting or
cheering. Friendship like these normally starts in high school because
students usually found themselves at this time. High school is the time
where kids turns into a teen and began asking different questions
about themselves; about their own interests and hobbies. While in
college, most students already know what they want to be and what
they are going to pursue in the future. In high school, friendship is
made and different groups are built. While in college, these groups
started growing as students began to have groups like fraternities, a
group of friends for guys, and sororities for girls. These types of things
are really common nowadays that the students started wondering of
which group they should be in.
 Students in our generation are afraid to be an outcast that's why
they are pressured to join these groups. Some groups are flexible to
welcome people to join them, some are restricted still. Groups with
these strict rules show other students that it's not easy to be part of
their crowd. That's why some students look up at them and these
types of crowd are sometimes the main reason why we have this
thing called 'cliques'.
 It is now the millennial era; the early 21st century. Millennial kids
are not easy to deal with. They are confused and sensitive.
According to research, "Millennials grew up in an electronics-filled
and increasingly online and socially-networked world."
generation) People especially teenagers or students these days
spent half of their lives in front of their gadgets and different
technologies. That's why these can affect the perspectives of a
student. Cliques usually depend on the latest trend on social media.
This generation began to stereotype different kind of cliques. Like
girls should have long wavy hair because it's beautiful, girls should
wear high heels, girls should know how to on their makeup.
 In the other hand, guys should go to the gym, they should
have their own sport and should know the new trend for their
haircuts. Cliques have these kinds of rules that pressure a lot
of students. We could say that these cliques worsen our
generation about the originality of each individual because of
having to follow the trend. Millennials are really sensitive
that's why most of them chose to be in a group than to be an
outcast and be themselves.
 Our research will be about the millennial kids and the factors
affecting them as they joined different types of cliques. What
are the effects on students when they join these different
types of crowds? This research will help us know the
probability of effects of each grade nine students in our
Significance of the Study
 The significance of the study will bridge the point of the
researchers in doing this study to those who will benefit from
it. It will be a big help in knowing what it is there to know. It
will serve as a big part of making this study across the minds of
teachers and students. This study will enable the rise of
opinions regarding the issue given. Through this, the factors
concerning Grade 9 students regarding social standings of
groups will be given much importance as it goes. The study will
serve as the link to the dichotomy of teachers and students.
Answers would be achieved with the help of this and may also
be the source of connectivity to them, in hopes of
understanding the fuss about having social standings.
 To teachers:
This study will help the teachers determine what kind of
handling they must do in order to gain respect from
students under the influence of some groups and how
would they manage to help them. Opening up this research
will enable teachers to know the importance of having the
groups of the students being well-known to the whole
school population affect them as an individual and their
self- esteem. This will also make them understand the
reasons of the teenagers to as why they act like how they
act currently.
 To students:
This study will help the teenagers in voicing out their own
opinions to as why they find the different social standings of
groups appealing. This will enable them to defend themselves
from the accusation of being stereotyped as attention-seekers
and troublemakers as some teachers say. This will help them
understand themselves more and what they really want and
need in order to finish high school. In this they will be given the
needed attention and level of teaching as they participate in this
research. This study will unlock personal insights and thoughts of
teenagers involved. Moreover, reasons behind groups will
establish ones self- esteem and enlighten others in making
decisions. This is to show, what and how the bond of teenagers
form with the help of these groups.

Research Collection of
about the Survey Audience surveys and
topic research
Statement of the Problem
This study aim to tackle factors affecting students in joining
school cliques specifically this study sought to answer the
following questions:
 What are the factors that affect students in joining
different school cliques?
 What are the causes behind these factors?
 How are these factors affecting the decision of the
students in joining different school cliques?
Definition of Terms
Terms are provided for the further understanding of the
audience about the research.
 Clique- a group of people who have the same interests and
outlook in life.
 Factor- things that affects someone or something or things
that causes a result.
 Fraternity- an organization made up of people who have
common interests and goals and is mostly composed of men
 Millennials- term used to refer today’s generation.
 Sorority- an organization for women formed for social
 Stereotype- a generalize idea to a certain group of person or
Scope and Delimitation
 The majority of kids fall into this group. They are not "leaders"
but they are considered popular. Accepted kids are generally
smart and outgoing and not likely to be overly aggressive of
disruptive in school. Unlike regular groups of friends, where
members are free to socialize with others outside the group,
people in cliques do everything together. They sit together in
class, go to the mall together after school and they only do
stuff with other clique members or people they decide are
"cool" But they have limitations they do not allow hurting
someone. Even though they are cool kids and popular in their
school most of them are not good in their study.
Chapter II
Review of Related Literature
 In an article published last 2007 entitled “Friendships, Peer
Influence and Peer Pressure during the Teen years,” written by
Maria R.T. de Guzman, adolescence is a time where peers play
an increasingly important role in the lives of youth. Teens
begin to develop friendships that are more intimate, exclusive,
and more constant than in earlier years. In many ways, these
friendships are an essential component on development. They
provide safe venues where youth can explore their identities,
where they can feel accepted and where they can develop a
sense of belongingness. Peer influence is not a simple process
where youth are passive recipients of influence from others. In
fact, peers who become friends tend to already have a lot of
things in common. Peers with similar interests, similar
academic standing, and enjoy doing the same things tend to
gravitate towards each other.
Chapter III
 This chapter gives an outline of the methods that were
followed throughout the study. It provides information of
the students, the criteria for inclusion in the study, and
how the students are sampled. The researchers describe
the research design that was chosen for the purpose of
this study and the reasons for this choice. The instrument
that was used for data collection is also described and the
procedures that were followed to carry out this study are
included. The ethical issues that were followed in the
process are also discussed in this chapter.
Population and Samples of the
 The target population for this research are the Grade 9
students currently studying in St. Mary’s Academy of Sta.
Ana. Out of 124 Grade 9 students, the researchers
selected 30 students, 10 students per section, which is
24% of the whole population of the Grade 9 students.
Instrument of the Study
 The study utilizes a survey questionnaire as a research
instrument. The survey questionnaire is composed of 8
questions that the researchers made to be able to come
up with an effective research. The questionnaire provided
has different choices that the respondents can answer
based on their own opinions and experiences.
Data Gathering Procedure
 The researchers sent a letter to the parents of the Grade
9 students to ask for their permission to allow their sons
or daughters to participate in the research that will be
conducted. After the reply slip was given back to the
researchers, the researchers then randomly chose 30
students, 10 students each section, whose parents allow
them to partake in the said research to serve as the
respondents. The researchers distributed the
questionnaires to the selected research participants the
next day and it was also collected on that same day. The
researchers then analyzed all of the gathered data from
the survey conducted.

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