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"Parts of speech" are the basic types of words

that English has. There are eight parts of speech:

nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns,
conjunctions, prepositions and interjections. We
will add one more type: articles.
It is important to be able to recognize and
identify the different types of words in English, so
that you can understand grammar explanations
and use the right word form in the right place.
Here is a brief explanation of what the parts of
speech are:
A noun is a naming word. It names a person,
place, thing, idea, living creature, quality, or
action. Examples: cowboy, theatre, box, singer,
tree, kindness, arrival.
Nouns are divided into:
1. common nouns: are words for people, animals,
places, or things.
2. proper nouns: are words for names or labels.
Nouns can be singular or plural
When you are talking about one person, animal, place,
or thing, use a singular noun.

an airplane a letter a bicycle

a refrigerator a key
a boy a bus a girl
a photograph a van
a comb a slide a ship
a map
Plural Nouns
When you are talking about two or more people, animals, places,
or things, use plural nouns. Most nouns are made plural by
adding -s at the end.
Singular Plural Singular Plural
bird birds broom brooms
camel camels desk desks
doll dolls egg eggs
flower flowers fork forks
game games lamb lambs
nest nests photo photos
pen pens shirt shirts
spoon spoons
Some plural nouns end in -es.
Singular Plural Singular Plural
beach beaches dish dishes
branch branches dress dresses
box boxes sandwich sandwiches
bush bushes witch witches
church churches
When the last letters of singular nouns are ch, sh, s, ss, x,
you should add –es to form the plural.
Some plural nouns end in –ies
Baby babies
Cherry cherries
Fairy fairies
Fly flies
Lady ladies
Story stories
Some plural nouns don’t follow the –s rule. They don’t end in -s, -es, -ies,
-ves. Instead the word changes form.
Child children mouse mice
Man men woman women
Tooth teeth goose geese
Some nouns are always plural.
pants scissors pajamas sneakers
shorts slippers trousers stockings
sandals spectacles binoculars goggles
jeans pliers
You can make these plural nouns singular by using a pair of:
a pair of binoculars
a pair of spectacles
a pair of goggles
a pair of jeans
a pair of shorts
a pair of pliers
a pair of shoes
1. There’s a little bird in the garden.
2. Who is your teacher?
3. Don’t eat that rotten apple.
4. Maudy has a lovely doll.
5. I like reading stories.
6. My father is a doctor.
7. Every child has a dictionary.
8. Suzan likes oranges.
9. The phone is ringing.
10. Here’s a book for you.
1. There’s a little bird in the garden.
2. Who is your teacher?
3. Don’t eat that rotten apple.
4. Maudy has a lovely doll.
5. I like reading stories.
6. My father is a doctor.
7. Every child has a dictionary.
8. Suzan likes oranges.
9. The phone is ringing.
10. Here’s a book for you.
A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a
common noun or a proper noun. There are
different kinds of pronouns. The words I, you,
he, she, it, we and they are called personal
pronouns. They take the place of nouns and are
used as the subject of the verb in a sentence.
The subject of a sentence is the person,
animal, place or thing that does the action
shown by the verb.
My name is Durmo. I am the youngest in the family.
This is my father. He is a teacher.
This is my mother. She is a lawyer.
I have a brother and two sisters.
They are Petruk, Gareng and Bagong.
I have a dog. It is called Lucky.
Lucky, you are a good dog.
Good morning, children! You may sit down now.
My family and I live in a big city. We have an
An adjective is a describing word. It tells you more about a noun.
An adjective usually appears before the noun it describes.
Sometimes, though, the adjective appears after the noun, later in
the sentence.

Examples: big, yellow, thin, amazing, beautiful, quick, important.

a low fence a smart dog an old building
a dark corner a deep sea a large bed
a busy street
It is windy.
The road is narrow.
Bruno’s drawing is beautiful.
All the books are very thick.
The baby’s hands are very small.
That problem is too difficult.
1. There is an empty room upstairs.
2. It is a hot summer.
3. You are so kind.
4. Don’t be crazy.
5. This park is clean and green.
6. Many people exercise to keep healthy.
7. I think these eggs are rotten.
8. We are all bored. There isn’t anything to do.
9. The pupils don’t find the joke amusing.
10. James was absent because he was ill.
1. There is an empty room upstairs.
2. It is a hot summer.
3. You are so kind.
4. Don’t be crazy.
5. This park is clean and green.
6. Many people exercise to keep healthy.
7. I think these eggs are rotten.
8. We are all bored. There isn’t anything to do.
9. The pupils don’t find the joke amusing.
10. James was absent because he was ill.
An adverb is a word which usually describes a
verb. It tells you how something is done. It
may also tell you when or where something
 Examples: slowly, intelligently, well, yesterday,
tomorrow, here, everywhere.
A conjunction joins two words, phrases or
sentences together. Examples: but, so, and,
because, or.
A preposition usually comes before a noun,
pronoun or noun phrase. It joins the noun to
some other part of the sentence. Examples:
on, in, by, with, under, through, at.
An interjection is an unusual kind of word,
because it often stands alone. Interjections
are words which express emotion or surprise,
and they are usually followed by exclamation
marks. Examples: Ouch! Hello! Hurray! Oh no!
An article is used to introduce a noun.
Examples: the, a, an.
 It is used with singular noun (kata benda
tunggal) which is countable
 In certain numerical expression (e.g a couple, a
dozen, half a dozen, an eight, a score, a hundred,
a lot of, a great many, a great deal of)
 It is used to talk about single person or thing
 An is used before words beginning with vowel
(a,i,u,e,o) or words beginning with a mute h
 A is used before words beginning with
consonants or a vowel sounded like a consonant
 It is not used before uncountable nouns
 It is not used before abstract nouns
A book an apple an owl
A cat an inn a computer an egg
[?] a uniform
[?] an honourable man
[?] a university
[?] an hour
 It is used to describe about certain (pasti) people or
thing / has been mentioned for the second time.
 It is the same for singular and plural
 It is used before nouns of which there is only one, or
which are considered as one (e. g. the earth, the sea,
the sky, the weather, the North Pole
 It is used before a noun which by reason of locality can
represent (menunjukkan) only one particular thing
(e.g. Ann is in the garden the garden of this house;
Please pass the bottle the bottle on the table)
A verb is a word which describes an action
(doing something) or a state (being
Examples: walk, talk, think, believe, live, like,


(a) Birds fly.

noun verb

A SUBJECT is a noun.

(b) Fish swim.

noun verb


(a) Birds fly .

noun verb

A sentence has

(b) Fish swim.

noun verb


(c) Birds have beaks.

noun verb noun

The OBJECT of a verb

is a noun.
(d) Fish have gills.
noun verb noun
The simple present says that something was true in the past, is
true in the present, and will be true in the future. It is used for
general statements of fact.
Pattern :
S + verb(s) + Object
S + to be + Object
*they, we, I, you use a simple form
*He, she, it, proper name, the book use the –s form
*have: they, we, I, you
*has: he, she, it
Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.
Most animals kill only for food.
The world is round.

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